Monday - I didn't dare run or exercise, nor did my body want me to, but my back was hurting from just laying around, so I did laundry...four loads (including the sheets on my bed)...cleaned the bathroom grout (almost all white - again)..
.and worked on Sam's Christmas stocking during the times I needed to take a break.
All embroidered, pressed, and sequined. |
All sewn and ready to be hung at Christmas. |
Wilkins Family Stockings |
I also kept my goal of homemade birthday cards going: made one for Adam, Dorrie, and even one for Jessica next month.
Nate was here working on his truck. Got the bed primed again, and the first coat of paint on. He and Jess planned to head to Utah Wednesday, and then Idaho Thursday for apartment hunting, so he worked hard, even in the 110 degree weather. Of course, our hot weather has been running 10 degrees above normal lately, and will be for the forseeable future. 
We had an electrical trouble, so we purchased a new breaker at Home Depot, which ended up not solving the problem (meaning Kayty yelled when her tv didn't work, and Dee was working in the dark with a flashlight with his Flukey meter trying to determine the problem. Turns out, it was an outlet problem that needed fixing. We had to get an extension cord and run it to her room.)
Tuesday - I had a checkup scheduled...first for 9 in the morning...and finally after the 3rd call bumped to 2 in the afternoon. I had to go in it was a long, long morning. I did get up early and hike. I drank and drank and cleaned and dusted and vacuumed. Nate set to work on his truck early, and Dee was away visiting suppliers and Kayty was at work.
I got Adam's birthday package ready and mailed on the way to the doctor.
Dee finally got his Trinidad Scorpion and Ghost Peppers growing and harvested.
Wednesday - I had a lot planned, but I received a text from Cameo that her poor mom was sick with the barfing/pooping death, and asked if I could watch Kaylee. This threw things into high gear. I vacuumed, ran to the store (since I promised Dee one more caprise salad, and I needed the cheese) and got ready like I had to postpone my scheduled lunch with Dorrie. I had dinner ready to cook/thawing, his salad made and in the fridge, and everything done when Cameo got here.
Meat thawing for haystack dinner |
I tried the pool with Kaylee, but she wanted no part of it at all! She did look cute in her yard sale suit!
We corrupted her, as usual. Here, Papa shares his chocolate lime...and even she thought it was nasty!
Grammy put her to work a bit. (not really...she loves to 'wash'...and I let her feel the love!)
She knows where Grammy's chocolate chips are, and cutely says, "Chocat?" and then "More?" and always says "Doot Doo" (thank you)
Dee had scouts where only one scout showed up so they built and shot off a model rocket.
Nate called and he and Jess were totally enjoying the Utah weather. He was accepted to BYU Idaho, and so the next day they were going to find housing for the Fall.
Missionaries stopped in for a visit, and I fell asleep. Liz was still sick so Cam had asked if I could watch her again Thursday. My lunch might be cancelled again....
I was on facebook and saw that the lights were on the Phoenix temple, so we hopped in the car and drove over. I stood in awe at the beauty. I listened in awe as the men inside the fence were adjusting lighting...meticulously...on the building. One window, the gentleman had to face the light up and down and around over and over and over, just to make it perfect. Temples are built to the highest standards, and every single detail is noted.
Thursday - I woke early, jogged, brushed the pool, watered, and decided to note that this beauty decided to bloom Monday.
Nate and Jess planted them awhile ago. They were tall and green for the reception...and finally bloomed.
The chicks were not really interested in posing for photos...
Poor Liz was still sick, so Kaylee came to play. Nano had planned on visiting, and enjoyed Kaylee being here. Dorrie came by later, since our lunch date had to be postponed, and got one of the frozen sheet cakes to try out for her birthday. We hoped if slowly thawed, it would be good.
After Kaylee went home, I decided the tomato canning had to begin, since we really needed to get the outdoor freezer off for the Summer. I had bags and least 8...of cut up tomatoes that had gotten ripe in the house, but I didn't have time to can, so I prepared them and put them in the freezer. (I don't do that boil/peel thing. Peelings are good for you!) Dee and I worked for hours...
I jumped into the tub, at 11:15 P.M....absolutely tired, but glad we got it done!
Friday - My only day this week "off" I really was off! and it was nice. I got my dusting and cleaning done. I embroidered and picked Korean peppers.
. Dee and I went to Costco, and he got one of his favorite $2 Deli Meat Subs at Subway.
Saturday - I ran 3 miles. The morning was gorgeous and cool! I brushed the pool, watered the sunflowers, let the chickens out of their inner pen (we have a fenced area and then a pen, and that pen has saved many a chicken's life from coyotes that can jump our 8 foot wall for a meal), and then I harvested: yellow peppers, Trinidad Scorpion Peppers, Ghost Peppers, Chom-wa (Korean Melons),basil, oregano, three tomatoes.
We hit some great yard sales: I got a child's table and 2 chairs for the back porch for 3 bucks! I got a lot of canning jars, lids, rings, etc. for ten bucks! Dee got a camp grill to go over a fire for ten bucks!
Dee had wanted, as one of his Summer treats, to go to Flagstaff, hike and spend the day, and so we did.
We drove to Flagstaff...past the exit to Allison and Mike's old dorm (sniff...) and through town, where we stopped at our favorite Chinese restaurant, the Mandarin Buffet. Stuffed, we headed out and turned on the road that goes to Snow Bowl. (we even stopped at 2 yard sales...ghetto!)First stop: minerals. Dee gets the crushed lava rock that is used in Winter to put on the snowy roads in Flagstaff and then adds the minerals to the garden. We got 8 buckets, which will be used in the Winter garden later this year.
We stopped at a favorite spot...there is a neat trail that goes to a big meadow (we discovered that on this trip!) As we hiked, a bicyclist rode by on another trail, marked the Arizona Trail. The Arizona Trail is a trail that goes all the way through Arizona, starting at the South near the Mexican border and goes all the way north. The trail goes eventually to Canada, though it's not the Arizona Trail after it leaves here. I had hiked part of the trail during Girls' Camp for church a few years ago.
My camera is not very good at selfies. I was trying to get the beautiful mountains in the background. |
I remember when Gracie was a little bit, and I was up taking care of her and Adam while Mommy was in the hospital giving birth to Joshy. We found one of these, and made a wish...and then blew...
Every time I see these, I think of her...and that wish (though I don't remember what I wished for) and remembered that wishes and dreams do come true.
So, for my sweet granddaughters (sorry boys, it's kind of a girl thing...) look at the picture, Grace, Kelsie and Kaylee...Make a wish... and blow!
We took it home leisurely, since we were returning to the heat. The evening was spent getting all those peppers and herbs ready to dehydrate, either just outside, or in our dehydrator.
Sunday - Happy Birthday, Dorrie! We had a great Sacrament Meeting. I am getting more used to my new reality of sitting alone...the two old folks at the end of the Edwards' or the DelGado's row. We arrive 30 minutes early. Dee has his chat time, and I sit there...listen to the music, or read. Alone isn't fun, but there are many things worse! Last week, our young men were at Boy Scout camp and our young women were at Girl's Camp and they shared many wonderful and spiritual experiences while they were in the mountains.
I put together the pics Mom brought me from Sharynn...such a great family photo! (Our last one was in 2010...and one family member is no longer a family member. I don't think I will get one of all my kids in one place ever...)
I made spaghetti sauce from jars of our tomatoes, our grown garlic, our grown basil and oregano. I sure will I could grow Parmesan cheese...And pasta!
We headed out to Dorrie's for a birthday celebration.
Nate and Jess got back from Idaho in the middle of the night Saturday/Sunday, but they came too.
That's the week.
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