Yesterday was another experience in learning for me. It's too bad it takes something like this for me to feel compassion! I woke up on Monday with a clogged pain, just terrible plugged up. I thought that maybe water had gotten in Saturday night when I swam (pool was kinda green), so I proceeded to put alcohol in on a cotton swab, and continued with my day. It was bothersome, but it didn't stop me from getting all my household work done, making a fabulous Hot and Sour Soup for dinner, cleaning up, and then spending an hour cleaning up my newly "extra car free" driveway and front yard. Went to bed, got up, exercised and ran, got the guys up, made breakfast...and started to feel a little dizzy. No matter...just get the boys off, go get Nate at seminary and take him to school (so I can have my car) and go to the H&R Block Job Fair. I drive to get Nate...started feeling yucky. You really don't realize how much you have to move your head when you drive. I got him and proceeded to school...feeling yuckier...nausea...intense nausea...dizziness. I put my head against the seat so as not to move so much. It will pass, I thought. I dropped him off, and just thought that if I could make it home, it would be okay. It truly was a blessing that he forgot his running shoes in the back seat. I had not left the parking lot, and turned to get his shoes to him. I was so sick, nauseated, ready to vomit at any moment, and dizzy...I pulled into a parking place, gave him the keys (thank goodness he can drive now) and called my Mom...knight in shining armor. As I waited for her to pick me up, I barely could walk to the cement box near the parking lot to sit down. I have never felt such intense nausea, such dizziness, in my life. My sweet mom dropped everything, and carted me home...all the while me having what would be almost dry heaves the whole way. I got home, sat down, thinking all would end, but I spent all morning and most of the afternoon dizzy...too dizzy to read...too dizzy to clean...too dizzy to do anything. I managed two loads of laundry, and took garlic and oil of oregano. Finally, late afternoon, I felt well enough to make dinner. I spent the evening resting (making a wonderful birthday tutu for my granddaughter), watching a movie. Today, no run, no exercise...better...but still terrified to get in anything that moves!
The total point of this diatribe is not my temporary condition, but the thought for those who deal with this on any sort of regular basis! How awful it must be to feel dizzy all the have to be constantly aware of what you are have to hold onto something when you be nauseated all the time (foods that I normally love sounded awful...salad-no way for me!) I have learned in the last year how awful it is to have a headache that won't quit (I don't have migraines, but the ones I have, I fear...literally fear! I don't know HOW people who have migraines survive!!!) I now have such compassion for those who feel these awful feelings, and still manage to accomplish things during the day...I don't know HOW they do it! I am so grateful for anyone who presses on, in spite of terrible limitations, illness, aches, conditions. Too bad I had to feel just a taste of what they feel often to learn this.
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