Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week of September 8 - September 14, 2024

We had a good Sacrament Meeting. Two of our youth spoke and then Vivian Bellison shared about her one year family history mission. Dad helped me in Primary on Sunday. Class went well. We spent the rest of the day quietly reading, studying and Dad visited with Grandma on the phone. 

We were able to attend the temple this week on Wednesday evening and perform sealing ordinances.

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 49, 210 records and reviewed 19,308 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
No other news this week from the Wilkins family. 

The Ethan Rice Family
No news from this family. 

The Doran Rice Family
No news from this family.

On Saturday, Cassie was involved in a serious accident on her ebike. Morgan took her to Flagstaff Hospital where they found both her upper and lower jaws are broken and surgery was necessary. However there were no surgeons available so he got her some meds, they stitched up her chin, and returned home to come back hopefully tomorrow. 

Kayty had a good week at work. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Annie called me on Friday to complete a school assignment. She then read aloud to me a chapter of Harry Potter. What an amazing reader she has become!! They had a wonderful trip to the Arkansas Railroad Museum. 

Dad's Garden
Someone gave us her chicken manure (five large feedbags full) so dad has been working that into every garden bed. The weather will finally be below 100 next week so he will begin planting: lettuce, cabbage, collards, snow and snap peas and his root vegetables. 

Other highlights
As the months go on, I am so thankful Mom prepared financially so that we could afford this nice place for her to live in. I have learned so much about retirement, savings, and the costs we don't know about. Mom's monthly care is $4500 a month. That is reasonable from my research. She has the money from her house sale as well as savings from her many years working. Her monthly social security amounts to $2000 and since she is on hospice, she encounters no costs for medicare. Had she not made these preparations, Sharynn Scott and I would have had to find the money on our own to pay for her nicer level of care. The other option is to have placed her in a facility that accepts medicare assignment once all her savings and resources were gone. Those places are not as nice, though follow laws. 

Dad and I have learned a lot as we delve into social security and medicare. Dad will get $3000 per month. Out of that will come medicare costs...and yes medicare costs and if you don't get on a prescription plan you are penalized financially. I do not qualify for full social security since I didn't have a job. So when I am at the retirement age (for dad that was 66.5 and for me it's 67) I can get half of what his social security is, $1500. Dad will get a retirement monthly but not much money. So we have lived frugally and saved for many years so we will never be a burden to our kids. Now that everyone lives far away, we have to do things by ourselves and we are frugal in our expenses. We hope that the proposed tax on unrealized gain proposed and supported by Kamala Harris will not come into being. We paid 85,000 for our home and it's now worth over 700,000 and the taxes on that will force us to sell. 

Just so you all know we are trying our best to not burden you. We keep on and don't share much. My hearing is not what it used to be and I miss much in phone conversations. Dad's phone has bad reception and so while his ears are good, his phone is not. And once he leaves Honeywell we will be sharing my phone. We are in good health and try our best to eat well, stay away from doctors and vaccines of any sort, and keep active. 

With weather a bit cooler, our yard work has ramped up. Goal this Winter is to cut concrete sidewalk and dig to locate a broken pressure reducer that has kept our individual plants in both the front and back yard from getting any water other than by hose. 

We set out on Wednesday to get the brittle brush bushes in control. The first one was the one near the pool. I clipped and pulled and dad raked and bagged. We found inside that bush two baseballs, a kick ball and a soccer ball. We completed hauling out to the front pile the next morning. Back and arms ached but the view out the kitchen window looks happier to me. Next job is to remove the brittle bush on the hill. Next day Dad chopped up one on the back hill. We got that picked up and out to the pile. Dad also had to prune back the rosemary in the lower courtyard. The pool needed a lot of attention so he spent time cleaning out filters while I skimmed off leaves. Saturday we removed three more bushes. It was a bit scary for a moment when dad was hauling a wheelbarrow down the backyard hill backwards, and ended up falling backwards. We were blessed to have him fall in a bush that cushioned his fall. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week of September 1 - September 7, 2024

Sunday was another good Sabbath. Good classes and testimonies at church. Quiet rest of the day. 

Dee was able to attend the temple this week on Thursday evening. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 48,053 records and reviewed 19,308 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Wilkins Family continues to do well. Work is going great for Mike and he is nearly completed repairing some electrical troubles in their vehicle so they will be back to two cars. Allison is enjoying teaching. Adam has nearly all the paperwork done for a new job. Grace is so enjoying institute classes. Joshua is getting used to high school and seems like it. Joshua is doing great and got a call back for his school musical audition...and he got the part!! He is Dwarf! Congratulations Sam!

The Ethan Rice Family
This family has been busy with work, school and the kids sports. They enjoyed camping over labor day with friends and have another trip planned during Fall Break. 

The Doran Rice Family
Happy Birthday, Kelsie on Monday! She had a wonderful celebration as Nathan, Jessica and the girls came, brought a delicious cake and celebrated with her. 

And they attended a local fair on Saturday...

Morgan and Cassie are busy working and enjoying Flagstaff's lovely Fall weather. 

Kayty had a good week at work. She took off Friday for our Woods Canyon Lake boat excursion. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica and the girls are doing well and are very busy. I spoke with Nathan as he was again working preparing deer hunting locations for the hunt next month. I never realized how much work was involved in preparing an area for a hunt. Work is good. Home schooling is good. Their weather is getting better and better. 

Dad's Garden
Seedlings are doing well. I hope we have retreived our final load of horse manure to enrich the garden plots. We are now getting up to five eggs per day from the chickens. 
Other highlights
Dad went over to Grandmas on Monday evening to visit with his cousin Clay Chester Jordan who is here seeing family. He had a good time. 

We tested our boat skills at Woods Canyon Lake for a few hours on Friday. 

It was our turn to clean the church building early Saturday morning. It was so organized and, while the work was hard, we were done in a little over an hour.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Week of August 25 - August 31, 2024

Sunday was very nice. Good Sacrament Meeting Talks. Primary Class was good and the kids seemed to participate. Quiet rest of the day. 

We were not able to attend the temple this week. It has been difficult to get an appointment.

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 46,354 records and reviewed 18,807 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Happy Birthday, Grace on Friday!!!

The Ethan Rice Family
No news from Ethan and Cameo and the kids this week. 

The Doran Rice Family
They experienced their first Tennessee storm this week. Lost some tree limbs but no one hurt.  

Morgan and Cassie are doing well and enjoying the end of Summer. 

Kayty had a good work week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Happy Birthday Ellie on Tuesday!!!
This was a good week. Homeschool, work and yard work fill the days. All are well. It was nice talking to Ellie on FaceTime Thursday and Nathan on the phone Friday. 

Dad's Garden
Dad has seeds started on the dryer and he continues to work the ground he is amending. 

Other highlights:
Nano's 89th birthday was Thursday and she had quite a nice day. She received gifts delivered and had cake.

Dad and I got our Honeywell health screening on Wednesday and I visited the dentist on Thursday. Dad traveled to Prescott for work on Thursday with other co-workers.