As of 12 minutes ago, my quest finally was completed: I ordered my Christmas Cards. Sweet Doran took the last picture of Cam and Ethan last night...they were so cooperative and Cameo picked the perfect fact, so did Danyel and Allison. As for Dad and I, he was relaxing after dinner in his favorite shirt and so I dressed to match him! Next year, I have already put it on my calendar to begin this in June!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
Way to go!!!!! Love, Love, Love that Ethan and Cameo! Hopefully we will get our pics ready to go this weekend. I'm usually a little more organized than this but having Thanksgiving so late really threw me for a loop.
Aren't they just the best! I feel so blessed that they found each other, or rather, that Heavenly Father led them to each other. Our lives would not be the same without Cameo!!
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