I am thinking... about ALL I have to do today: cleaning, a little grocery shopping before the ads end, getting Nathan his compression shorts for track. It seems when you are the one at home, your "job" entails so very many things, but that makes every day not boring!
I am thankful for... the fact that hubby still has his job, and that, though it has been hard to live for 6 years on no raise, and now more unpaid weeks in the future, we have been preparing for what might happen, so I am not afraid. We still have our health, the insurance to take care of Kayty's disease, and all can be handled.
From the kitchen... tonight we will cook up the chuck steaks hubby wanted so badly at Safeway last night. It is fine...they were on sale, and we haven't had "meat you can chew" as my kids used to call it, in quite awhile. I hope to make banana bread out of the leftover bananas tomorrow morning.
I am wearing... my typical uniform: jeans, a t-shirt, and my Asics gels shoes that kill my bunion, but I am not gonna get rid of them-they are barely worn!
I am reading... I have gotten back to reading the scriptures. I am reading the Book of Mormon, and am in Third Nephi...reading of the signs given to those living on the American Continent of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Such faith they had...they had the wonders that those near Bethlehem also had, though they only had the belief that what had been prophesied did truly occur. I have found that I get so much more done if the first thing I do is read my scriptures.
I am hoping... everyone in my house has a great day: hubby has a fantastically productive day at work, Kayty does well on her sight singing test, and Nathan throws that shotput and discus further than ever. A good day for the family means a happy evening here!
I am creating... St. Patrick's Day and Easter decorations...out of scrap 2 x 4's...I love to create! It is what makes me happy...after my work is done, that is!
I am hearing... the radio...I am a disc jockey wife, and I try to help by listening to what the teenagers listen to, though sometimes I wish I could cover my ears! Fortunately, things are bleeped out...but that Lady GaGa!
Around the house... today is dusting day, though it won't be as bad as usual. We have had rain...a rarity for Arizona...so that helps tremendously. I need to take some time to do some more organization in the pantry...hard to find what I have!
One of my favorite things... are my pictures and gifts from my grandbabies. My workroom: laundry, craft/sewing table, freezer... well, I have covered the cabinets with the pictures I have of them, the ones they have colored for me, the notes they write to me...they are my treasures!
A few plans for the rest of the week... I want to get things more and more organized, and make sure I eliminate all waste! I am trying to pay bills ahead of time, plus a little extra, in preparation for the April furlough with no pay.
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