Monday - Days begin in pretty much the same way: head out the door, admire the lit temple spire, jog by the temple, start laundry, water flowers, pick key limes, clean, vacuum, mop.
Kaylee had a good day. We did "candy corn" things, though she really thought it was crazy for Grammy to take a perfectly good piece of candy and toss it into a cup, or glue it on a piece of paper to resemble a flower.
Dee was back to work after a week off. He also decided his snow peas weren't doing well in the garden he had originally planted in, so he prepared a new bed, complete with chicken manure from a friend nearby. He was a superhero and worked out a mess up with Nate's meds and Cigna pharmacy.
Oh...Obama care!
We suffered through watching "Dancing With The Stars" to see Duck Dynasty's Sadie dance. She is great but we just aren't going to sit and waste any more time on that show.
Kayty was home late...I was already in bed reading my scriptures. I finished reading all the General Conference talks, including marking all the scriptures referenced, so I am back to my favorite read, "The Book of Mormon". I am nearing the end of 3rd Nephi.
Tuesday - The temple was gorgeous this morning. Loving every moment seeing that spire illuminated throughout my whole run. Pool got brushed. Flowers (and pesky mushrooms that came with the mulch topper) got watered. Limes got picked. I got poked.
Today was pumpkin day for Kaylee. I had made pumpkin bread but she is just like her Daddy and must be able to sniff the bean puree in it instead of cooking oil. We fed our goat, plus a few ants in an ant hole, a granola bar, played in the back yard and front yard, scared Grammy to death wanting to climb to the top of the playground "thing", and drove Papa to the church building to usher at the temple.
My evening was busy: vacuum, run down to the stake center to pick up the baptismal clothing from Saturday (which was not there...grrrr! I later found out the new high councilman in charge had taken them home and laundered them himself), ran to a 99 cent store and headed home.
Dee had a BUSY night at the temple open house. The bus company had only sent 8 buses instead of 12, one had a minor traffic altercation in the parking lot, and thus there were guests that waited over two hours for a bus ride to a tour. He texted me at 9 saying he would be there late, and so I made some green chili burro sauce to bring him something to eat when I picked him up. He wasn't that long, but it was a busy night for him!
Wednesday - I stopped and looked at the temple before I turned down the street with the Jack o Lanterns on their driveway lights. It is beautiful and looked so peaceful. I prayed today would be much smoother for the guests who visit. Picked more limes, wiped up more pokes, watered and worked.
Kaylee arrived to Curious George on television, and after we had breakfast, we headed out to the library to Baby Time for Crawlers and Walkers. It was lots of singing and a little reading, and then afterward we could look at all sorts of books.
We had a good trip home, looking for buses going to and from the temple.
It was witch day for Kaylee, so we made a witch head out of a paper plate with her handprints for hair.
We also played outside after her nap, and walked down to try to see the neighbors inflatable jack o lantern...though it wasn't inflated.
Dee had a busy work day and got a ride to the temple open house for his first session as a tour guide. It went well and the buses had no difficulties as they had the night before. He got home late, took a swim, ate a salad and finished up work on the computer.
I ran to the store after Kaylee and Cameo left and got some groceries, and then hurried home so I could watch a Halloween episode of Modern Family. The missionaries stopped by...right in the I visited with them at the door (and missed the show) I know it must be hard for these missionaries. We have elders serving in our ward, and there is nothing for them to do right now. I got the house vacuumed and finished my night reading the Book of Mormon. I completed Third and Fourth Nephi and was on to Mormon.
Thursday - Same old start to the day: run, brush pool, water flowers, pick limes, laundry load number 2 (Dee has ONE white shirt, which gets very sweaty under his suit at the temple, so I have to wash a separate white load every day.
Today was bat day and, after going for a stroll and feeding our goat...
we made toilet paper roll bats and clothespin bats. She had the MOST fun applying the glue! We also made play dough wings for a bat, and I cut her cheese crisp into little bat shapes.
She tolerates my craziness.
Dee headed out and took a friend of ours to tour guide at the temple. He had a good night, though he got home after I had dozed off and after he talked to Nate on the phone about an oil problem he was having with his vehicle, I had a hard time falling back to sleep. I headed out where he was writing in his journal and eating chili...which made my stomach turn, so I headed back to bed. Lavender oil sent me off to sleep.
After Ethan and Kaylee left, I cleaned, vacuumed, and went to get more Smarties and mints for Dee to take to the temple on Saturday night.
Fighting Halloween Eve traffic anywhere NEAR a candy department is not a good idea.
Friday - Got up and ran, watered Dee's snow peas, and hurriedly got ready and headed to Cameo's. Kaylee was already awake in her bed watching Mickey's Clubhouse, so Cam headed to our house and Kayty's make up session. Kayty turned Cam into one very intense zombie nurse. She looked great...or terrible as it were. Even won her office contest for most frightening.
I proceeded to get Kaylee into her witch costume (with a wonderful interruption and voice greeting from Miss Grace aka Elsa in Las Vegas. She is such a sweetie! )and we visited Nano and then Dorrie and Curtis and Trick or Treated.
After getting home, she played and took a great nap...and so did I! (I was absolutely exhausted getting a little one in and out of a car seat.
Dee had a rough day at work. It seems the issues with suppliers he has to keep dealing with just never go away. More forms, more meeting, more emails...and same ol' same ol'
Cam cleaned her make up off before heading here to get Miss Kaylee, and we followed them home and handed out candy for a little while at their house while they took her to a few neighbors.
Late night trip to a very empty Home Depot and me starting to undecorate the house ended our day.
Saturday - Early run, pool brush, and garden water. Then I donned my work gloves and picked key limes.
The gloves did not make it much better. Key lime trees are nasty...some of the worst thorns ever...and they are everywhere!
We headed out to find some yard sales. Dee found an outdoor misting system for cheap that will keep tomatoes happy next Summer. I found a couple of books, some Grammy bag fillers and scrapbook paper.
We spent the day cleaning up: Dee out in the yard and me taking down and putting away Halloween and most of the Fall decorations. We both were dead...and then had to get ready for the last usher/guide shift at the temple. While I was getting ready, Ethan. Cam and Kaylee came by to drop off the trailer and use the slide on the playground.
I headed out to the devotional at the Happy Valley church building. I just sat by myself because the room was filled with couples talking to each other...from Glendale Stake mostly. Someone I knew finally came and we enjoyed the final showing of the Phoenix Temple Open House presentation.
I have cried every single time. This temple we have seen since it's early days, with disagreements and balloons and inflatable gorillas and protesters and trucks hauling off load after load of dirt and steel girders and walls and Moroni and stained glass windows...It is very dear to us. I never thought a temple could become as dear as the Mesa Temple (my family was sealed there, I received my endowment there, Dee and I were sealed there, some of my children received their endowment and sealed there...) but this temple is almost that close.
President Cathcart gave a touching and very inspiring thought and then we were off to the last tours at the temple.
It was a night of unusuals: three people fell, on one of my tours I followed (Spanish Speaking), a teenage daughter had gotten out of line early and I had to try and locate her...through many many guests waiting in line...One tour I followed had someone right behind me joking constantly and rather loudly...not against the church but just finding fun in laughing...and that took away the Spirit...until we entered the Celestial Room. Silence. I heard little from her after that. She was touched by something she hadn't been touched by before.
I am a witness that, though the temple won't be dedicated for two weeks, the Spirit is there and touches people.
Dee was a tour guide and drove there with Laurel Bolton and parked there at the temple. I did manage to find him after or I was going to need to walk home and get Kayty to take me to get my vehicle at the church.
He had a great night and led three more tours. He really wanted a souvenir usher badge (which they told us we could not keep since they will be used for the Cultural Celebration) but since I signed him up to be a tour guide, he got to keep his. I didn't mind too much...I figure that my kids will have less junk of mine to get rid of someday and they will thus love me waaaaaay more than Dad...cuz he is a
pack rat!
Sunday - We woke up to cool weather!!!!!
We got ready and headed out to stake conference which was an Arizona Area Conference broadcast from Salt Lake City. The speakers, including Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Christofferson, reminded us to strengthen our own testimonies and to live according to the For The Strength of Youth and temple recommend interview guidelines. Our own Stake President, President Martin, told us to study the talks from General Conference and times would soon be where it would no longer be good enough to just attend church on Sunday to keep us strong with all that the world is facing.
I noticed a painting in the foyer of the Stake Center, and noticed the little boy...and discovered my favorite paintings from the temple were painted by Carl Bloch. The are beautiful depictions of the Savior...and there is this sweet innocent little boy in each one. I came home and looked him up on the internet. Such a great artist!
Dee had good phone conversations with both Allison and Nathan.
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