Monday - Couldn't sleep so got up at 4 am, started laundry and headed out to jog. The Phoenix Temple is now lit up on a regular basis (it used to be that if the lights were on, whoever saw them would send a message out to everyone they knew and we would all come and look) though the spire lights are off at night. It is so beautiful to run past, even through the construction fence. I did some clean up on the back porch and set out on my tasks for the day: cleaning, dusting, laundry, vacuuming. I got sidetracked for a bit, and ended up spending an hour laminating.
Elder Meredith, one of the full time missionaries serving in our ward, was heading home this week, and he had never had our pizza, so we invited them to dinner. I thawed dough, sauce, cheese and pepperoni from the freezer, plus chopped some bell pepper and we had some pretty good pizza.
Dee mowed the yard...and I mowed a few rounds as well...after then left.
Rain was forecast...nothing had happened, though, before I went to bed.
Tuesday - Not much rain had fallen the night before. I saw a couple of puddles, and it was cool but very humid. Thus, I was a puddle when I got home. Dee had to leave early for business meetings in Prescott, so I got bathrooms scrubbed and the house clean, and then headed out for some Christmas shopping. I completed all eight grandkid Christmas stocking purchases, and got the ladies' nearly done. The men are the most challenging...
After dinner, Dee chainsawed the logs he had picked up around the neighborhood and we moved them to the log pile, and then cleaned up the wood chips.
Our wonderful home teachers came for a visit later. We watched primary election results and then went to bed.
Wednesday - I went running...and at my almost halfway point, in the darkness, I saw this...
They lit the spire of the temple! At 5: 15 am!
I hope I am always just as excited as I feel every single time I jog by that temple!
I got my cleaning done and headed out to my visiting teaching appointment with Yvonne. We had a great visit and I headed to the post office to mail some items and then hit WinCo for salad. Dee was at meetings when I returned home so I had lunch and then worked on the next Christmas stocking until my eyes hurt.
Taco Salad for dinner.
I helped clean up the old garden plastic and put away stakes, tomato cages, poles, screening, etc.
Thursday - I was so tired when I fell asleep last night, and I was still tired at 4:15 am when I woke up, so I talked myself out of jogging and slept another half hour. I exercised, brushed the pool, gave the chickens a fresh corn on the cob treat, and set out on my morning chores: dusting, vacuuming. My sweet visiting teacher, Kim and her son Reed came and we had a great visit.
After lunch, I got on the big computer and paid bills. That "routine exam at the dermatologist" ended up costing nearly $900 dollars!
The city picked up my whole pile...which I was thankful for, BUT I had carefully separated the mulchable items from the non-mulchable ones...and it didn't seem to matter. (we later noticed that ours was the only pile picked up on Thursday, so perhaps my neatness gave me some priority???)
Dee made arrangements for his trips for work, and we did some shopping at Costco. While he worked in his garden, I took a rare and awesome swim. It was a bit cooler than I like, but it was great.
Dee had an awesome phone visit with Nate...Cameo texted that Ethan's plane from Maryland had landed safely.
Friday - The jog was a bit warmer. Yep, still August in Phoenix. Though the temple parking lot is roped off, I could jog through and see plants they were planting and a parking lot cleaning machine. Morning was good...I wished Nano a Happy Birthday! She called, and loved the Life History post...and then assisted me in locating the spelling errors (THAT always is my mom. She is far better than any Spell Check could be!)
Day was my typical boring stuff that embarrasses me to continue writing: cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, meal preparation - lunch, dinner - work in the yard...
In the evening, we watched a movie we purchased at a yard sale entitled "Cowboys Vs. Aliens". I thought it would be another one of those comedy spoofs. I waited...and hung up laundry...and waited...
Once a set of hands came out of some alien dudes chest to grab a little kid...that was it for me.
I read the Ensign magazine...much more my speed.
Saturday - My alarm on my cell phone kept going off...and I kept snoozing it. Heck, it was Saturday. No one needs to run at 4:15 am on Saturday. I finally gave up and got up at 4:21 am...or so I thought. I sat up, and it was light outside!
Nope...not 4:21 am but 5:35 am. My phone sometimes freaks out and stops keeping time...I shut it off and it gets back in touch with the cell phone tower and all is good...except that I don't like running when that many people are around. I headed out the door at 5:40 am, knowing I had to be back by 6:30 am to wake up the troops. I made it...woke up Dee and Kayty...brushed the pool...gave the chickens corn...
Ethan and Doran and Kooper arrived...and the guys headed out for some clay pigeon shooting. Kooper and I played
and watched cooking shows on PBS. The guys had a great time!
After Doran and Kooper headed home, I made Dee some lunch and he worked with a far away family member on genealogy via phone.
Dee fed the chickens treats...
and we worked in the garden, took a swim, got some garden supplies at WalMart, and had a quiet evening.
Sunday - Another wonderful Sunday...Our Sacrament Meeting talks were superb. Our young men's president who is a pediatric dentist and his wife spoke about the temple, of bringing our lives in tune, of being a light. In Sunday School, we talked about Jonah and his ministry. I was reminded that we should remember not to decide who is ready for the Gospel. We then had an hour of temple open house "training". Our bishop handed out the following cards:
He was training US to be better people: prayer, individual and family scripture study, attendance at our meetings. It was great, and I almost hated having to leave early to go sing with the nursery kids. history work (Dad gave me some of his dad's life story...He is so busy he just didn't have the time...dinner...hunting arrangements...temple open house volunteer sign up as fill ins...and bed.
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
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