I know it may sometimes seem to the men who visit their home teaching families that they are just doing a small duty...nothing that special. They visit month after month, visiting, sharing a message, and really not knowing if they make a difference. Well, to our home teacher, Brother Ken Humphreys, you most certainly DO make a difference. He always comes with a message, and the message really is just what our family needs at the time. He tells us about the temple and the joy he feels in serving there. He shares a prayer with us at the end of the visit, blessing our family.
Sounds just like a typical home teacher visit...right? Well, it is, though they are never typical, and today, it was cherished. I have been analyzing why I am dreading the trip Dee has to take, and what would make me feel more calm about it. I came to the conclusion that I was mainly worried that 1)Dee would be safe and 2) we would be able to get by with the long time of non-communication and that all will be fine here until he returns. I had shared this with no one... only Heavenly Father. Our visit today was great... a truly needed message, a fun gift, and the prayer...oh the prayer he offered. He asked to bless Dee while he was away with health and safety, and that all would be well here while he was gone. My heart was calmed as I had witnessed to me that my Father in Heaven is aware of my needs, and my home teacher is truly inspired. Thank you, Brother Humphreys, for listening to the Spirit, and for bringing to our family just exactly what we needed!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
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