Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers' Day

First Mothers' Day Gift from Kayty...a Missionary Mom locket. Would love to put pics of all my missionaries in there. We shall see. 
I had planned on waking up early on Mothers' Day...reading my scriptures, getting ready and going for an early choir practice, but things just didn't work out that way. I am up throughout the night, checking Kayty. She has been going low (low blood glucose = death for type 1 diabetic), and, literally, angels wake me up, I check her, she is ice cold, and I have to grab a can of Sprite I keep right by her bedroom and try to get it down her...immediately. If I catch her soon enough, I can keep her from seizures and she swallows. This morning, I talked to her, asking if she needed some glucose tablets...she said yes. Worry. I got her to eat 5, and then the seizures started. I needed for Dee...he holds her up, I sweetly talk to her, and she swallows...swallows...swallows the soda. I test her...28...32...40...She is able to come around and ingest on her own at about 60...All this...and the phone rings...5:18 AM! is a call from Sister Furniss. She is so sweet! She had a phone number for me to call...that afternoon...between 4pm and talk to Elder Rice for Mothers' Day! Try to be calm. Dad shoves glucose tablets in her mouth. Try to answer Sister Furniss' questions calmly and listen to what she was saying...saw Nathan on Sunday (their yesterday)...quiet (I told her that would change once she gets to know him)...Kayty was fine, we had the number to call...Dad went back to bed...and I was...UP!

Got dressed. Then, as I do every Mothers' Day, I put on my most prized possessions, my crown and jewels, the gifts my precious kids have made/purchased for me over the years. The crown, my missionary made for me, in kindergarten. I love the printing know, I think he wrote better THEN!

Love love love these...I also have two noodle necklaces, but they are showing signs of decomposition, so they stay in my cedar jewelry box. I am not a jewelry person, except for Mothers' Day. You can't see the bracelets...I think there were 5, and rings too. 

I checked the computer, before I left, and saw the pictures I had been watching for all week long...
My son, walking in Daejeon, South Korea (green striped tie...I think that was the one I picked out for him to take with him...)

Elder Dyer, Nate's MTC companion, gets a guitar in his hand. He and his sisters have a performing group, Dyer Highway. They all are very talented and have wonderful voices. 

Checking out who their new companion will be in Korea

Elder Rice and Elder Lee, a native Korean. This will 

This is the picture I had waited for. So nice to see Elder Rice and Elder Lee already becoming friends!

Church was great. Choir sounded awesome. I made my favorite salad for lunch. We sat around. I read. Then came time for our phone call. Skype. Thought it would be easy. Not so much. Just be grateful that South Koreans are patient with wrong phone numbers and strange Americans calling them Elder Rice. Finally, forty minutes, and two calls to the mission president, we heard Elder Rice. It was his Monday morning, Preparation Day...the day to do laundry, shop, etc. He sounded good. Loves the food. Loves the people. Doesn't understand a thing they are saying. That will change though.

Then, I got to talk to Allison and my precious grandkiddos. Too much fun! Got to hear Adam play the piano. Got to see Gracie's plate she painted for Mommy for her Mothers' Day gift. Got to see Joshy's water bottle.

Doran called and we talked. Ethan and Cam came by and brought flowers. Morgan came by earlier and wished me a Happy Mothers' Day.

Perfect. Day.

Being a Mother is, was and always will be, my dream job! It is all I wanted. Sometimes, now that my "baby" is a big kid, on another continent, I feel unnecessary (then I walk by Kayty's room, aka another episode of "Hoarders"), but then, I get a call, or a text. Routine just changes and good things fill the time. Thank you to my wonderful hubby, and superbly awesome children...for being the perfectly beautiful people you are!!!Love you to the Moon and Back (right Gracie?)

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