Eighteen years ago today...it was on a Sunday...I went into the hospital to have my labor induced, and our family was blessed with a wonderful surprise (surprise, I say, because after one daughter, and then three sons, we just thought we were going to be 'boy' people) Our blessing...Katelyn Michelle Naomi Rice...Kayty! She has always been the queen of our home...she rules with an iron fist, and since she was tiny, she could keep all of us, including three older brothers, and one younger brother, in line. Kayty is just an amazing person. She loves to sing and play the piano. She loves movies. She loves volcanoes. She loves skulls. She loves "The Little Mermaid". She loves pirates. Her favorites are: anything black or hot pink, downloading i tunes, buying piano music from musicnotes.com, snickers bars, gummy bears, and taco soup. Her annoyances: beef, touching raw meat (she will cook it, as long as you put it in the pan for her), pastel colors, people singing off key, people slurping their food - poor Nathan receives the brunt of this dislike, girly girly things, and taking her blood glucose - sorry Dr. Holland! She is simply amazing. Today, she wore a tiara to college...always a princess, and very proud! For her first official adult thing, I called her birthday in to a radio station we listen to this morning. We didn't get to hear her name, but when they drew the name for the birthday prize, who do you think they picked...you guessed it...Kayty Rice. As an adult, she can now win prizes! Thanks Kayty, for bringing fun and joy and music and song and laughter and always keeping us guessing!Our family absolutely would not be the same without you!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
That picture is so beautiful of her! I love it.
At world market, they have these GIANT gummy bears... if I would've known yesterday that she loves them, I would have picked her up one. They are crazy. (like 3" tall!)
I love this picture too!
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