Madly Clean! Mop, Vacuum...while not being able to sleep much last night. Not fun.
Make Dee breakfast.
Kaylee comes. We stroll. We play outside. We eat my healthy mini muffins
(Well, she takes a bite, and feeds the rest to Beau - He is gonna be very healthy!)
Kayty was off work...Kaylee likes Kayty! Kayty attends Larry Turley's funeral.
We watched the dvd of her skydive.
Kayty and Kaylee liked it. Dad did too. Mom still not sure.
Kaylee naps. I cook dinner. She wakes and we head out to feed the "chick-chicks"
So cute to hear her in her one year old verbage yell, "Here, chick chick chick"!
I feed Papa. He heads out to work on Nate's truck
Mommy comes.
We watch Olympics...and head to bed.
Madly clean, though I don't mop. Make Dee breakfast
Dee had to leave for Honeywell Engines Site early.
Kaylee comes. We stroll. We feed the goat a granola bar. We eat an egg and some fruit.
(Again, she takes a few bites...dipped in ketchup as Rice's do...and feeds the rest to Beau)
We play outside.
Papa locates a Craigslist 1960 Ford Truck Seat for Nathan and drives miles to Chandler.
He gets there and the seat doesn't look right. Turns out it is for a 1967 Chevy.
The seller said he had leukemia, so Dee just left...and had to work extra hours to make up the time.
Make a Caprise Salad for Dee.
Kaylee Naps. I cook dinner. Turkey Gravy on Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus.
She wakes and we head out to feed the "chick-chicks"
I feed Papa. He heads out to work on Nate's truck.
Mommy comes.
We watch olympics.
Dee calls Kent Mecham, the stake executive secretary, and makes the appointment to release Elder Rice and return him to Nathan. We now have President Martin's cell phone number and are to call when Elder Rice gets his luggage. Jessica's first hug is almost scheduled.
We head to bed.
Madly clean. Make Dee breakfast
Dad works from home today.
Kaylee comes. We eat healthy mini muffin. Beau gets less of the healthy mini muffin.
We stroll to see the mini ponies. They are in their pen.
We play outside. We swing. We walk by the citrus trees. Kaylee is fascinated by our ball trees.
We grow orange and yellow balls...and yet we don't play with them.
Make another Caprise Salad for Dee.
Kaylee naps. I cook dinner. Tostados.
She wakes and we head out to feed the chick chicks.
I feed Papa. He heads to Webelos.
Mommy comes.
We go to the store.
We watch olympics.
We head to bed.
Make Dee breakfast.
Dee leaves very early for many meetings.
Madly clean and dust.
Kaylee comes. She has a yogurt/fruit squeezy thing from home.
We stroll. The goat is in another yard, but he sees us and comes running to the fence.
He knows who brings him a granola bar. Gotta find some cheap granola bars.
It is windy, so we hold off playing outside.
Kaylee and I gather up food for Papa's Javelina hunt: pecans, pumpkin seeds, almonds, apples, fruit snacks, prunes, papaya, coconut water.
Make yet another Caprise Salad for Dee.
Kaylee naps. I cook dinner. Homemade pesto and pasta. Asparagus.
She wakes. We head out to feed the chick chicks.
Papa heads out to site in his rifle. Comes back with a perfect rifle...and eight buckets of purple minerals.

Mommy goes home to ready for the trip and Kaylee plays with me on the swing.
Jessica comes with cookies for Papa. Truck work requires occasional bribery.
Papa eats. Kaylee snacks. I urge Papa to get ready for the trip.
Kayty comes home from work.
Mommy and Daddy come. Papa gets his stuff together. Cameo gets Kaylee's stuff together.
Ethan's truck is loaded up. They all leave.
I turn on the olympics and finally I eat my salad.
I stay up way too late, but it's fun to just talk to Kayty.
I head to bed.
The first day in absolutely longer than I can remember that I don't have to do anything for anyone!
I redo my bed...sheets shift over time.
I dust.
I make new bathroom cleaning spray.
I go to Thunderbird Park and hike.
I go to Safeway. Five Dollar Friday. Three packages of paper towels. Teddy Grahams.
I start to move Dee's stuff to the garage office from Nathan's room.
I clean up Kayty's room.
I move more stuff.
I rearrange the prom/formal dresses moved into Nathan's closet over the last two years.
I sweep his floor. I clear the shelf unit.
I dust. I vacuum. I scrub the bathrooms.
I haul stuff to the trash pile. I clean off the front porch.
I water bulb flower beds. I pull weeds. I pick peas and some tomatoes.
I nap.
I turn on the olympics.
I load photos from my camera to the hard drive.
Kayty comes home from work..then heads out to see "Pompeii".
I head to bed.
I straighten up the house.
I go to Thunderbird Park and hike.
I hit a few yard sales. I did get a huge picture collage frames. It might come in handy for, let's say, a wedding reception???
I came home, cleaned and laundered.
I write my very last email to Elder Rice. I have written every single week, at least one and sometimes two or more letters. 104 weeks today. At least 104 letters.
I went to the Dollar Tree to snoop out things for the playroom.
I got cheap poster board for Welcome Home Elder Rice signs.
I went to WalMart and started to shop, but Dee called and said they were on their way home, so I returned home to complete my chores. I underestimated how long the trip was, so I just sat around waiting for awhile. I could have shopped and cleaned.
Dee, Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee arrived, full of wonderful stories. Hunting is not always a guaranteed kill, but the opportunity to be with those you love, to hike in beautiful weather in the most lovely time of year in the desert makes every trip a success.
I made a Caprise Salad for Dee.
I picked peas and tomatoes.
We took peas and tomatoes to Julie B, a neighbor and friend in our ward.
We arrived home to Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper waiting for us.
We spoiled grandkids for the evening.
Kelsie had the computer to herself, with Grammy right by, and listened to that song from "Frozen" more times than I care to even recall counting. I am now not a fan of that song. I fed Kooper. I burped Kooper. I walked Kooper. I fed Kooper. I walked...and he just all of a sudden fell asleep. (He surprised me...I had to check his breathing!) He slept on his tummy on my lap, while Kelsie looked at music videos and ate an ice cream cone creation from Papa...vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie in a sugar cone.
Doran and Amber came and whisked their sweet babes home to bed.
I clean the kitchen counters, do the dishes, and sweep.
We turn on the T.V. and watch some crazy musical "The Fantastics".
I liked it at first.
I got bored.
We head to bed.
I wake up and get ready for church.
Dee wakes up and gets ready for church.
We head to church.
I kiss Elder Rice's Missionary Picture in the hall cabinet. It was my last kiss on a piece of glass. I get the real thing soon!
I visit with Wanda Calhoun.
We attend Sacrament Meeting.
We attend Sunday School. We talk about Abraham and Lot, and what it means to pitch your tent toward Sodom. (Genesis 13)
I attend Relief Society. We had an excellent lesson on God's love.
I leave Relief Society early and go to the nursery to sing with the little kids. They loved "The Wise Man Built His House Upon A Rock".
I get the keys from Dee and he goes to his Cub Scout Committee Meeting.
I drive home.
I make him a Caprise Salad and a Ham sandwich.
I make my salad.
I do some Family History Indexing.
Dee gets a ride home.
Dee eats.
I blog.
I putter.
I help Dee package some of his seeds, tomato, lettuce, okra, to send to Aunt Bobby in Kirtland, Az (where they hunted.)
I wait for email.
I talk with my mom on the phone.
I check Elder Rice's bank account to make sure he has plenty of money available. He will awaken to his final preparation day in Korea.
Dee goes Home Teaching.
I wait for email. (What ever will I do with myself when I am not constantly checking for email?)
The missionaries come by and encourage us to link our profile to our Facebook account. Dee spends the next 20 minutes getting mad at the computer.
The email comes!!! He is happy and wonderful. We talk back and forth about his truck and about what treats he is baking for his District.
I translate and forward our last email.
I shower and get ready for bed.
I text with Jessica. Elder Rice wants to cook for us on Saturday, and then to watch Lord of the Rings.
Kayty screams with joy.
We head to bed.