Dee attended East High School in Phoenix for four years...graduated in 1975. His school closed in 1985 and was torn down. In it's place stands a bottled water processing plant. Closing the school, and demolishing it, could have been the end. But, nothing seems to let that Longhorn Spirit die. Thanks to the dedicated work of quite a few people, many from the class of '75, they whole school reunites, every five years, for an "all class" reunion. There were over 600 people in attendance this year...quite a feat! I even saw a few teachers there. My attendance at this regular event leads me to quite a bit of embarrassment...Alhambra High, my alma mater, HATED East High! Their basketball team always beat us...except for one year..I saw that year...I was in the pep band, AT the game we beat them. For thirty years, it has been my shame...Yes, a LION married a LONGHORN! Needless to say, I "sucked it up", hung my head, and put on that guest badge with that revolting emblem on my neck!

Dee saw so many friends...there are some great people that went to that school (even though I tease him about most of the alumni being incarcerated!)
I made sure to take pics with him and that "dream cheer leader", Bonnie Olson. She still has the same wonderful smile.
He met up with friends that have become community leaders...
Served in the military...
Been great parents and family leaders...
And just some great people! (who'd have thunk that some pretty amazing people could come from East High!)
I kept saying, over and over..."Where did all these old people come from?" Dee looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy younger!
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