Monday- St. Patrick's Day. I greeted Kaylee with a bright green shirt on. She sported some cute green striped leggings and green shorts...looked quite like a dimpled, brown haired, brown eyed leprechaun! We had fun playing outside. Nate's first day of factory work...10 hours of cutting wire...was very hard with his headache troubles. Our "green" dinner was green Mexican Cheese Casserole - used green enchilada sauce. Sweet little Kooper, who was diagnosed with RSV last night, is hanging in there, with his sweet Daddy staying home to take care of him.
Tuesday - Nate had a rough time staying awake and running a saw for 10 hours. Between the headaches and the meds making him tired, he decided he needed to find another kind of work. He spoke with the company head, and they like him and his work, so they want him to at least finish the week. Kaylee kept me busy...busy...busy...especially since it was really windy outside and I didn't want to make any allergy situation worse, so we remained indoors. Of course, the van decided to blitz out on the way to work for Nate, so it got a special trip home on the back of a tow truck, and I took Nate to work while Dee stayed with the van. Dee spent the evening trying to figure out the scouting computer record keeping system online with the other leaders.
Wednesday - Kaylee and I got to walk today. Our goat friend knows us and runs when he sees us. I guess we are the only ones crazy enough to feed him granola bars every stinkin' time we see him. Kaylee also enjoyed Kayty's day off work...she loves Aunt Kayty! Dad tried to fix the van, but it still tries to die...can't have that thing towed every day.
Thursday-Kaylee was feisty today. She was so tired all day...and ended up falling asleep on the way home and sleeping through till the next morning. She loved playing in the sand and walking around the yard.
Friday-Happy 30th Birthday, Doran! Hard to believe I am old enough that half of my kids are in their 30's. Kaylee and I visited the goat and fed him snow peas and granola bars. He is a very spoiled goat!
Kaylee got a good nights sleep last night. Kayty was gone. Dee was gone. House was quiet, so she napped well, though after the first hour, she needed to be in Grammy's arms, so I sat and watched a PBS Show on Venom. Yep, snakes! I did learn something though. I really used to think that there was absolutely no use for snakes. ...and okra. Now, I learned that, because of scientist's research on venom...and anti-venin...they use the technology learned to perform surgery. A man's blood clot in the vessels of his heart ended up getting dissolved because of the venom compound that keeps blood from clotting. Just further testimony to me that God knows all...and that all things, even snakes...have a good purpose...Now, if someone could just prove to me that okra has a good purpose.
Saturday-I ran this morning and got to see the Phoenix Temple at dawn's first light.
Good yard sale day for my playroom. People are so kind and sell things for such a great price when they find out you are using it for your grandkids' playroom. Nate and Jessica went to Sedona on their pink jeep tour and had a great time. It was a tour that explained the Indian tribes that had settled and lived in the area and showed petroglyphs, etc. They made it back to share Dee's wonderful chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner. I didn't get any wedding prep done today, so Monday is gonna be busy...if I get the jeep. We NEED another vehicle that works...NOW!
We watched a movie with Jessica and Nate (well, it looked good...probably was...but I fell asleep sometime in the middle)...and then had great Gospel discussions afterwards until way too late at night, or way to early in the morning.
We got up early and headed out to Doran and Amber's ward. We were joined by Nano and Kathy, Grandma, Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee, and Jessica and Nate, and Nate gave Kooper a name and a blessing.
It was a great family time.Dad and I ran to church to do our callings...Afternoon was spent watching The District on BYUTV, eating tamales, and making blueberry muffins...
The next week should be a week of me getting things done...but only if we find a car for me!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
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