Monday, February 24, 2014

Elder Rice's Final Email from Korea Sunday, February 23, 2014

Well, it is here...our final email from Elder Rice. He is currently getting a bunch of goodies baked to share with some of the wonderful people he has been blessed to work with. He arrives in Phoenix on Saturday afternoon. If you would like to know more details, please let me know. He speaks in Sacrament Meeting and reports on his mission on Sunday, March 16at 9:00 A.M. at the LDS Church on Pinnacle Peak Road and 51st Ave. That afternoon, beginning at 4:30 P.M. we will have a pizza and rootbeer celebration at our house: 24841 N. 49th Ave. Glendale, 85310. Please come whenever you can. There will be plenty to eat for quite a while. 

Thank you all for your love and support. As you see, serving a mission is not an easy thing: for the missionary or for the family, but oh what tremendous blessings are received. 
Much love to all of you.

Hey family,
I had an excellent last (final) Sunday . I gave a talk on the Savior and the Atonement and I had to work hard to keep it to 10 minutes haha. It was awesome. The meeting began and three less active members that we have been working with came in, plus an investigator. It was amazing. They all liked it. It was a good Sunday and after church, the whole ward ate together. It was a good last Sunday here.

We were not able to hit most of our goals, but all of our stats were higher, which means we worked harder. It was a good time.

I love my mission. I had so many hard times here, but I grew so close to the Lord. I learned so much. I learned to love my Savior and I learned of His love for me. It’s a great start to the rest of my life. I look forward to the last push this week. Today, I am baking a ton of stuff for my district and also for the Jeougeup Ward youth. We have so me great appointments this week, andWednesday night, the stake president is taking us out to dinner, and then helping with a lesson. A great finish. Oh ya, i forgot to say our English class threw me a going away party. After class, they took us out for delicious Korean meat haha. It was awesome. i love it here. I realized, yesterday, I was going home soon, and randomly took pictures of the things I have gotten used to that I will miss,  like super dark alleys that are perfectly safe hahaha.

Well, see you in a couple days haha. Take care of Jessica. I love you all. 

Elder Rice

Suzzy Rice
Mother 엄마 of six Wonderful children

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