I haven't done this in quite a while...in fact, I kind of forgot, until I saw an entry on my friend, Kathy's, blog. Even when times are unsure, it is wonderful to take a moment to stop and think of the many blessings you have.
I am thankful for an ever hard working husband. No matter what is thrown at him, Dee just makes the best of the situation at hand. He may have an unsure future, but he gives his all today to do the best he can, and he is ever searching for ways to better support our family and our dreams. I am so thankful for his steadiness in seas that seem very un-calm.
I am thankful for blogging, for people that share their knowledge and experience, their coupons, their deals, their ways to save and store and cook and bake. I can tap a vast store of knowledge and assitance at the touch of a button. And, I don't feel alone in my financial concerns.
I am thankful for my cub scout calling. It is such a wonderful blessing to stop the routine and think of what we are doing doing at our den meeting this week. I look forward to Cole coming and working on his silver arrow (already has earned his Bear badge and his gold arrow), and hoping that Ben can come today. My church calling to work with these young men is such an honor!
I am thankful for our garden that Dee worked so hard to plant. We have had soooo many snow peas. When they grow, snow peas are a crop that is worth planting (though last year, we reaped 1 pea pod...costing over $100 - water,mulch, etc.) And we have collard greens (yuck), swiss chard (yuck) and are growing basil, tomatoes, yellow squash, and cucumbers. Too bad we can't grow those nice bags of salad that I get at Food City!! And I am thankful for our many citrus trees and the oranges, lemons, tangerines, red grapefruit and white grapefruit (yuck!) and the limes that will come in the future. We are truly blessed!
Take a moment, midst the stock market falling, the prices rising, and uncertainty, and give yourself the blessing of gratitude. It has changed my day! Thank you, Kathy!!!
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