Dad and I attended the Wednesday evening session at the Phoenix Temple.
I had a cub scout planning meeting with my co leader on Tuesday and we have the next couple of months ready to go.
I had planned to attend the baptism of one of my new cub scouts on Saturday and right after I was all ready to leave and just looked at my phone, there was a note that the baptism would be held three hours later. There had been a scheduling conflict with the building. Two stakes now share one baptismal font and this was our stake's scheduled time every month, so I am not sure what happened but it meant I couldn't attend. Kayty came out in the family room with me and watched the LDS General Conference Women's Session...first time in a long time I have not been sitting alone! So nice, and the messages were wonderful and so uplifting. I cannot wait to be able to read them on Thursday.
Kayty came to our ward on Sunday. Nice to have her with us!
I am in Alma 60 in my Book of Mormon reading.
I have indexed 9069 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Not much on Facebook from the Wilkins this week. I do know Josh had his last soccer game this week and the pics I saw looked like he enjoyed every minute!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo celebrated her Mom's birthday on Sunday last week...

On Monday, I picked up Kaylee and we had a very, very busy and exhausting day! Drawing, playing games, outdoors (though 91 degrees makes it tough outside), making tents,
Quite a comparison...
Dad and I attended the Wednesday evening session at the Phoenix Temple.
I had a cub scout planning meeting with my co leader on Tuesday and we have the next couple of months ready to go.
I had planned to attend the baptism of one of my new cub scouts on Saturday and right after I was all ready to leave and just looked at my phone, there was a note that the baptism would be held three hours later. There had been a scheduling conflict with the building. Two stakes now share one baptismal font and this was our stake's scheduled time every month, so I am not sure what happened but it meant I couldn't attend. Kayty came out in the family room with me and watched the LDS General Conference Women's Session...first time in a long time I have not been sitting alone! So nice, and the messages were wonderful and so uplifting. I cannot wait to be able to read them on Thursday.
Kayty came to our ward on Sunday. Nice to have her with us!
I am in Alma 60 in my Book of Mormon reading.
I have indexed 9069 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Not much on Facebook from the Wilkins this week. I do know Josh had his last soccer game this week and the pics I saw looked like he enjoyed every minute!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo celebrated her Mom's birthday on Sunday last week...

On Monday, I picked up Kaylee and we had a very, very busy and exhausting day! Drawing, playing games, outdoors (though 91 degrees makes it tough outside), making tents,
Quite a comparison...

On her last full day in Phoenix, the weather was cool and cloudy, and I finally convinced her it wasn't hot outdoors. We had a picnic and enjoyed the lovely weather
On our way to the house from Grampy Wade and Grandma Leeza's house we visited our old goat friend, who had a new little friend with him.
She enjoyed the puddles from our light rainstorm
We tried to comfort Lily Rey and even drew pictures of her
We made lunch and had a picnic as Kaylee had requested for her last day here.
We fed the chickens the rest of the large snow peas, but Kaylee had some herself too. Mama hen is looking and wondering why she isn't eating peas! |
I got to snuggle and giggle with Wade for a few minutes when I took Kaylee "home".
They packed on Friday and flew home Friday afternoon.
While I will miss them a lot, I will be so very, very happy when Ethan has his beautiful wife and kids home and this family is back together. The family is the strongest unit on earth and in heaven and nothing can't be overcome with a family working and praying together.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran is loving his new job and he had a good birthday, seeing all the wonderful wishes he received on FaceBook. Dad called him on Saturday and he was cleaning up his work vehicle. He was able to travel to Flagstaff on Thursday for a job assignment: snow everywhere! Amber continues working and being crazy busy with her Pet rescue. Kelsie and Kooper are well too.
The Morgan Rice Family
No news from Morgan and Christy this week.
Kayty started her new job on Monday. She really liked it, except for the fact that the company is so small that they do not offer health insurance. She will have to check out other options and see if she can afford to continue working there or needs to find another job with benefits.Lily Rey had surgery this week. She is no longer broken...but is now fixed. She was crazy funny staggering around that first night home and she is slowly getting back to her old self.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan has been working hard at the end of this semester. As you go further along your education path, more "interesting" teachers come along, and Nathan has had a couple this semester! He was very blessed to find someone who actually had taken the course from another teacher and studied with him. This help was awesome and Nathan could understand concepts and ended up scoring a perfect score on his test. He was studying late on Wednesday and actually was kicked out of the study center since it was about to close.They have been trying to find a vehicle so they have two to use when they are here in Phoenix, which has taken much study time, so Dad is prayerfully setting out this week to locate a vehicle for them.
Dad's work week began with meetings, reports, contacting suppliers and engineers, yet another directive that involves a new complicated reporting spreadsheet, and trip expense filings. He had a few supplier visits, directives begun almost every day, one actually cancelled the same day it was initiated, and meetings galore.
My work week included dusting, mopping, vacuuming, scrubbing, laundry, picking peas, preparing meals, completing a product survey (I received the product late Sunday night, and photos and review were due on Monday, plus the product had to be returned. I worked like a crazy person, but got it done before I picked up Kaylee and mailed it back late Monday after Family Home Evening), tested paint for the bathroom, took out trash, hauled tables, weeded the entire pool area
Dad will use weed poison, but never on areas where food is growing or where the grandkids might walk and play, so he spent hours and hours over the last weeks digging and digging those weeds throughout the yard that weren't poisoned. We think we have gotten all of them, and will keep vigilant to make sure we get them at the earliest sign.
Dad's Garden
Peas are still waning and I didn't pick every day. The heat of the last couple of weeks sent the message to the plants that its too hot and so we ended up cleaning out carrots, spinach, and turnips.
I washed and bagged all the carrots I could fit in the fridge drawer. Dad had to put the turnips in the mini fridge on the back porch till we find some poor soul who enjoys eating turnips besides him. He made some pretty awesome Chinese Saturday with my pickings...
Dad then dug up and prepared the old carrot bed and readied it to plant peppers.
Year of the House Part 2
Bathroom progress is slow. I tested paint colors and decided on a different stone for the countertops, but that stone is no longer available. Quarry is gone! So, we went with the original stone and Jessica's dad filed the paperwork for us to get it with his ROC#. Dad needed some advice from Wade on the walls and the curb pour. He did drill the holes deeper and it's ready for the bolts to go in.
Other highlights
I had spectacular running this week. Started the week in shorts and a t shirt and ended in sweats and a hoodie but it was wonderful.
Pretty good yard sales Saturday. I actually got out of the car to look at a couple of things. We didn't spend more than a couple of bucks but it was nice to have decent things to look at.
Not so highlights
Nothing too unbearable happened.
Notice: I am thinking about changing the publishing days of this blog. The blog week will begin on Sunday starting in April and go to the next Saturday. Often, things happen after the blog is published Sunday, and they get forgotten or are left unposted. Not that many see this, but just to let you know...
The Doran Rice Family
Doran is loving his new job and he had a good birthday, seeing all the wonderful wishes he received on FaceBook. Dad called him on Saturday and he was cleaning up his work vehicle. He was able to travel to Flagstaff on Thursday for a job assignment: snow everywhere! Amber continues working and being crazy busy with her Pet rescue. Kelsie and Kooper are well too.
The Morgan Rice Family
No news from Morgan and Christy this week.
Kayty started her new job on Monday. She really liked it, except for the fact that the company is so small that they do not offer health insurance. She will have to check out other options and see if she can afford to continue working there or needs to find another job with benefits.Lily Rey had surgery this week. She is no longer broken...but is now fixed. She was crazy funny staggering around that first night home and she is slowly getting back to her old self.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan has been working hard at the end of this semester. As you go further along your education path, more "interesting" teachers come along, and Nathan has had a couple this semester! He was very blessed to find someone who actually had taken the course from another teacher and studied with him. This help was awesome and Nathan could understand concepts and ended up scoring a perfect score on his test. He was studying late on Wednesday and actually was kicked out of the study center since it was about to close.They have been trying to find a vehicle so they have two to use when they are here in Phoenix, which has taken much study time, so Dad is prayerfully setting out this week to locate a vehicle for them.
Dad's work week began with meetings, reports, contacting suppliers and engineers, yet another directive that involves a new complicated reporting spreadsheet, and trip expense filings. He had a few supplier visits, directives begun almost every day, one actually cancelled the same day it was initiated, and meetings galore.
My work week included dusting, mopping, vacuuming, scrubbing, laundry, picking peas, preparing meals, completing a product survey (I received the product late Sunday night, and photos and review were due on Monday, plus the product had to be returned. I worked like a crazy person, but got it done before I picked up Kaylee and mailed it back late Monday after Family Home Evening), tested paint for the bathroom, took out trash, hauled tables, weeded the entire pool area
Dad will use weed poison, but never on areas where food is growing or where the grandkids might walk and play, so he spent hours and hours over the last weeks digging and digging those weeds throughout the yard that weren't poisoned. We think we have gotten all of them, and will keep vigilant to make sure we get them at the earliest sign.
Dad's Garden
Peas are still waning and I didn't pick every day. The heat of the last couple of weeks sent the message to the plants that its too hot and so we ended up cleaning out carrots, spinach, and turnips.
I washed and bagged all the carrots I could fit in the fridge drawer. Dad had to put the turnips in the mini fridge on the back porch till we find some poor soul who enjoys eating turnips besides him. He made some pretty awesome Chinese Saturday with my pickings...
Dad then dug up and prepared the old carrot bed and readied it to plant peppers.
Year of the House Part 2
Bathroom progress is slow. I tested paint colors and decided on a different stone for the countertops, but that stone is no longer available. Quarry is gone! So, we went with the original stone and Jessica's dad filed the paperwork for us to get it with his ROC#. Dad needed some advice from Wade on the walls and the curb pour. He did drill the holes deeper and it's ready for the bolts to go in.
Other highlights
I had spectacular running this week. Started the week in shorts and a t shirt and ended in sweats and a hoodie but it was wonderful.
Pretty good yard sales Saturday. I actually got out of the car to look at a couple of things. We didn't spend more than a couple of bucks but it was nice to have decent things to look at.
Not so highlights
Nothing too unbearable happened.
Notice: I am thinking about changing the publishing days of this blog. The blog week will begin on Sunday starting in April and go to the next Saturday. Often, things happen after the blog is published Sunday, and they get forgotten or are left unposted. Not that many see this, but just to let you know...