It was 63 degrees when I set out on my jog. 63! At first, I wished I had worn my hoodie...but by the time I stopped at the temple to take another picture of the big tent (which, I was told the day before by the missionaries, will be where the missionaries will be located during the open house to answer any questions), I was warm.
Not as puddly as usual when I got was so NICE!
Typical day...played in the sand (with mosquito repellant on), toys, good nap. Dee was able to get temple open house tickets for a friend from high school who really hasn't committed to going with us. We may have 6 extra tickets for October 23rd at 6:00 pm. (Plenty for Dad, Ethan, Cam, Amber, Doran, and Kelsie...and Grammy will watch Kaylee and Kooper so you all can enjoy...if Larry doesn't work out...and even if he does, it doesn't matter if you have tickets...they let you in...) Dee also worked on his pepper garden between meetings and downloads at work.
He tried to fix his bike rims...for the umpteenth time...but called walking a bike home with a popped inner tube. Those wheels are inner tube killers for some reason.
He wasn't amused at all!
Cam came early after her doctor's check up and so I worked outside with Dad for a bit.
Tuesday - I set out to run at 64 degrees. Love love loved it!
The temple spire was lit...saw it over a half mile away. Love love loved it!
That "tent" is quite the structure. It now has doors that swing, a generator, air conditioning...and two men that stand outside and talk at 5:14 in the morning so an old lady can't sneak up and take a close up picture.
Kaylee and I walked to feed a granola bar to our goat friend, and on the way, saw quail birds and a hop hop. She also served as my visiting teaching companion to visit a sister in the ward. We were playing outside when Daddy came and she had fun with Daddy swinging her high and sliding.
Dee worked on the flower bed preparations and even got some winter lawn seed spread in the barren spaces of the lawn.
Our home teachers shared a message with us right before the end of our day.
Wednesday - It was a long and rather sleepless night, so I decided to sleep in a bit and not take my jog. I celebrated the first of October with some jack-o-lantern pics on the walls with various shapes for their mouths. Kaylee wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but had a good time walking along and putting up rectangles and hearts on their mouths. We made a couple of paper plate spiders. She humors me...she really doesn't know why she is putting chenille stems through holes in a paper plate and pushing an eye into a puddle of glue. The took a loooong nap...over three Dee spent his day off working on gardens, lunching with his mom, and getting a flower bed ready for me to put bulbs in next week.
We took a quick trip after Ethan and Kaylee left to get more "corn" for Kaylee...yes, I am corrupting another generation.
Thursday - This morning's jog was a bit warmer and very windy. I missed the temple yesterday, and there was much progress in open house set up. Though the temple was not illuminated, the parking lot and entrances were full of pathway guide ropes and awnings. They now have brethren that remain at the temple site to watch things (so I cannot sneak over the flags to get a close up peek).
Cameo works late the first few days of the month, so she worked till 10 the night before and was exhausted, so I picked up Kaylee to save her a few minutes. She loved the ride! We played in the back yard, and since it was breezy, we had no mosquito repellant needed! Awesome! Dee worked and worked on his gardens. We got a call from Nate and hoped that the van sold...ugh...I just wish we could get that thing gone! If it doesn't sell, Dad is gonna need to fly up to Idaho and drive it home, since it has to be emissions tested before the end of October and no one will buy it here without that being completed. After Ethan and Kaylee left, I helped him get the last plastic on the garden, and while he planted, I mowed the lawn.
I think I did a pretty good job! (Note to Ethan, Doran, Morgan and Nate: do not laugh, or look to closely!) Salads - as always - for dinner. Quiet evening, other than I received an email needing more open house volunteers, so I signed up for another day next week.
Friday - Great morning jog! My favorite house has it's Jack-o Lanterns up!
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I LOVE this house! And notice in my hand: my pink pepper spray to keep the creepers away. Thank you so much Doran and Amber! It's with me always! |
After Papa got home from the sales, he and Beau walked with us to feed the goat. It was getting a little warmer, but Beau managed to live. We were sad that our goat friend was no where in sight, but it was a nice walk, watching the bunnies and birds and ants. Kaylee liked playing with my homemade play dough and sitting at her table in the house. We went outside to help Papa cover the lettuce from the sun, and ended up having a later than usual morning play in the playground and sand. Kathy and Nano surprised us with a visit, bringing something for Kayty to take to Vegas. They left and while Kaylee was eating lunch, Amber called and stopped in for a minute on her way to...the Phoenix Temple Open House. She and her boss attended the contractor tour!
Kaylee sweet talked Papa into taking her into the pool. She had a blast! Perhaps the most fun she had all summer on that swim. It was cold and she was kind of mad when it was time to get out, but she really enjoyed herself. She took a long nap again, and Daddy came after we had walked to the mailbox and watched the hop hops in the yard.
We got news from Jessica that the van sold! I am grateful! Idaho folks are rather cheap, but we would have had to fly Dad up to Idaho and have him drive back and get the emissions testing done this month. Cheapest airfare = 90 bucks. Gas - 200 plus bucks. I am thankful it is taken care of. That van was good to our family and brought us much happiness. Hope it is a blessing to others (and if the purchaser is a rip off artist who wants to turn around and sell it for more, I hope the van exacts its revenge...It has our backs!)
Dad and I ran out to a few stores in the evening.
I saw many people that posted pics of their Phoenix Temple Tour. It was wonderful...but I admit I was a bit jealous. We were there at the beginning. Dee put the balloon Kayty brought home from work, and tied it to a Home Depot bucket that I carried to the center of the dirt that was the temple site. He secured a string to the balloon and sent it up to the initial designated temple height, and then responded to all that received the neighborhood newsletter, asking them to look out their doors and windows to see if they could see the balloon. This angered the neighborhood organizer that had spearheaded the protests. While we spent a lot of time, and he overcame his harsh feelings towards us, he would never let Dee advertise disc jockey work in the newsletter, because we were deemed "unscrupulous". Disc jockey business never got outside the church work, and we were replaced by the iPod. We went to meetings. I tripped over the neighbors' protest balloons. I went to church with people walking with protest signs and huge inflatable gorillas out in front. It's all good, though, and I still get chills every time I catch a glimpse of that spire in the evening when I go to get the mail. We will get to use that temple...and that is the MOST wonderful thing!
Saturday - Great and cool jog, though I really miss going right up to the gates of the temple and looking inside. It will only be for a couple of months. (Secretly, I want to figure a way to get past those guys in the golf eh eh!)
Yard sales were so so. There were so so many that it was hard to even make a dent before we wanted to be home to watch General Conference. I usually catch up the photo albums and family scrap book during General Conference, but for some reason, I didn't do it in April.
Epic Mistake.
I worked...and listened...and sang (I love singing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It's the nearest I will ever get to being a member of it!)...and worked...and listened and worked. The only break I took was a quick trip to WalMart and Dollar Tree when Dad left for Priesthood Session. I returned and got the second half of priesthood session, which was awesome. (And after I watched the recording of what I missed on Sunday after morning session, I was glad. That missionary choir singing a medley of Primary songs had me a bundle of tears when I heard it on Sunday. I would have been drying soaked scrapbook paper had it been on Saturday night.) My mind and thoughts were edified, my heart was filled, and my hands were sore, but I managed to scrapbook February thru May, which included a missionary homecoming, two baby blessings, and a wedding.
Note to self: either quit doing these family scrapbooks or NEVER let that much time and that many events sit and wait for attention.
Kayty did run in briefly late afternoon, dumped dirty clothing on her bedroom floor, and headed out for a week in Vegas.
I cleaned the house until Dee got home from dinner with Ethan after Priesthood Session.
Sunday - I slept in, and then woke and prepped for the day. Dee had brought home a few unwashed baptismal outfits from being at the stake center, so I had washed and dried them Saturday night and just folded them and bagged them to return to church.
Dee's Conference Breakfast: Chorizo and eggs.
Suzzy's Conference Breakfast: Chocolate chips between scrapbook pages. ( Dark chocolate chips are very good for the heart. My heart is in excellent shape if this is true!)
I listened and learned, sang and prayed, and scrapped. Again, I watched the priesthood session and cried my eyes out at all those missionaries singing Primary Songs. What would it have been had one of my boys been serving a mission when I saw that. I shudder to even think.
I actually finished before the afternoon session, got my mess cleaned up, and ordered a few more pics that I had missed.
Now, I have to finish Nate's personal book (I stop when they get married, so his will be done and done!), Kayty's personal book and Morgan's personal book. It's hard when they get to be adults...only pictures here and there.
I totally enjoyed the afternoon session of conference. I can hardly wait to begin reading and studying. Printable words are available this week!
We did receive an invitation to the private neighborhood tour after morning session. We told the sister calling about it that we were told by our bishop we were not to attend, so we gave our original invitation to Dr. Johnson and family.
The sister said it was incorrect information.
Lots of changes happen when these invitations go out, when plans are made, and changed, and set, and unset. Dee still is looking forward to teaching a gardening class in Nano's ward, so he plans on going to that. I will go to the tour.
It was so wonderful to end my great week listening to the words of our church leaders. All the things we are blessed to hear are for us to improve ourselves. There is no criticism of other faiths or other beliefs and practices. We are taught at the feet of a prophet and living apostles what we need to do to be more Christlike. Those teachings, and the inspiration we receive as we listen, guide us for our next six months until we listen again.
I noticed on Facebook that the movie 17 Miracles will be on BYUTV tonight at 6 pm our time. That is our plan.
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