I truly enjoyed Sunday this week. I had two grandkids snuggled next to me in Sacrament meeting...no Papa to share them with...(bad Grammy!) Both Sunday School and Relief Society were wonderful, with messages from the Old Testament and the teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith that made such a difference in my life! The rest of the day was family time.
We built a birdhouse, with the kit Papa sent up with me.
You absolutely would NOT believe the major negotiations that had to take place to get the last couple of drywall screws out of Joshy's toolbox. He literally sat on it! And then we needed to use Grace's new drill to screw them in, as I was using Adam's to predrill (yes, Papa, do not faint! I did predrill...a nasty revelation!)
Then, Mommy and Joshy made sweet and sour meatballs. That sweet little guy was kinda unsure about how things would go with this new brother in the house, but Mommy got up and made meatballs with him! He was so doggone happy too!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
2 days ago
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