Our sweet Allison has a birthday this week...November 12, 1981, at 1:02 A.M., she made her grand entrance into this world, and she has been just a pure joy ever since. We had taken her gifts to her in Vegas a few weeks ago, so we didn't even imagine that they would be able to come here...but come they did! A phone call on Friday let us know they were on their way! Though we had to share them with the Wilkins, it was just the best time ever. Thank you, Allison, for celebrating your special day with us and sharing those sweet grandbabies!!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
I just wanted to let you know that I was blessed to have your little Adam in my primary class again yesterday. He is such a sweetheart! He definitely looks like he is one of yours! Smart as can be too! Must be those Rice genes!
Grace is just so cute. In this picture you can just see here little personality just birsting through. Oh and I love her hair.
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