A new year...a new start. What is it about New Years' Day? I used to absolutely despise New Years' Day for all our Christmas decorations came down and were put away. I guess Mom and Dad took that fresh start thing very literally. (To be totally upfront, I am writing this on January 11th and my house is disgustingly full of Christmas decor because the "hut" they are constructing for me to hold all of my decorations is now but a poured cement floor. The Young Women from church are coming by to learn how to make pizza tonight. Tomorrow, boxes come out, and, though my house will be stuffed full of errant boxes, I will no longer have to relocate 25 rubber penguins, a snowman cookie jar, two snowmen plates, and a penguin candy dish just to get to my Bosch to make bread and pizza dough! ugh...do you sense my growing frustration)
Anyway, as of January 1, we assess our family and personal goals we set for last year, and then set new ones. It is more challenging this year, since Nate is getting ready for his full time church mission, with a whole new set of goals for him. We don't want to omit him from our goals, nor do we want to waste his sheer muscle power while he is yet with us (Ethan is very busy, both with work at work, and his own home; Doran lives much further away now; Morgan is in between jobs and may move with the racing circuit since he loves working with horses and the heat makes them run away from Phoenix in a month or two.)
First, we assessed last year. We were awful on Family Home Evening (hard when Kayty is at college and goes to her singles Family Home Evening, Nate out with sports during school, and other much more cute options than us - though while with Jessica he IS with her family...Plus, Dee was president this year, which makes many Family Home Evenings outdoor projects...jkjk ;) This year, I am in charge. He and I will plan to do Family Home Evening alone, and if someone else happens to breeze in, so be it. We were pretty good on Family Prayer: almost every morning and evening. Family Scripture Study was harder as well, with the Family Home Evening problem, so we decided to read fewer verses, and try to catch whomever whenever. We changed our monthly movie/game night to a monthly birthday celebration, which has proved great and we will continue this year. Our four campout goal became one brief overnighter, but we are determined to go camping in Vegas with all of us. Wilkins will let us know when Mike knows his schedule. We failed to complete the outdoor kitchen (stucco, tile, plumbing, and painting) AGAIN...year three, I think...so for next year, its NOT a goal. We DID complete "Grammy's Grandbaby Gazebo" and with many exclamation points...We planned just a grape arbor with a dirt floor. I have a grape arbor, 4 living vines with 5 more to plant, a river rock floor that will be completed this week-too bad for my sickness, cuz I'm the master rock picker - a table and five seats with granite tops on all...Waaaaaay cool! Dee and Nate hunted deer, unsuccessfully, and they will try for Javelina before Nate leaves, plus there will also be the annual Dove Opening Day on Grampa Rice's Sept 1 birthday. We did repair the front roof, thanks to that October Hail Storm and homeowners insurance, but we also replace and repainted the trip and had the back roof skylights removed and roofed over...awesome. We had Nate's grad party too, with a root beer keg...and now we have our very own for Dee to make all the root beer he wants.
This year, we also want to improve our gardening areas, and Dee, with Nate's very constant encouragement, bought a used cement mixer (we always borrowed one from Doran's workplace when we had a big job (pizza oven, raceway sandbox, and hut floor) and as of last night, we named it "NATE 2" and it mixed the heirloom tomato garden borders. Number one goal is getting Nate ready for his mission and on that plane to Utah on February 22nd. He bought his shoes the other night...380 dollars worth, but they should last. Slacks and long underwear come in the mail in the next day or two. He gets preparation day and workout clothing for his birthday, plus shoes...Wisdom teeth come out Feb. 6th, he goes to the temple for the first time on Feb 11th and he speaks in church on Feb 12th, with a good-bye open house for family and friends that night...pizza and root beer keg!
I am boring, but just letting you know why the blog quote changes yearly...It's what we focus on for the year. New start. Maybe its good. And, once these ding dong decorations are down and my house is dusted, I will be ready too.