I was looking at a friend of Allison's blog the other day...pics of a brand new baby...and the music playing: "It's not that unusual when everything is beautiful. It's just another ordinary miracle today." Our family received an ordinary miracle with our Gracie. I read Allison's account of our little granddaughter's surgical procedure to remove a foreign object from her lungs. The doctor got in the lung and saw a large mass...he thought it was a lung tumor and was wondering how to tell a mom of a 2 year old that her daughter had lung cancer. He was planning on speaking with an oncologist when he decided to scrape the mass for a biopsy, and then he saw the bits of peanut. The body had covered the nuts in an attempt to protect itself. The mass and nut bits were removed, and now our sweet little Gracie is home, ready to bless us all with her curiosity, her spunk, her determination, and that killer sweet smile. I am so very, very grateful for priesthood blessings of a loving Daddy (and super son-in-law!) good doctors, for medical treatments that can and do work, and for the prayers of family, friends, and even strangers. It is an ordinary miracle...but to a Grammy and Papa...it is truly an extraordinary miracle!!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
I'm glad everything turned out so well, and that she is fine, she is a cutie.
Oh Suzy-I'm so glad everything was ok. Nothing like a good little scare to put things into perspective huh? She is absolutely adorable!!!!!
I'm so glad she's okay now. How fun visiting this weekend!
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