Allison and Mike asked us...months ago...if we might be able to create some Christmas gifts for the kids. I was so happy to be able to MAKE something for the kids. Alas, I put it in our "to do" file and didn't think again, till it was November. Dee was so awesome, though, and just absolutely jumped right in to the project. I neglected to take pictures of all the projects all the way through. You know me, I always underestimate, i.e. the time when I said, "Just put up some sticks and some plywood and make a patio roof", a project which I estimated to take July 4th only, and ended up taking weeks. Anyway, Dee made a Pinewood Derby Car Supply Box for Adam, just like the one Ethan had, and shared with all his brothers, a set of oak bunk beds for the doll Gracie had asked Santa for, and a rocking snail for Joshy. He created the whole plan for the snail, from looking at a picture. Nate chain sawed some dry mesquite logs we had picked up from a neighbor. The seat was olive wood that came the same way. It had ironwood eyes and antenna that Uncle Doran had cut in the desert from an old tree.
Body and Head: maple from our friend, John Calhoun. Base steps: oak, rockers: mesquite Nate rough cut and Dee hand planed |
Morgan and Nate help put it together |
Seat: olive from tree trunk that Nate sawed, Dee cut and shaped |
Nate did the initial safety testing |
Uncle Doran is the MOST expert painter, so he was nabbed to do the job. |
The pictures truly do not do it justice. It was awesome. I cried...a see just how hard he worked. He is a machinist, and nothing, absolutely nothing, would be less than the very best, especially for his grandson.
The pinewood derby car box included polished axles and totally council legal wheels, and the doll bunk had blue flowered mattress covers and pillows, and blue and pink blankets (my only contribution).
They looked so wonderful under my tree, and I showed everyone just how awesome my gifted husband truly is!!!
Thank you so much, Papa. You are the papa I wish I had!
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