5.) Share your friendly advice for someone you think needs it (ie your mother-in-law, other drivers, cell phone users, etc.)
Watch out…
1)I had a wonderful bridal shower, over 29 years ago. One of the “games” they played was an advice game. Each person was given a nice, but small piece of memo paper and then told to write down a piece of household advice for me, the new bride. At the time, I didn’t even realize what a treasure of knowledge I was receiving, but I have used the advice from those wonderful ladies many times over the years! One piece that could help you is this: when you KNOW someone is coming, and you just cannot get everything clean, go to your front door, and look. Clean that first room that everyone sees. You will be amazed at how understanding others, and husbands, are with clutter elsewhere when the first view of your home is clean. Clean that front room, and make sure it stays that way!
2) Don’t assume that, because there are no small children in a home anymore, more mature ladies are just dying to take care of others children. I have raised six children, the youngest two being 16 and 18. I still have many things to do to get them where they need to be, when they need to be there, and with the things they need to have. When my children were younger, I was the one responsible to teach their Sunday school classes, be their homeroom parent, and their cub den leader. They were my children, as my wise elder friends told me. No special treatment…my time would come to rest. And, as I said, older children don’t have fewer needs, just older needs….and their laundry doesn’t fit in one or two loads!
3) Clean as you go. My wise hubby always makes the best Chinese food. However, not a morsel enters our mouths until the dinner prep dishes are washed, at least. Then, after dinner, some can put away while the rest are cared for. Makes after dinner a breeze! Besides, those hungry for delicious dinners often clean faster when dinner is waiting!
4) There are many people going through difficult times now. Lifelong careers are being outsourced. Life savings are now not sufficient to retire on. There are mortgages and doctor bills to pay. Many people cannot go out to lunch, or buy Christmas crafts, though they would really like to, because it is out of their budget. They sit in food bank lines, drive past restaurants on trips, would just die to be able to take their kids and grandkids to a meal when they visit them. They often don’t wear their heart on their sleeve. They just plod along. Don’t assume. Look to befriend everyone, not just the friend who does everything with you.
5) Many hands make light work. There are parents who give countless hours for your athlete’s benefit. And all they ask is that you give a little time: volunteer to help sell water. Hold a chain for the referees. First, you would be amazed at how fast the time goes when you are so busy! Second, you get to share yourself, and teach your children the value of helping out. And, it takes just a little time!
6) Do your job!
7) One should never pick on someone…anywhere, but especially at church! It is a wonderful blessing that you have a vehicle and the insurance paid for by your parents. Our situation is quite different, and the person you badger and berate spent his Summer practicing football for his school team, and laying block for many hours in Phoenix heat, just to earn money to purchase the parts needed for the vehicle he is rebuilding. Put yourself in other peoples’ shoes. No one should go to church and have the people in the group berate over the lack of money. Remember, it could happen to anyone.
8) On the roundabout, the car on the loop is the Boss!!
I don’t know how friendly this truly is, but it has been very therapeutic for me!!!
Thanks for some wonderful advice. I found myself nodding at many points.
Oh shoot! We're we supposed to give "friendly" advice????
I like your advice and I can see some that I could use!!!
Wonderful advice!! Thanks so much for sharing it. I love the one about the front room.
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