Monday - One purifying day, since I spent it sweating…a lot. I woke early, ran 3 miles, raked needles and bean pods, and used my new wheelbarrow for my needles.
Our compost should be full of nitrogen next season! I woke up Dee and started my house work: bathroom, vacuuming…which worked up quite a sweat! I did work all day getting a visiting teaching appointment with one of my sisters…the next day at 4 pm and my companion could go as well! Score! Dinner was Hot and Sour Soup and some fried Korean things that Nate left in the freezer.
After dinner, I sweated some more as I raked and bagged mesquite beans, and then worked on getting the outside stuff off the downed palm tree so Dee will be able to saw it apart. I learned how to from Youtube, but it's harder than it looks, especially when the tree is down. After 3 wheelbarrows full, I went inside to cool off, drink water, sweat some more, and watch Master Chef and 24…not sure if that was a good ending or not, since I didn't catch on to the series until a few weeks ago. Clean up, bathe, and bedtime followed.
Tuesday - Dee didn't sleep well last night, so thus I didn't sleep well. I finally got up at 3:15 and headed out the door on my run at 4 am. It's nice to run in those early hours right before dawn. After coming in the house, changing shoes, I headed out to brush the pool and get some mesquite beans raked and bagged up. Early wake up calls for both Dad and Kayty, since they had to be on the road early. I dusted and vacuumed, and headed to Michael's. I wanted paint for my ornaments, which they did not have. What they did have, however, was golds and browns, and purples and greens and pumpkins. Yes, Fall had arrived at Michael's and I was happy as a clam!
I ended up getting only four paints, plus some stocking gifts, both there and at Target next door. I headed home, started Grammy Bags for Kayty to take to the kids, but didn't get into much, since I had a visiting teaching appointment that afternoon. I got a call postponing the appointment, and so we worked in the yard - Dee fixed the drip system leaks and I pruned and raked and bagged mesquite beans. Dee talked with Grace and Allison for an update in the evening, while I recovered on the couch. After declaring that I smelled like a wet yak, we headed out to the pool, and then laundered Kayty's stuff from her last Vegas trip so I could re pack it after it dried. Sharynn called late, asking about Nate and Jess and the flooding rain in Pocatello, but since we hadn't heard, and I don't hover, we knew nothing. I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I crashed.
Wednesday - I kept hitting the snooze on my cell phone alarm, so I decided to exercise and do some yard work. I got my exercised half done, finished loading Kayty's suitcase from the dryer, raked some beans in the back yard and woke Dee and Kayty up. The morning was filled with cleaning and vacuuming, and reading Allison's blog. I headed out to my visiting teaching appointment late, but my companion and I had a good visit, and I headed to Fry's to get some groceries. While there, I got a treasured Joshy call, and ended up getting to talk to Adam and to Allison. It is hard as a mom to not want to just run and make things better, but I know that the Lord knows what's the right thing for these families my children are each part of, individually, and I must stand back and wait till directed. I do know that each child of mine is truly in the Lord's tender loving care. I pray with all my heart every morning and night, for my kids, for their jobs, for their health, for strength and protection for my school attending grandkids, for growth experiences. I truly know the Lord is watching over them, and loves each one of them even more than I do.
We were blessed with wedding pictures from Jessica, texts that they didn't have any storming, a call from Morgan, and a visit from the missionaries serving in our ward, showing more of Family Search to us. We watched Duck Dynasty and ended our day.
Thursday - I ran and was totally surprised to run by the temple and see lights on. It wasn't the upper temple lights, but it looked absolutely gorgeous, and the fountains were operating!

After running, I brushed the pool, watered the sunflower seeds (sunflowers are now just ugly sagging things full of seeds. At city of Phoenix rates, the seeds I get will end up costing over $100, though they would cost about $5 at the Dollar Tree). I raked more mesquite beans and swept up the lower courtyard. It should look good...for a few hours. Morning was filled with dusting, vacuuming and cleaning, interrupted with watching and listening to reports of a Malaysian Passenger Plane with 295 people on board shot down by Russian loyalists in Ukraine. So sad. Christmas in July has been a little inactive this week, though I did want to start ornaments. My remaining paint has been shipped, so maybe my next week off will start that. I did get much of Jessica's stocking embroidered. Now, I start the heel and toe crosshatch stitching. Dinner was salad and venison and we worked in the yard, a lot on trying to get anything done with that doggone palm tree. I was DEAD in the evening and could barely see when I finally went to bed.
Friday - I had to get people up for work today, so I decided to hike. What a surprise to find the upper temple lights on! I guess they are working the neighbors into the idea that the temple is almost complete.
I had a great hike...less humid and more cool (the temp gauge in my car said 77 degrees when I pulled into the driveway. I started up Dee's computer, ran outside to water the sunflower seeds and let the chickens out, and noticed that, yes...the lower courtyard was full of mesquite beans! ugh! I raked and swept a bit, ran indoors to make Dee's breakfast and get to work. Dee got out the door, Kayty woke up, finished getting ready and left, and I cleaned and vacuumed some more. We have had a Check Engine light on for quite awhile, and it is now emissions testing time, so we have to discover what is wrong. Vacuum problems.
Dee is concocting a device to make smoke to locate leaks in the vacuum system.
I am laughing...or rather snickering...a lot.
Saturday - We had to leave early, so I just jogged to the temple, hoping lights would be on. They weren't but it was still great. The weather was cloudy and I could see rain off in the distance.
Nothing for us, as usual.
I brushed the pool, watered the sunflowers, and let the chickens out, got ready and Dee up...and we headed out to the Gilbert Temple to attend a sealing. We had been invited by a young lady and her husband who used to attend Dee's dances. That temple is HUGE inside. The waiting room for the sealing attendance is huge. The sealing room itself was huge. It was nice to just sit and take it all in for awhile, rather than rushing through like during the open house.
We traveled home, I cleaned, dusted, and vacuumed....and turned on Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Music. So inspiring!!!! I worked on Jessica's Christmas stocking and made a lot of progress!
Dee worked on his contraption (I snickered some more.) We shopped for groceries, and after dinner, we put the contraption to work.
Now, in his defense, the contraption DID work. After a small explosion, a new stove since the old burner was harmed in said explosion, we did get smoke into the system and find a leak...where it's most expensive to have a leak and we have to have someone else repair. So, instead of buying the cheap 30 dollar fix, we spent fourteen bucks to learn we need to spend over three hundred. Sixteen dollar savings. Oh, well, I am really glad these things happen now that it's not financially devastating to us...just a bit of an adjustment.
We enjoyed pics from Kayty in Vegas. Wishing we were there, but happy they are having fun.
Sunday - I tried to sleep nearer the fan...and slept little, though we woke up late, but made it to church. Sacrament Meeting was awesome as always and nursery was short and sweet. We lunched, I got more pics of my Arizona grandson and combined it with one of my Vegas grandsons...
sat around, Dee scanned pics to upload to Family Search, ate fish and salad for dinner.
We did find out Morgan and friends had a falling out, and his friend Latricia hasn't seen him for three days.
Kind of concerned...
Here is the summary of my week...
Pruned and raked... |
but still more beans! |
I pruned this one...the one I thought had so few mesquite beans. I learned that big tree means many beans, but they are just spread out, kind of like when I used to spread the canned peas out on my dinner plate so they didn't look like as many to eat. |

My growing pile: 5 wheelbarrows full of palm tree stuff, four feed bags full of mesquite beans plus two hampers full, many mesquite branches as well as some mulberry and orange tree trimmings... |
Pathway I pruned to above pile through stickery desert trees. |
Pouty sunflowers. I am still not sure they are worth ALL the water they get... |
Nathan cut down the palm tree and Dee got it into more pieces which are way too heavy to get out to the pile. Ethan's gonna help when he gets Kaylee one night next week. |
My efforts at palm tree shaving...this is the good side... |
This is the not so good side... |
More mesquite beans in the lower courtyard. I promise this was empty, or nearly so, a few days ago. |
And the tree is full of more...ugh! |
brushed pool...beautiful! |
And Jessica's stocking...