"To Do" list too long...
Day too short...
Starts too early...
Run too short...
Too tired all the time...
Always too cold...
Neck too sore...
Bread loaves too nice...
Bread bowls too flat...
Primary Singing Time inspiration comes too late for my comfort...
Sister Rice's "hide the heart" game makes children too noisy...
Eating any cauliflower and cheese makes my tummy too sick...
Eating too many red M & M's makes me too crazy and the scale go too high...
Another Creative Writing Paper with too many red marks...
And a teacher that has too many things to pick out that I do incorrectly...
Too much proof that I will not ever be a creative writer...
And proof that if I can't figure out how do what she wants, I will have to drop, before my GPA will be too low...
Which will waste too much money that we really didn't have for this class...
Tired of trying to keep everyone from feeling too left out...
Valentine Fried Eggs too "unheartlike"...
Nate's gonna be too angry when he opens his lunch and sees heart pb&j sandwiches
North Pointe friends gonna think his mom is too strange when above happens...
Too late to even find anything for the guy I love too too much...
Halfway done with too much laundry...
Not too much dirt to sweep out of pool, but remember to turn off the filter before hubby catches you running it too long because you were on the phone too long because you didn't check your google reader yesterday and had too many things to look at...
Daughter's room is too messy to even contemplate...
Too much money to rent a bulldozer for above!
It's been too long since I hugged my sweet grandbabies...
Too many days till Friday, when I get to go and see those precious little ones...
Feeling too old...
Trying so hard to keep up without feeling too overwhelmed...
Feeling strange that the gifts I love too much from my sweet hubby the most are my
vacuum and my Bosch. When I see/use them, I feel too happy...
Reality that too often dims the memories of accomplishments...
Spent too much time here already...
Hopefully, it will not be too late for us to hike when he gets home...
And that I won't AGAIN bake the chicken too long for dinner...
Too independent, yet too needy...and sometimes too discouraged
Forgot to lift my weights...and too little time...so lunch will be too late...
Now, too boring!
Hope your Monday is waaaay tooooo better than mine...
And looking forward to my "toomorrow".
Don't give up on your class!!! Bad grades don't equal failure! Stay after and talk to her and ask her what you can do. You are GREAT at creative writing... you just need to figure out exactly what she's looking for, and she will respect you for taking the time to ask.
Your primary game sounds fun! It's okay if the children get a little noisy... they are just excited to play!
As for people being left out, why don't you just tell everyone that you are going to communicate in one way (maybe start a private family blog, text, FB message, or email), and it's THEIR responsibility to check it for family events.
Love you! Can't wait to see you! Have a TOO happy Valentine's day!
My Angel W* Family...I have talked to her...she gives much in the way of instruction. As for the figuring out what she's looking for, everytime I think I have figured that part out, she picks apart something else...and we haven't even gotten to the tough stuff. She complains about my voice, I alter that, she complains about setting and not being descriptive, I alter that and then she complains in about the voice again...all is turning into a very mechanical production with nothing but me trying to check off a "to do" list...and it takes days to just figure out what to write about! I won't quit, yet...almost did on my first F paper, but I am not going to spend hours and hours a week, give up lots of good things, just to lower my now laughable GPA...I haven't thrown in the towel yet. The grades have dropped each week...I am at the lowest A now...when I get to the lowest C...I am outa there! Thanks for private blog idea...I LOVE it!
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