What is his name? Doran Charles Rice,Jr.
How long have you been married? Almost 28 years!
How long did you date? We dated three times, then went our separate ways. After I finally came to my senses, I broke off an engagement on January 9, called Doran on January 10, we went out on January 15, became engaged on January 21, and married on April 24: a whirlwind romance!!
How old is he? 50
How old are you? 47
Who eats more sweets? We don't eat too many sweets. He thinks Banana Laffy Taffy candies are fruit!
Who said "I love you first"? Dee did, and I did right back.
Who is taller? Dee
Who can sing better? Well, it depends on who you ask. I love to hear him sing...he sings with such heart! I am a better alto than he is, though.
Who is smarter? Most surely, Dee!!!
Who does the laundry? We both do...he dirties it, and I clean it and put it away!!
Who does the dishes? I do, but he always helps clear the table. I love to do the dishes...gets any aggressions out!.
Who pays the bills? We both do. He works three jobs to earn the money, and I make sure all the bills are paid on time, so he doesn't need to worry about it.
His guilty pleasures? He loves to hunt, fish, and go out on his boat. He also loves to work with his hands: he creates beautiful things out of stone, wood, metal, etc. He is quite the craftsman!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who mows the lawn? Our wonderful son, Nathan.
Besides you, who is his best friend? He has lots of long time friends: Gregg, Cliff, Billy O
Who cooks dinner? I do, but Dee is a fantastic cook! I love his Chinese. He now has mastered sushi (though I am not a fan of sushi)
Who drives? Dee
Who is more stubborn? I guess I am.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me, and I happily kissed him back!
Who asked who out first? He asked me, thanks to many hints.
What was your first date? We went to see "Superman, The Movie".
Who proposed? Dee did. After an evening of me hoping, wondering, and finally feeling silly for thinking, he got down on one knee and said, "Suzzy Kew, will you marry me?"
Who has more siblings? Dee. He has four older sisters, and one younger sister.
Who wears the pants? He does, and I am so glad.
What is your favorite thing about him? Wow! There are so very many things! The most wonderful thing is that I can completely trust him. I never ever have to take a second thought that he is trying his hardest to do everything the Lord wants him to. He would never do anything to purposely hurt me. He also is very determined. He lets nothing stop him! He sees something and works hard to get it, whether it is a college education, a rock fireplace, or granite countertops. He can make anything, if you just give him the chance. He loves his family with all his heart. He would do absolutely do anything for his children and their happiness. He is just the best, and I love him with all of my heart!
Tag: Everyone who wants to brag about their husbands (or wives)!!!