The Simple Woman's Day Book
FOR TODAY, June 30th, 2009 ...
* Outside My Window...It is just lovely. I see our wonderful pool, the grass just watered a few hours ago, and just a very slight breeze. You would never, ever know from the view that it was 88 degrees at 3:00 A.M. and now it is probably in the mid 90's!
* I am thinking...about the things I have to do today. Yesterday got kind of messed up...Kayty got called into work early and I had to reschedule her bloodwork appointment. Cleaning got put off/not done. It's a new day, and maybe I can get things done.
* I am thankful for...the opportunity we have of having a new temple built so close to our home. I just get tingles when I think that it will be so close to us. I never ever would have dreamed such a thing would ever happen.
* From the kitchen...I am thinking about going to the food bank for a purchase tomorrow, so I busily cooked up a bunch of french toast, individually wrapped servings, and then will put it in the freezer for later use. It smells sooooo good in there!
* I am wearing...I am still in my workout clothes and my good running shoes...seeing if wearing better shoes helps my hip to feel better.
* creating...I want to make a cute star pot in the entryway for 4th of July, but I don't have the star shapes...have plenty of scrapbook paper, etc. So, maybe when the guys go to the lake tonight. Note to self: must not play Bejeweled on Facebook!
* I am get to go to Trader Joes and buy yummy sunflower seeds after Kayty's blood tests. It is so out of the way that I have been saving for this trip!
* I am reading...I haven't been reading as much as I should. I read the Book of Mormon when I wait for Kayty, or when I am in the Thursday Food Bank Line.
* I am hoping...I can start on my Christmas ornaments. I am not making as many this year...postage is just not in the budget...but I have the one I want. Our theme: gingerbread men!
* I am hearing...Morgan...getting ready for work...eating some French toast.
* Around the house...One last load of laundry has to go to the dryer, kitchen needs attention after French Toast Marathon, kids' bath is the goal to superclean today.
* One of my favorite things...I just love my grandbabies. Ethan and Cam visited them this weekend and I just loved the pics...Adam got a neat nerf gun...and I could just imagine him and Daddy having a blast with it. And then they got Grace a Cinderella Barbie doll...her face was just full of excitement as she was opening it. It may be silly, but those kiddos, and the hope to one day hold my little Charles again, brings me such happiness. So, even though we are miles, or more, apart, they are in my heart and mind always.
* A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week..I want to go to the food bank tomorrow for a box purchase. I also want to hike tomorrow and Friday, and especially Saturday. July 4th is my birthday and it is just my favorite thing to go hiking early that day. Somehow, even though I have aged, if I can make it up that mountain, I am not so old. We are having the missionaries to dinner on Thursday....more of Dee's superb pulled pork.
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
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