Wow...what a book...what a series! I finished reading "Breaking Dawn" yesterday. I have never read a series of books that captivated me more. When I finished the first, and then the second, and then the third...well, I just don't know how all of you patiently waited for publishing! (I almost assaulted the Mahrts when I needed to read the book that Kayty had loaned them.) Now, back to real life...
Not until you've read Harry Potter! (You haven't yet... right?)
Aren't you jealous of all the people that haven't had the "Twilight" experience yet? I wish I could read them all for the first time all over again :)
You know, Allison, I have never read any Harry Potter Book, and, since reading has been a treat for me during lunch, etc. I think that is the next book series I will start...that is, after I finish reading the transcript off Stephenie Meyers website!!
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