1. Ever had any run-ins with the "library police?"
Never. When we first moved here, and for many years, the library was just too far away to even think about going, checking out, and then thinking about returning, so we just didn't. We just got a close library last year...and my kiddos are too old for it.
2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts?
I have a theme every Christmas, and I look for wrapping paper that follows that theme. I save it ahead, in the back of my closet, since all my wrapping is done in my room as I get the gifts. I do keep gift bags up in our pantry...I am blessed to have a daughter that works for "Party City" and tells me when there are clearance deals. I always have a selection to pick from.
3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster?
Thankfully, I cannot remember being first-hand witness to any natural disaster. Watching on television is just terrible enough. I admire those who have witnessed, and have had the clear head to act, and to help.
4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song?
"When Will I See You Again"is my favorite to sing, and "Could This Be The Magic" was my favorite one to play on the piano...remember, the one that began with Chopin's Prelude 20 In C Minor. I just loved Barry Manilow...had all his albums...even had the sheet music to his songs.
5. What's the best costume you've ever worn?
My mom made Halloween magical. I was a bride. I was a gypsy. My favorite, though, was when she made me a black and orange cheerleader outfit, with homemade crepe paper pom poms.
6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
I think I use the thesaurus more. I love words and really try to make my writing interesting by using different words, so I head to my thesaurus.
7. What's your favorite breakfast food?
Now...when we are talking breakfast food, I am perpetually watching everything that I eat, so I never eat what I want. My favorite breakfast food, right now, is a banana. I bought a boatload on sale, and that is what I eat every morning. However, if I could eat anything I wanted for breakfast, it would be a toss up between a) the heavenly omelet I had the morning after I got married...30 years ago this Saturday...at Garland's Lodge in Sedona, Arizona...it was just the most tasty, most wonderful. I don't even remember what kind it was, but I remember just how yummy it was; b)strawberry pancakes topped with tons of whipped cream; and c) chocolate pancakes with whipped cream and mini chocolate chips.
8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial?
Nope. We have had a great policy, since early in our marriage. We have lost good deals on a couple of things, but most of the time, we saved a ton. That policy was never to buy anything that night. Sleep on it. It has worked, and I have never regretted it!
9. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Not a window, but one time, when I was visiting the Planetarium at Arizona State University with the youth from church, the elevator became stuck between floors, and they actually had to lift each one of us out. I was so embarrassed, for I was not a thin person and they had to have a couple of guys get me out!
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Well, I will tell you something...the man I am madly in love with, have been married to for 30 years, and hope to be together with forever and ever...well, I first heard his voice in a college religion class. That voice...something about it sent shivers up my spine. I knew, but ignored, that this guy was something special. We dated three times, ended up getting engaged to different people, and, when my engagement ended on January 9, I called him and we went out on January 15 and were engaged on January 21, and then married April 24th...all in 1980! Now, it wasn't easy, and there was prayer involved from the get go, but I have never ever doubted that, though it wasn't magic, Heavenly Father brought us together, and I knew, at first voice...that he was the one who would be the father of my children (six of them), the one who would hold me up when I could no longer bear it, would be my encouragement, would make me strive to be better than I ever would have been on my own. I have never, ever, ever regretted any of it!!!
11. How man pairs of jeans do you own?
I am a jeans kinda girl...I have 10 pairs of jeans, and 3 pairs of jeans shorts.
12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be?
(Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on "Ace of Cakes.")
Hmmmmm Very Interesting...I think it would be a big white 15 passenger van, with all the heads of my kids, kids in law, and my grandbabies hanging out the window. I loved that van...it sits outside, though I can't afford to drive it...10 mpg...but that van was me...and I even had my oldest grandson in it when he was tiny and I got to watch him.
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