Our immediate family only remembers a birthday for sweet Charles Doran Rice, born...and died...on September 25th. He is with Heavenly Father, and I know he sees us, and what we do, and loves our smiles and fun. So, while we did not celebrate Charles, we did have cake...made by Grandma...and sang to Aunt Susan over the phone.
Liz and Jade work on a puzzle. |
Doran seems a bit guilty over hogging the chips and salsa, while sweet Nano just sits by and smiles. She looks hungry for some chips and salsa, doesn't she?
These ladies seem very intent on completing this. Only Jade saw that something was amiss...
Upon completion, something was missing...one piece. Something was a bit fishy, and four boys appeared very guilty in appearance.
A search of all parties ensued. Finally, THIS turned up... |
Yep...one of the Rice boys took the last piece. Nathan looked totally innocent to me, but he was the apparent guilty party.
Grandma had made three cakes: a strawberry cake, a bisquick based cake that Susan really likes, and ... |
a Fruit Cocktail cake that Grandma Rice used to make. |
Dad has quite a few machinist friends out of work. He has been helping them locate work, so he spent some time on the phone helping them. |
The ladies play some Uno |
It seems evident that only red Now and Laters are tasty... Not sure why... |
To keep the men happy, electronic devices must be permitted at all family events...that, or remote controlled ones! |
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