I started my day at the temple in an early morning session on Wednesday. I also did my visiting teaching this week...letters and messages by mail this month. I watched the General Women's Broadcast of General Conference Saturday evening...alone...on my couch. I loved the music and the talks.
I have indexed 4075 records so far this year.
I completed the Book of Mormon on Saturday and began again. I am currently in 1 Nephi 3.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family on Easter

I miss you all so much! Thank you for such a wonderful and happy treasure for me to look at!
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo had a busy work week and Kaylee had a great week with Grampy Wally and Grandma. I received a pic of Kaylee with some cute bunny feet she had made with Grandma Liza. She had a fun Easter Egg Hunt at their house on Friday, with cute bunny footprints to follow and eggs to gather in a basket, and then a Lamby gift at the end. They stopped by for a visit on Friday evening.Dad and Ethan worked on a repair for the new trailer on Saturday and we had lunch together at New Asia Kitchen. Cameo stayed home and worked her tail off creating these for Easter.

They colored eggs later Saturday...

And the Easter Bunny left some pretty nice treats for her...

The Doran Rice Family
Happy 32nd Birthday, Doran, on Monday. We talked with him on the phone on Wednesday night. They are busy preparing for Amber's sister, Tamara, to arrive. She will have Kooper's room, so Doran tore up carpet and started tiling the area that will be Kooper's room. He has designed some awesome barn doors for the area, and will work on that in the future. Kelsie had a school program on Thursday evening that we were privileged to attend.
It was a lovely program full of patriotic songs the kids all knew! It began with the Pledge of Alliegiance and the National Anthem sung by the children and then went to many patriotic songs, the anthems of all our military branches and even two pieces the children all played on the recorder. Kooper was a little bored when they started awarding teachers, so he and I went outside and he had a blast on the slides on the playground.
I started my day at the temple in an early morning session on Wednesday. I also did my visiting teaching this week...letters and messages by mail this month. I watched the General Women's Broadcast of General Conference Saturday evening...alone...on my couch. I loved the music and the talks.
I have indexed 4075 records so far this year.
I completed the Book of Mormon on Saturday and began again. I am currently in 1 Nephi 3.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family on Easter

I miss you all so much! Thank you for such a wonderful and happy treasure for me to look at!
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo had a busy work week and Kaylee had a great week with Grampy Wally and Grandma. I received a pic of Kaylee with some cute bunny feet she had made with Grandma Liza. She had a fun Easter Egg Hunt at their house on Friday, with cute bunny footprints to follow and eggs to gather in a basket, and then a Lamby gift at the end. They stopped by for a visit on Friday evening.Dad and Ethan worked on a repair for the new trailer on Saturday and we had lunch together at New Asia Kitchen. Cameo stayed home and worked her tail off creating these for Easter.

They colored eggs later Saturday...

And the Easter Bunny left some pretty nice treats for her...

The Doran Rice Family
Happy 32nd Birthday, Doran, on Monday. We talked with him on the phone on Wednesday night. They are busy preparing for Amber's sister, Tamara, to arrive. She will have Kooper's room, so Doran tore up carpet and started tiling the area that will be Kooper's room. He has designed some awesome barn doors for the area, and will work on that in the future. Kelsie had a school program on Thursday evening that we were privileged to attend.
It was a lovely program full of patriotic songs the kids all knew! It began with the Pledge of Alliegiance and the National Anthem sung by the children and then went to many patriotic songs, the anthems of all our military branches and even two pieces the children all played on the recorder. Kooper was a little bored when they started awarding teachers, so he and I went outside and he had a blast on the slides on the playground.
We gave Doran his birthday gift after the concert
Yep...his old box from scout camp was out Grub Box. Dad and I cleaned it out and put the stuff in our tent trailer. Dad scrubbed and scrubbed and then gave it back to Doran...filled with an arrow cart for his bows and a reloader: all yard sale super finds!
Morgan got cut at work this week and needed some help Sunday night. Christy had taken very good care of him, but Dad put on a suture strip and he was good to go. They were able to come to the Easter Dinner with Christy's daughter, Michelle, and they brought a yummy Beef Enchilada Casserole that they brought more to us later than evening.
Kayty started her week with a skydive. She got stuck in the sand and lost on the way, but managed to finally get there and had a blast! I am so not understanding that, but it's ok...

She had a busy and good work week. She opened the store most days, and had Friday off.She went out late Saturday night and got herself an Easter dress.
Total saves this week: 1
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are busy with projects, tests, and final assignments for the semester. Nathan designed and 3d printed a part, created a mold, and then poured molten aluminum in the mold to create a casting.
Sorry about the upside down. I don't know how to fix it. |
It was a shortened work week with Good Friday off, but that didn't interfere with meeting after meeting. They did slow down on the early morning meetings. The Tuesday one did not occur. He did get out to visit a supplier on Tuesday. The rest of the week was meetings and problem solving. He was on call Friday and had to help a supplier get the drawing change he needed.
I did my painting work that I detailed below, cleaned, laundered, dusted, vacuumed, cooked, and did some more. We emptied out the old camping grub box and I loaded things into the tent trailer. Pots and pans, silverware, paper products, foil, our two camping chairs and sleeping bags and a couple fo blankets. We repaired the small hole near a seam and folded it up. It still needs some new dollar store plastic items to hold silverware and stuff, but it looks nice. Plus, Dad scrubbed out Doran's box that became the grub box, and we used it as gift wrap for his birthday present. We had some windy days here too, which required lots of skimming the pool as well as fishing out stuff from the bottom. Friday was super busy! We went to a couple of yard sales, I made Dad homemade biscuits and gravy while he worked in the garden. I chopped and washed all the cabbage for cabbage salad on Sunday. He washed lettuce for the week ahead and I bagged it up. I got Kaylee's carrot sticks ready for the next week. I painted the bathroom cabinet that goes over the potty. He went outdoors to use the blower for leaves and I went out after we had lunch and helped bag up three huge bags of leaves and debris, and then he trimmed some branches from some trees that I hauled out to the front yard pile. We shopped for grommets which I applied to the shower curtain later, went to stinky Harbor Freight, I cut and prepped the chicken breasts we got on sale for seven future meals. More putting the bathroom back together and then sleep!
Dad's Garden
Chickens have figured out how to fly over the fence and he lost at least two heads of lettuce to chicken pillaging. That Kip the Rooster was a bad influence. I say was because we gave him away, since he loved to attack me, and even attacked Ethan. I never let him near Kaylee to even try.The hens are all laying eggs and the new chicks are starting to hang around the older hens, though there arre definite chicken cliques.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
I had the goal this week of getting the cabinet in the bathroom painted. I did that, plus took everything off the walls, cut in the taupe paint near the ceiling and baseboards, crawled near the toilet and painted behind it as best as I could reach, and finally painted the entire bathroom, which was a next week off goal.
We went to Home Depot to get the new prehung door, and they were out of stock. I was a bit stunned. I guess there was a run on 30 inch wide prehung six panel doors. I painted the cabinet that hung over the toilet over two days time. Got the shower curtain hung and some towels in.Dad also got the tiles on the floor reglued and new white grout on the floor there.
We still need the door and Dad is going to get molding to put around the mirror...kind of like a frame. He also has to reglue part of the countertop that had come apart. He is going to repair some tiles around the tub, too.
Other highlights
Our relief society volunteered hours at the new Deseret Industries on Tuesday. I worked an afternoon shift and worked my tail off sorting and organizing an area called Odds and Ends for three hours. I love to organize stuff so it was fun. I did see a few things I might have wanted, but I left my wallet in the car so it was too much work to get it and I was too tired at the end. That store is beautiful and HUGE! There were tons of people shopping there too.
Easter at Grandma's House
We had a great Easter Dinner and Egg Hunt at Grandma Dorrie's on Sunday. Many family from here and from Colorado where in attendance.
It was a great day!!
Not so highlights
We all are well and alive...good week!