Monday - We decided it might be good to let Kaylee sleep in, with all the germs flying around, so I went to Cam and Ethan's and waited for her to wake up and then we came here. We had a good day, making ornaments and playing outdoors.
Dad's day was not so good. Too many assignments and responsibilities from too many people for things they should be doing. He took a hike and got things in better perspective.
Tuesday - Kaylee's day started waking up to Grammy at her house again. We had a good day and, since the weather was glorious, spent as much time as we could outdoors. Ethan came and she wanted to head home, so Dad and I went to the temple to do some work. I had a coughing fit during one ordinance and thankfully, the sweet temple worker had a lifesaver, so I made it. It was a nice night and five family members are ready for further temple work.
Wednesday - Cameo had an early dental appointment, so I did everything I could last night and early this morning, so I could be at their house at 7:30. I did get in a wonderful run, and I so enjoyed being able to rest on a bench on the temple grounds. Best rest ever!
Day went well and Kaylee was ready to scoot as soon as Cameo came. Dad went to enjoy an endowment session at the temple and I did all the things I didn't get done last week, like replenishing my supply of bubble gum and cry babies, finishing the door garland with a few ornaments I lacked, mailing the remaining Christmas ornaments, vacuuming, scrubbing a bathroom, doing a load of laundry and putting it away...It was great to feel caught up.
Thursday - Kaylee and I did candy cane activities, though she would have NOTHING to do with stringing Tutti-Fruities Cereal on a pipe cleaner. She looks at me like I am a nut when food becomes a craft idem. She strung some beads and made a candy cane ornament for their tree. The weather was again glorious and we had a great time playing outdoors. Dad did his first meet and greets, introducing the lady replacing him to his suppliers. Dad headed to the temple. Kayty headed to her work holiday party. Cam made Ethan's Germann chocolate cake coconut pecan frosting, with me wrapping gifts as she worked. She left, and I heard a doorbell ring...and there was JESSICA! She had flown down for the holiday early. It took me awhile to register who it was...and I do admit I scanned the group looking for my sweet son. He had called right before that, informing me that I smell bad. Good ol' Nate! Love him to pieces!
Friday - I did some shopping before Cameo brought Kaylee over. We ate reindeer doughnuts (or, rather, she ate the mini m&m eyes and nose off the reindeer chocolate mini doughnut and ate the pretzel antlers. She thinks I am sketchy when I do stuff with food!)
A family in our ward wanted their own Jenga life size, so their son was dropped off with many 2x4's and he spent the afternoon on the porch cutting and routing. With a new person doing something different, Kaylee was NOT interested in a nap. Dad went on meet and greets at suppliers. In the evening the missionaries stopped by to show us a Christmas video. Kayty went to her ward Christmas party.
Saturday - Happy Birthday Ethan! 12-13-14! I never ever thought when I had my first two miracles that they would have 11-12 -13 and 12-13-14 birthdays!
I woke up early to a wonderful overnight rain! I got ready early and then woke Dee so we could make the 6 am session at the temple. Many months ago, our bishop challenged each ward member to research and find a name and then do work for that family name on 12-13-14. It was a wonderful early session and we saw two other people from our ward. I am sure it was a busy day there.
Dad had me assist in tieing up tomato vines weighted down by raindrops, and then worked on his final grandkid Christmas project. I picked and juiced key limes and limes, and made sugar cookie dough to chill. Ethan came over and painted a gift for Kaylee he has been working on. The three of us went to lunch while the paint was drying, and picked up Kaylee on the way home to play for a bit and to give Cameo some time to get done what she needed to. Nano came by and dropped off four pork roasts for Dad to put in the smoker for Christmas Eve. Day ended with my cleaning, dusting, and vacuuming...and making Dee a real key lime pie. Kayty headed out to karaoke with some friends and we headed to bed.
Sunday - We had a wonderful Sacrament Meeting with a great talk by our friend, Joy Black, and our high councilman, Brother Fink. His talks are always very funny...and with all the laughter there is much learning. I went to choir practice after church, our home teachers came after I ate lunch, Dee and I visited one of his home teaching families and we delivered a few ornament gifts and he went home teaching with his companion. (His companion is a prison chaplain so he isn't available to visit till around 5 pm so I sometimes fill in) Nate called while Dad was away and we talked about the massive spread of goodies he made for his home teaching families.
We celebrated Ethan's birthday and Amber's upcoming birthday in the evening. Kooper was there in his Santa blanket sleeper walking around. Cameo made another delicious German Chocolate Bunny Cake and rice krispie treats and Doran made some yummy peanut butter fudge. I say delicious and yummy not from experience. I am still trying to stay away from sugary treats...bad time of year to give up sweets!
Dad's garden update this week.
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
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