The Phoenix Temple is on their semi-annual two week shut down, so I just stop and look through the gates on my jogs. Dave Simonson, our friend and ward member, was an official photographer for church construction and he published these on Facebook...

The Phoenix Temple is on their semi-annual two week shut down, so I just stop and look through the gates on my jogs. Dave Simonson, our friend and ward member, was an official photographer for church construction and he published these on Facebook...

Our home teachers, one of whom is now our bishop, came by and we had a wonderful visit. He shared stories of the ward father son campout and how prayers were answered over and over as people were freed from being stuck in the mud. (It rained and snowed last weekend) He also shared with us his inspiration for a goal for our ward members to work on this year. He and the members of the ward council had offered prayer and asked for inspiration, and with all the great things that were suggested, the one thing that would help all is improving scripture study, so that is what our ward will be working on. Bishop Edwards is a great leader and we are so thankful for his inspiration!
I finished my visiting teaching via letters this week, as we were assigned a brand new sister, who no one has seen or knows about. My visiting teacher came and we had a wonderful visit! I went home teaching with Dad on Sunday evening and had a great visit with the Burrows family. On Sunday, I also substituted for one of the teachers in the CTR five class. It was a wonderful chance to help out, even though wrestling twin boys who have a very difficult time concentrating was no simple effort.
In my scripture reading, I am now in the Book of Mormon and am now starting Alma . I so enjoy reading the Book of Mormon. After reading the Old Testament, the Book of Mormon is SO much easier to understand! Dad is also reading the Book of Mormon every evening.
I indexed during a few afternoons this week and have indexed over 2200 records so far.
The Wilkins Family
The earth truly moved under their feet as they felt an earthquake on Friday!Adam's play at school was a smashing success. Adam posted some of it on Facebook and it was wonderful to see him try something new. He looked like he was having such a great time! He was a great participant in the musical numbers and did a superb job! Adam, we are so very proud of you!!! And Allison, the costumes you made were beautiful!
The Ethan Rice Family
Had a busy week, and Thursday, Kaylee started the day with a cough and a fever, and ended it with throwing up over and over. Nasty Spring virus! Cameo worked as communication leader for quite a few days and finally arrived at a day that most everyone can go camping this Summer. July 17 and 18th are the selected days! They stopped by for a visit on Sunday night and we enjoyed playing visiting, especially with Ethan, who is so busy that we don't get to see him much. Kaylee had a great time at Wet and Wild and was looking forward to their Memorial Day fireworks show (which we watched on our front porch after they left). Kaylee had a gymnastics class on Saturday and had such a fun time!
The Doran Rice Family
Kelsie celebrated her final day of second grade this week. And Kooper scored at a Saturday yard sale...
Morgan Rice
Morgan stopped by on Saturday to borrow some tools from Dad. He does a lot of odd jobs and has many scheduled for the future.
Kayty Rice
Kayty had a good work week and also attended a reunion party for her former bishopric at church. She went and saw that car racing movie (has Paul somebody in it) with the tailor at work, who offers to take her to movies. She thinks he likes her...but she isn't interested at all.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan was blessed with extra work hours during the holiday week, plus lots of homework, so he briefly stopped by on Thursday. On Saturday, he let us know about a discounted floor model stainless steel LG microwave oven that was discounted greatly, so we ran over and got it. When next year comes and we can work on the house, this is gonna be great in my kitchen! Thanks Nate!!! He also came over for a little bit after church. School was so busy but he is keeping up well. He and Jessica had to work out a financial plan for one of her classes and they are on such a good track for the future. I am thankful for their wisdom and planning. It sure helps when life's "surprises" come up!
Dad's team was making good progress on Monday, and even coming close to solving the problems. Then, late Monday, Dad's supervisor emailed him and informed him there was a new vice president in charge of his group and he might have yet another focus for them to work on! He is also taking over projects from another person on the new team that is retiring, so that required new meetings. In addition, his boss from the old job wants him to meet the suppliers of the Supplier Engineer he will take over for when this assignment is complete, since he is retiring, so he attended some of those meetings as well this week. Friday was a work day for him, but it ended up being very quiet, since many had taken the day off.
My weeks "off" are always full. I picked tomatoes every day. I started the week preparing pans of tomatoes to roast, and early Tuesday morning, I got the sauce made and bagged up to freeze.
I canned on 14 quarts on Saturday too, which nearly gives me a years' worth of jarred tomatoes. The rest will be roasted tomato herb sauce.
I also dusted, vacuumed, scrubbed kitchen cabinet doors, put a new sealer on the kitchen floor (the other one was wearing off already), had lunch with Grandma, planned Nano's birthday party with Nano and Kathy, hauled trash out to the pile for quarterly pick up, brushed the pool, took five wonderful and cool jogs and one tremendous hike in a jacket...in May!!!
Dad's Garden
It was zucchini week at our house! Monday was Zucchini Chicken Skillet, Tuesday it was Mexican Zucchini Boats, Wednesday was Zucchini Lasagna.
Dad used a potato peeler to slice the zucchini very thin, and I hid it in the layer next to the pasta. |
So, this weeks harvest included tomatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers, oregano, basil, oranges, lemons, ghost peppers, and habanero peppers.
No...he isn't growing iphones. He was just using it as a size comparison. |
Total tomatoes harvested as of Sunday:728
Dad's Truck
His week of wonderful weather made it a pleasure to sand, prime, sand, prime, sand, prime, grit blast and paint, plus put parts on it. He worked and worked and worked on the doors, trying to get them just perfect.
The sad thing: he finally painted one door...and EVERY SINGLE little flying creature in the state of Arizona was attracted to that door! I didn't photograph it, but it looks sad. I am not sure what you do to solve that, but I am sure it involves lots of sanding!
He has also been working on his steering wheel: filling in cracks and sanding. It is ready to prime and paint. He also got the power booster finally and totally installed, as well as the gas tank inlet tube.
Other Highlights
Grandma took me to Souper Salad for lunch on Wednesday, and to the new Smart and Final store near her house.
Nano and Kathy came by on Friday for some birthday party planning.
Dad got a call from his old friend, Cliff Eccles, on Sunday and had a good time catching up.
The weather here has been such a treat! We just cannot believe how cool it has been!!! We are so very thankful!!!
Not So Highlights
Other than the bugs on the door, we have been blessed that difficulties have been few.
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