I had a great birthday! From dawn...to days later!
I woke up to
Yes...wonderful, hand made birthday cards from these two sweethearts! Grace shared each and every word with me, including "You are 53. So old!" It's all good, though! I will move in with her when I am 93 and REALLY SO OLD!
Then, my sweetheart shared this:
And this is all good, because, really, I don't want him to buy me anything. My needs involve his hard labor...and he is finishing my outdoor kitchen...Best. Gift. Ever.
From Ethan, Cameo, and Kaylee...
A beautiful card, my favorite food ever...See's Nuts and Chews...and an accessory to go with my newest
Christmas Cooler Weather Village...
BTW...here it is at home on my shelf. Since some things come on Christmas, and
mean piano landlord Kayty doesn't let me keep the village up all year, I keep the new things out on my shelf...to enjoy all year...
The piece on the left...well, I purchased it through Ebay, and I payed a LOT less because it had no box...so it gets year around status every year. |
Aside from welcoming all of us for a total invasion, the Wilkins...
...made their Annual Fourth of July Homemade Ice Cream......both vanilla and mint chocolate chip that was to DIE for...individually taste tested by a Super Hero Ice Cream Conisseur..
... helped me ward off Alzheimers' Disease putting together Thomas the Train Puzzles. It was fortunate that I did NOT have to remember each train's name. I mean it, there are more names to trains that employees for the City of Phoenix! I do remember Cranky (Heck, I live with someone who is a bit on the cranky side)
...taught me the fine art of fort building...
... kept my agility level high by having me climb inside...and then honed my espionage skills as we spied on Mommy while she folded the laundry, and then attacked her with "fire" (sponges)...
...gave me a truly magnificent fireworks show...and I am very hard to please (Not a fan of fireworks!...Hey, I live in Phoenix...you go out in 120 degree darkness, stand on molten pavement, and stare in the sky with a breeze hotter than a blow dryer in your face...not my idea of entertainment. We need to talk Thanksgiving Fireworks!)
...and then presented me with a most lovely birthday celebration, complete with Apple Pie from Cameo, and that doggone great ice cream...
and they even assisted in candle extinguishing when I could not manage to blow out FIVE STINKING CANDLES!
Upon my arrival in Phoenix two days later, I was greeted with...
A Party Decorated room, thanks to my Party-In-A-Person Kayty...
Notice the box on the bed...the most adorable ornament for my Christmas tree: a nativity in a gourd |
Kaylee was truly in shock!!!
As I checked through the mail that had accumulated, I noticed a box...
From Doran, Amber, and Kelsie...
These things are absolutely AMAZING! The ladel perfectly fills a pint canning jar...and the pour spout is on the end, not the side. The green "things" are holders for plastic freezer bags. Do you know how easy this makes my job??? I try to use cups and have made such a mess. These I used the next night...and they were even more awesome than I had imagined!
My sweet visiting teacher from church, Jeanine, brought by...
All the makings for more than one yummy dessert...pound cake, brownies, sliced strawberries, blueberries...and whipped cream...
and then the next Sunday, in nursery (I lead music for the nursery kids Jeanine teaches)...
I received an official Nursery Birthday Candy Bar!
A bit later, when I was talking back and forth on Facebook with Morgan...
Morgan Rice
Happy birthday btw
And Kayty "reminded" Elder Rice ...
mom im sorry i forgot your birthday. i forgot about the 4th of july as weell f that makes it anybetter.
Mom and Dorrie came through with money...already bought a new red rug for the playroom!
All in all...it was great! Thank you so much to everyone...