When we went to our granddaughters third birthday, she kept saying, "This is the best birthday ever!" I sat in awe of her...sweet and just loving every moment of the now! Oh, how I missed that part of growing up...but, yesterday...it was the Best Mother's Day...ever! I awoke with NO HEADACHE...hooray! Read my scriptures, washed my hair, put on my most treasured jewelry (pictured above-all the treasures given to me by my children through the years...noodle necklaces, Santa sale treasures, paperclip chokers, souvenir bracelets from vacations...worth more than any diamonds ever!), got hugs and a lovely rendition of "Mother I Love You" by Nathan. Dee gave me a beautiful card, carefully selected and full of wonderful sentiments that he added...and 20 bucks of MY OWN for yard saling...I got a lovely note from Nate on my fridge...Sacrament Meeting was full of smiles and had wonderful talks that, for the first time...didn't make me feel guilty. I started, when one mom spoke of warm homemade cookies after school...but I stopped! No regrets from the past...all I did "wrong" is gone!...Smiled through Sunday School and got to be with Kayty till Relief Society...great Relief Society...game on the prophets! Pretty good lunch...no lettuce, so I had cabbage in my salad...texts from Doran and Danyel, and a lovely card and visit later, a great card from Kayty...the singing kind! Later, Allison called and we talked, and I loved hearing her, and those sweet grandbabies of mine in the background...so nice. Then, Ethan and Cam came with flowers, card and a future salad certificate!!! Such a wonderful, happy and glorious day! Thank you to all my wonderful family for loving me, and forgiving me, and for just putting up with your crazy ol' mom, wife, and grammy who loves you all more than I ever thought it was possible!!! I am so very proud of ALL of you. You make me so very happy!
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