I thought about him all day yesterday. In Sacrament Meeting number one, I remarked that, exactly 26 years ago at that moment, I was in labor. At Sacrament Meeting number two, I was thinking that they were getting me ready to deliver, and I requested that we finish before "Guiding Light" (yes, many years ago, I loved a soap opera or two...but that was long ago. Now, I am not really even a t.v. fan...especially since we stopped Dish Network (so no more HGTV)to save money). Anyway, the computer was off when I arrived at home, Dee had much to do on it later...so, I am now writing my birthday tribute to now. Heck, he was officially due on March 23rd, and NONE of my babies ever came early, so this could actually be considered not late, but in anticipation!!!
My third miracle, Doran Charles Rice, III, was born on March 21, 1984. It was also his great uncle Loyd's 50th birthday. I had encouraged my mother in law to, of course, attend his celebration, for my babies never came early!!! Doran, as he has always done, came into the world quietly, without fanfare (that is, until Grampa- Doran Charles Rice I, saw him perform a bodily function in the nursery at a great distance, lets just say...I heard about my sweet baby's urination abilities from all, including the sweet lady that came and emptied my trash can two days later!)and left a mark that makes him so special. Yes, our second son was the namesake, though, at first, we called him "DJ"...works well, huh??? with dad being a disc jockey. It would have remained so nice, and less confusing at family parties, with there being Grampa-Doran, hubby-Dee, and son-DJ, but that sweet little boy wanted "Doran" to be his kindergarten name, and then it became, as hubby says "which Doran do you want...the handsome/cute one, or the younger one?"
I know people think that, when you have a large family with many children that they are all alike, but, oh, wouldn't that be easy!! You could make your mistakes on the first, or the second one...and have it figured out by then. But, oh, how different they can be. Doran weighed and measured exactly the same as older brother Ethan, but clones they certainly are not! Doran is very patient, very easy going. He is very intuitive about things. I used to take Doran and Ethan to the orthodontist at the same time...they would be amazed that these two were brothers: Ethan would be trying to reconfigure every light and instrument while flirting with every assistant, while Doran would say nothing at all. They were amazed, and I would remark that, if you mixed these two together, you would actually get a "normal" teenager! Doran loved the same things his brothers did: sports-played baseball (could hit the ball a mile, but just wasn't driven to achieve...he was more interested in what the after game treat was), art (he actually took classes in high school and did very well...the drawing and creating art. He couldn't do poetry like Morgan could, and didn't cartoon like Ethan could). He always helped at Dad's dances, liked music and getting speakers. He loved his car and always took care of it...we used to tease him so much about the exact fluid levels and how much he had, or didn't have...we would laugh as we would see him, within a few hours, re-changing that fluid to make sure everything was just perfect. He never was a perfectionist when it came to school work... we learned that "spell check" was created just for him!...but as he has aged, and developed a passion for certain things, like his own vehicles and making sure they operate well, look good, and last a long time...we see the "Rice Perfectionist Syndrome" show up...no paint job is ever good enough!! Doran does many, many things well. We missed him so much when he left for his church mission...there was just no one that did the yard as nicely, and that included mowing, edging, and making sure all the watering systems and timers were operating well...a very important thing here in the desert!
I love many things about Doran, but the most wonderful thing about him is his quiet willingness to do for others. He is the ONLY child I have that I can whine in just a certain way, and he would do ANYTHING that I would ask of him. (I tried this just last night with Kayty...she assured me that the whiny voice would not work on her either!! He is the one that would cut my wood for me, would move heavy things for me. He, to this day, still looks out for me and makes sure that EVERYTHING in others behavior is done to make me happy (though he still hasn't stopped the mess making thing...oh, well, he still is only 26!) Doran drives up to the house, and asks his sister about the fluids in her car...and makes sure oil, water, and red lights are all taken care of, without being asked. He is always interested in his sister in Vegas and how they are getting along, and has served many times as our Phoenix to Vegas transport! He drives his brother to pick up strange car parts, digs through junk yards looking for a radiator, takes a younger sister prom dress shopping, picks up truckloads of river rock and delivers them for dad's projects, paints cars, and all with that winning "Doran Smile". That is what is amazing...Dad always called him "Mr. Smiley", for he always has a smile on his face! When we received a call when he got to his mission area in Tacoma Washington and asked how he was, the sister said he was there, smiling ear to ear! Mr. Smiley...or, then, Elder Smiley...always. You just can't be sad around him! He faces trials with a smile. He faces challenges with a smile. The only time he didn't have a smile is when he had been with his dear, sweet wonderful Danyel as she labored for days, and lost their sweet Charles. I know, though, that our sweet Charles watches over all of us, with his Heavenly Father, waiting for the day we can all be together. He now is so excited waiting for the 24th of April, when he can be sealed for time and all eternity to his mommy and daddy! Then, our sweet Doran will have the biggest smile yet...only yet, for, with the wonderful young man that he has grown to be, there will be many, many more smiles on that sweet face.

Big families; lots of kids...and, dear sweet Doran, you have made our life so much better. We would not have been complete without you, even with the few antics: Miss Caviness' phone call, and that time you got stuck in the sand and had to have MANY people help you, to name a few. Yes, dear Mr. Smiley, you have made our lives so wonderful, so happy. Thank you for the gift you gave of coming to us, letting us make mistakes while raising you-and forgiving us, at least, we hope you have. Thank you for bringing sweet Danyel back from the cold, rainy weather of Washington. Thank you for loving all of us! Happy, happy birthday to you!