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Elder Rice June 4, 2012

From: "Nathan Rice" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 8:07:16 PM
Subject: Re: Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hey family,
( Care Package information )So any kind of mac and cheese. I like the Velveeta and the powder
stuff. We do have an oven so we can bake, and we dont have peanut
butter, and i miss those chocolate chips (Ghiardelli Dark) hehehe If thats too much, you
dont have to. I am planning on buying a translator today. I
found one I like. It's about 200 dollars but its got built in mp3 so i
can have church music on it too.
So I never read the Ensign or New Era (church publications for all ages and teens) at home, and that was so dumb.
They gave each missionary The Liahona (International church publication with elements of all church magazines)
I got the General Conference one (May issue) and June. oh wow they are
amazing. I love studying the conference talks
They are so amazing. I love them. I am learning so much. It's the best
and they help our investigators and ward members. Like we have a
ward member that has some health issues they suffer from and recently
hurt her ankle really bad. I talked to her because she speaks English
and she keeps saying, "Why does this happen to me?" And I read President
Eyering's talk in Saturday morning session (
and thats what she needed to hear. So I'm trying to figure our how to get her The Liahona in her
language haha.
So this week we confirmed our awesome person haha. It
was cool. Then we gave a sister in the ward a (priesthood) blessing.
Idk why because it was all in Korean.
I got so confused on Sunday after church was over. We were all singing.
I thought because class ended early. We sang ok awesome, but then it went
for an hour. So afterwards, I asked my companion what just happened. He said
we were practicing for choir conference. I'm still confused but it was
fun to sing with the ward.
We were knocking on doors in an apartment and this group of kids saw
me and were saying things to me in English, so we talked for a bit and
went our way and they followed us and they kept saying "you crazy". Ha ha
funny and they wanted me to pick them leaves. (Perhaps because he is tall?)
Then, because Koreans don't have much hair on their arms, they saw my hairy arms and
one kid started pulling my arm hair. Ouch. They were funny. An older
gentleman distracted them so we could escape. haha They were awesome.
We have 2 new investigators this week. One is a police officer and
its cool. We (Elder Lee and Elder Rice) were walking last week and our code word
to talk to someone is "chicken". So we were walking and a man in a green shirt was
walking towards us on the sidewalk and we both said "chicken". So I went
and introduced us and what we are. Then he said something back, so I
looked at Elder Lee and he took over haha. He wanted to meet again.
So, we met and he wants to learn English. We explained how we do 40 min
English 20 Gospel lesson, and he said yes. Exciting! The other is a
referral from a city by us. A sister wanted us to teach her brother. So we
met with him. He is really cool. Our other family that is half Korean
half Philipino... I love them. They speak Engish. We taught about
Word of Wisdom because they have been taught everything and have a
testimony and want to be baptized, but he loves smoking and drinking. So
gave him a picture of us to inspire him to quit.I hope he does.
Oh, the professor we meet with, I still havent talked about the tmj with him
yet, but i will. But ya we were going over the 17 points of the True Church, the "einstein article",
and he asked about where we go after this life. So we're teaching Plan of
Salvation next time. yay. And we invited him to church and he said yes
this time, sweet. But right before church started, he called and said
his son has a soccer game. danget.
There is this person that comes to Engish class. He asked about the church 2 weeks ago
and so we met with him before class last week to play ping pong and talk about the
Gospel. He was late so we only ping ponged, but I think he likes us so
that can help with us teaching next time. Also, he wants us to join
his soccer team at college. Sweet right? We call it "soccer jon do",
soccer tracting haha. That will be great.
Well ya this week good. We had zone conference that was awesome! My mission president is so awesome!I love him. They had the Asia Area medical people come and talk about
health haha. So, I'm jump roping every morning because my companion can't
run a lot. So its cool. Jump rope is fun! It also made me want to be
better at missionary work. The elders and sister leaving soon all bore
there testimonies and one said somethings really cool. He said he
wants to be able to come home and say to his family he worked hard and
did his best. He especially wants to tell Heavenly Father the same. So
that made me want to live everyday so I can come home March 13, 2014
and tell you all, and Heavenly Father that I did my best and worked hard.
Thats my goal. I will try to do better. I have days where I feel like
I can't do it and I'm so overwhelmed and stressed that I want to just quit.
But my companion said when you can't do it, trust the Lord and He will
help. So I'm really relying on Him because I can't do this on my own.
And hey, I dont quit. I remember everyday of football I thought about
quitting. When coach made us run laps one day for an hour, everytime
we passed him, he said "You can quit now and go home." But something
in me, no matter how difficult it was, would never let me quit. 114
degree days, I didn't quit. So I can do this. The Advesary tells me to
quit all the time, but that just motivates me to work harder hhaha.
I love you all. Be safe. Hope your all doing well. I'm great here. Its
getting warm but awesome. Love it here. The people here are so cool.
Little old ladies sit on the sidewalks and sell vegetables and people
drive like crazy here . haha But the people are awesome. Our ward is so
small but amazing. Like the brother that cleans the building very
thoroughly every week. He's always there studying his scriptures.
His wife isnt a member, so I think he loves being at the church. The
bishop has the best smile. This one sister, her daughter was at the MTC
with me. She is awesome. She rides her bike to church by herself every
Wednesday to come to seminary there. btw every Wednesday, we have
seminary (religious education for students) taught by either the stake president
or the bishop. The people here are so committed to the Church its amazing. And this family in
the ward gave us bread one day and then on Wednesday gave us son kyop
sar. I have pics here. And then yesterday, a less active member we
visit invited us for dinner for son kyop sar. It's so good! Its like rib
meat and so good.
Well I love you all be safe and do good. And take
care of Jessica haha. Love all of you.
love Elder Rice
btw the pics are son kyop sal and how we eat and the rice and egg pic
is my food when we have nothing else. It's super delicious. I love rice.
and that's my angry birds bus pass so cool. My other pass broke so this
one is my new awesome pass. Sweet. Well i gotta go. We're going bowling
in Jeonju with our zone. Love you all bye
love Elder Rice

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