Sunday was good. I mananged to get by without any one seeing my tooth situation.
Dee was able to attend the temple this week.
My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day.
I have indexed 60,101 records and reviewed 22,336 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sunday was their ward primary program. We were able to hear from Allison and hear Sam give a wonderful talk about the importance of family history and temple work. It was also awesome to see Grace with her primary class. The songs they sang were wonderful and it was great for me to show my primary kids my daughter and grandkids!
The Ethan Rice Family
Kaylee had cross country awards on Sunday. Cameo shared:
Tonight was the cross country award ceremony.
Although cross country was not what Kaylee thought it was going to be, we are happy that she stepped out of her comfort zone, tried something new (a new sport) and stuck with it. Our 6th grade girly earned the award for the most improved middle school girl. She ran 7.76 minutes faster than her first ever race of the season.
Couldn’t be more proud of her.

The Doran Rice Family
This family is doing well.
No news from Morgan and Cassie this week.
Kayty had a good week at work.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan worked on his jeep and got it running in top condition. Annie was able to spend some time with Nathan in their tree stand. She had a good time and they are looking forward to a good shot and some good meat. Deer are quite smart!!
Dad's Garden
Harvest of romaine, radishes, and collard greens continue. Our chickens are sporadically producing eggs.
Other highlights
On Monday I headed to the dentist to see what they could do about my broken tooth. Verdict: pulling the remainder of the tooth on Thursday and creating a permanent bridge with crowns on either side. Then in January, to make all my top front teeth match, they will on my next years insurance benefit, crown two others on the top so the center five will be the same. Almost two thousand dollars after insurance pays, but I will finally not have crooked teeth that stick out on the top!!!
Spent the week getting ornaments mailed, wrapping stocking gifts and ordering boxes to mail them out.
Dad had been trying to call his long time friend, Cliff Eccles, for weeks. He finally called Cliff's sister and found out Cliff had a sudden heart attack and died in his sleep September 30th. He was a good friend, the best man in our wedding, and they had talked for years.