Things often happen AFTER I publish, so Sunday night, we had a great call from Nate, talking about engineering and machining. He is really pumped about college. Jessica was very busy doing homework, and Lily was doing her best to be the center of attention. Dad spent time on the phone with Kathy Hayes trying to figure out his genealogy. Kayty had a great time at Ethan and Cameos eating and watching the Super Bowl.
Monday - Today was full of NICEs.
I had a NICE jog by the temple before I got Morgan up early for work, and then Dad up early to take him, which gave me a NICE chance to get the whole house vacuumed, the bathroom scrubbed, and ready for my day.
I got to pick up a NICE little granddaughter, who was all ready for her day at Grammy's.
We went to our ward park day, and I just totally enjoyed visiting with the NICE-est younger sisters in the ward. I don't think I have ever done that and it was the BEST!
When Kaylee wanted her bottle and I said that mommy said she drank out of her sippy cup all weekend and she emphasized that she wanted a bottle, and then rubbed my cheek with her hand and said, "Grammy NICE".
Kaylee was so NICE when she had to have two breathing treatments for her bronchitis. She was soooo cooperative.
We had a NICE day, gluing hearts and trying new matching games with shapes.
She took a NICE little nap and we had such a NICE time playing in the sand. She just LOVED the sand today!!!
After Ethan picked Kaylee up, I was able to run to Costco and get the NICE (but I cannot eat it...sweets!) chocolate birthday cake for Kayty.
Dee picked some NICE tomatoes in the garden and is enjoying them. Kaylee picked a NICE carrot and enjoyed it, and I got some NICE spinach for her salad later this week.
Kayty had a NICE evening at Glendale Community College Choir tonight. Morgan had a NICE first day at work and said it's the easiest job he has ever had.
Tuesday -
Happy Birthday, Kayty!
Today started with exercising, waking up Morgan and Dee talking him to work. Dad might be a bit grouchy about this arrangement. I remind him of long-suffering.
Kaylee's day went well. We played indoors most of the morning and worked on some valentine counting activities. She loved putting the shiny red hearts in the bottle and dumping them out. We also made cherries from play dough and put them on a cupcake play dough mat.
She did stamping, ate heart shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, woke Kayty up with a happy birthday song, did two great breathing treatments, took a good nap and we played in the sand and fed chickens until Daddy came.
Kayty spent her birthday at Wildlife World Zoo and had a great time. She shared LOTS of pictures of her and her animal friends.
Dad got his fenders for his truck painted....finally. He made the 6 pm temple session.
I made an absolutely awesome spaghetti dinner that everyone enjoyed. Then, Kayty's favorite chocolate death birthday cake and a Happy Birthday song!
Wednesday - I just didn't feel like I should jog, so I exercised and got everyone going to get Morgan to work. Another reminder of long-suffering was included.
Dee had MANY meetings so he was in and out and in and out all day. I went to get Kaylee and we had a good morning: yogurt for breakfast, Curious George, some activities with candy hearts (last time she didn't think they were any good and spit them out. I thought I had scored and so this time, I thought she would sort according to color, etc. Nothing doing! This time, they tasted good and she can't ever figure out why Grammy tries to play with food!) We went to story time at the library and she actually had a good time! She even stayed to the end and got her hand stamp ( she usually avoids going up with kids and getting the hand stamp of the letter of the day. )Today was S and so, of course, the stamp was a snake. Ugh! She was so doggone proud of that snake! She couldn't wait to show Papa. (she had to wait until after her nap. I told you he had many meetings!) Her breathing treatments went well and we had fun outdoors after her nap.
While she slept, I made taco salad for dinner and the guys enjoyed that while Kaylee and I played. Ethan and Kaylee left and I started cleaning up dinner, doing laundry, baked some cookies for Kaylee to decorate tomorrow (no rolled heart cookies...these were drop cookies from a mix and they came out uber tiny!), vacuuming while Dee spent the evening at the temple. Kayty had a long 12 hour day at work and was beat when she came home...ate dinner and off to her room.
Thursday - Since Cameo was off work to prepare for their Vegas trip, I took Morgan to work after my run and awesome rest at the temple...beautiful dark sky with stars and the moon nearly behind the spire. I left all Kaylee's stuff out since Cameo was going to leave her with me for a little while.
I did stop at WalMart to get another rug for the playroom floor. Now that the wood flooring that has stood there in the corner for two years will not be used...I am hoping to sell it...I gotta have that yucky cement with the paint stains covered up. So, I got a smaller rug. It looked good after I did some rearranging, and I decided I need two rugs.
I did some chores and waited for Kaylee to come. Unfortunately, Cam couldn't find her paperwork for the lab tests she needed and ran out of time to bring Kaylee by. So, someone might discover her cookies and the frosting I had ready for her to cookie decorate. I cleaned up and washed her things and packed up the playroom for a week.
Dad and I went to get Morgan at work, and then couldn't find him, so we shopped at Asiana Market and returned home. Nate called and talked to Dad as I got dinner ready, and discovered Morgan had tried to call...after we were already on the way...and say he didn't need a ride home.
Hawaiian Chicken dinner was enjoyed by Dad and Kayty and she brought home some Filibertos Chips and salsa for dad...Yep, miracles happen every day
Friday - Morgan stayed at a friend's house, so I could get up, exercise, grab some sale items at Safeway's Five Dollar Friday, and et ready to go to the temple. It was a wonderful session! I headed to the post office to get a box to mail Nate's meds to him. (Cigna is just determined that Pocatello Idaho is in Phoenix!) and scored a few items at a yard sale on the way home. Dad also did some yard sale shopping on his way home from his morning meeting. I changed, got the package ready, and did some rearranging in the sewing room and my hut, getting rid of a LOT of things. Deseret Industries is gonna LOVE me!
Dad headed to a meeting and I headed to the post office to drop that box in the mail. I did some work around the house and after Dad's last meeting, he asked what I wanted to do...and I suggested the temple to make some forever families. It was the one thing we had not as yet participated in at the Phoenix Temple. We were able to assist with John and Kerri Wood's family ordinances, and they helped us. Dee had included photos of the family members we were performing ordinances for. I was just so touched to know, or to have least done much of the work for them. They are real people and it was amazing. Such a joyous afternoon joining families for eternity.
I made dinner, Dee worked in the yard, we got a ton of key limes squeezed, Kayty came home and ate. I received some cute pics of Kaylee in Vegas having such fun. Some of the Wilkins were having tummy troubles and we hoped it would not spread.
Saturday - I woke up early and jogged to the temple. I did get a chance to just sit and enjoy as people were busily arriving. Exercise, cleaning, laundry, a few yard sales, and home where Dad and Morgan (yes, Morgan was dropped off sometime after we got home from yard sales) pruned back the grapevines and worked in the yard while I dusted, vacuumed, and cleaned. Dee made some yummy salsa from his tomatoes and we headed over the Ben and Danielle Wilkins' house to celebrate their temple sealing earlier. Lots of people I didn't know or couldn't get to, but Dad had fun and I made sure the walls were held up. It was awesome to see how many boys there were that looked EXACTLY like Adam from the back...literally made my heart jump thinking that he was there! After we got home, Dad worked on his motor mounts for his truck and Morgan cleaned out...or started to clean out the shed.
Nate shared pics of an off-roading incident that left his truck stuck. I texted Jessica that Tater-tot Rice is going to be born with a full head of grey hair from his/her Daddy's antics.
Morgan headed out to Kyle's and Kayty spent the night with her friend from work, Par.
Sunday - Dee was super stuffy nosed and woke me up when he got up to blow his nose. I might have been less that sweet, since I do try to stay quiet when he is sleeping and this is my one day to sleep in. I did finally get back to sleep and after a late wake up, I worked on ordering pics for the completion of the 2014 photo album and read my scriptures. Kaylee came by for a quick visit before we went to church. She talked about baby Sam and Grace.
Church was great. It was Scout Sunday and the meeting was devoted to the importance of scouting. Brother Dibb emphasized that scouting is the ONLY outside church program that is supported by the church, and that a prophet supports scouting. (His grandfather IS our prophet at this time). His talk was wonderful, full of great memories of his scouting experiences and how scouting teaches youth to be better men, better leaders, better fathers, better missionaries. All of our young men got up and did a presentation sharing the scout oath and how it applies to priesthood and missionary responsibilities. We have a great group of young men...about 20 were participating. The rest of my day was spent in the nursery, substituting for someone who could not be there. I stayed after for choir and then home for a Chinese dinner Dee had prepared. He went home teaching, talked to Nathan (truck is still stuck) and tried to do some genealogy, while I worked on photos and talked to Sharynn.
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
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