Dad enjoyed doing quite a bit of temple work for family members of Nano's on Wednesday and Thursday.
I only indexed ten or twenty names...too busy during the day and too tired at night!
My Book of Mormon reading is now it Ether 4.
We enjoyed a very wonderful Sacrament Meeting in Las Vegas. The church is true everywhere, and it is wonderful to hear stories during talks of people who have sacrifice so much to hear the Gospel and learn about it.
The Wilkins' Family
Adam turned 12 on Tuesday. Happy Birthday, Adam!!!
We went up on Saturday and had an awesome time.
We went to the Ward Water Party and Barbeque
A water bucket relay...boys vs girls.
Waterballoon toss...and then these two won the "pick up the balloon pieces
race and got two starbursts each!
Slip and Slide
Dad brought up a Rubik's Cube for Adam to learn. Both he...and Grace...worked and worked to solve it.
The Wilkins Family Summer Goals
Evening in the front yard while Papa took Adam shopping with his birthday money at Home Depot. He bought pvc pipe, fittings and other items to make various items found in a book he wanted for his birthday (got that from Mom and Dad)
Adam had a birthday celebration set for Friday, but friends had a previous engagement. Allison had his cake decorated, but by the time he and Papa returned from shopping, it was rather late. So, we sang, he blew out candles...
...and they would eat cake after dinner on Sunday evening.
Papa read bedtime stories...
Grammy did two Teddy Bear Goodnights.
Sunday morning,
shooting marshmallows with pvc pipe shooters
Adam worked and worked...
And finally solved it all by himself.
We went up to witness Adam receive the Aaronic Priesthood, and to be ordained a deacon by Mike. This happened on Sunday, June 14, 2015. It was the BEST part of our weekend, being able to be there for this special day for the Wilkins Family
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo had a busy work week, and Kaylee kept Grammy very busy. So, they used the weekend to truly have fun. Kaylee loved this week's swimming lesson

And on Sunday, they traveled to Woods Canyon Lake for an awesome day of boating, fishing, and fun!
The Doran Rice Family
Amber and Kelsie were in a car accident on Sunday. Fortunately no one was injured and the cars' damages were cosmetic. The other guys insurance will be responsible. So thankful they were all right.
Morgan and Kyle got their car fixed this week, using stuff from Dad, and are on their way working odd jobs.
Kayty worked a lot this week: six days. She went bowling and had pizza with her friend Stephanie from high school. She is now addicted to Netflix Law and Order SVU and has stayed up way too late watching this. She is now terrified to go to the chicken pen, due to the possibility of a rapist being under the grapefruit tree.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica had a wonderful and busy week. They came by to swim one afternoon. Jessica passed her gestational diabetes test. Nate passed his mid terms and found out that he received scholarships for his next two semesters at BYU-I...$2000 each! Hooray!!! (I never knew how affordable BYU-I was!)
Dad's work is often a case of being torn between two bosses: the solid line and the dotted line. He has to visit a supplier and take care of their problems for a co-worker who is out ill for the solid line bosses (those are the ones for his regular job that he had before last November). He is working on delivery issues at Engines and giving tours for the dotted line boss (temporary assignment boss). It makes days not so fulfilling at times, and very often, he has too much...and then not enough...work to do.
And...it seems to be a constant, every couple of weeks, for him to say, "Now I understand what they want me to do." Now, this is NOT because he lacks in work ethic or intelligence. It is purely the result of being put on an assignment that had no definition, no goal. It was just a quick, shoot-from-the-hip answer to someone at a high level screaming that a problem had to be solved. I do hope that this "now I understand..." can last for more than a few weeks.
Kaylee and I had "B" is for....week. We walked in the front door Monday, and Papa had labeled Beau!
made a "B" bee
Had strange lunches
crafted with Brown Bear
and puzzled with Brown Bear
visited with Nano and Kathy Hayes
played in the wet sand
painted bird houses
made pancakes
gave EVERYONE a check up
napped...( rest time is not always just for Kaylee!)
and swam...a lot.
We were blessed with cloudy days, which made for humid but heavenly outdoor play. The swing, the sand, and the slide were cool early in the week. So nice!!!
On Thursday, a friend from our old ward brought over a ton of basil. Dad was ready to go to the temple, so I spent a long evening pulling tons of leaves, and ended up getting four batches of basil walnut pesto done (thanks, Kayty, for making a Parmesan cheese store run). I also do a load of laundry every evening and vacuum the whole house, so I was nearly unconscious by 10:30!
Dad's Garden
We have determined the grapevines have powdery mildew, and so our grapes are pretty much a washout this year. Since it is a fungus, we have to get rid...as in throw in the trashcan...all the grapes and get rid of any leaves and then try to get this stuff gone before next year. Grapes have really proven to be a lot of work...maintenance. I spent time early Friday and Saturday clipping off bunches of shriveled and undersized grapes and tossing them in a trashbag.
Tomatoes have slowed down, but are still going. I pick every morning, but it seems the amounts are in the 20 per day range. Nano and Kathy came and took some home Tuesday, Jeff Huesing took some home Thursday. We roasted on Friday, and sauced early Saturday.
Tomato count so far as of this week: 1342
Dad's peppers are awesome, though inedible for most! He began dehydrating and powdering this week.
His first Trinidad Scorpions also ripened. He tried one Sunday evening...hotter than hot!!!
Dad's Truck
Dad works and works on this thing, but nothing is easy. Every time he thinks the door is ready for paint, he finds another ding or low spot and has to sand and bondo and work it out. He has been having issues trying to get his steering column done, and the wait for parts that were sent wrong and then not re sent for ages has set him back over a month. He often wishes he has NEVER started this project.
He did get his spare tire holder grit blasted, primed, painted and ready to install.
Other Highlights
Humid, cloudy Tuesday, and waking up and running on streets that it had rained on for awhile the night before was awesome! The temple spire is so beautiful lit up against a sky full of dark clouds.
Sunday, June 14, is also Flag Day...and it would have been my parent's, William Allan Kew and Barbara Jeanne Marsh, 58th wedding anniversary.
Not so highlights
Amber and Kelsie's accident was scary for all. We were so blessed!!!
Phoenix has figured out what June weather is supposed to be. The afterburners are on and 110s and above are in our future. Sad!
Dad enjoyed doing quite a bit of temple work for family members of Nano's on Wednesday and Thursday.
I only indexed ten or twenty names...too busy during the day and too tired at night!
My Book of Mormon reading is now it Ether 4.
We enjoyed a very wonderful Sacrament Meeting in Las Vegas. The church is true everywhere, and it is wonderful to hear stories during talks of people who have sacrifice so much to hear the Gospel and learn about it.
The Wilkins' Family
Adam turned 12 on Tuesday. Happy Birthday, Adam!!!
We went up on Saturday and had an awesome time.
Adam was given "Fur Elise" by his piano teacher, Jessica Cox, the day prior. He is already playing it well! |
They put up a swing for Sam...but Sam was asleep so Josh demonstrated it. |
Adam bought three trick yoyos for his birthday. He was showing me some of his tricks with this one. |
Allison puts the finishing touches on Adam's birthday cake. "12 Swag" |
Sam found Adam's bucket of PVC pipe fittings and pronounced them "MINE!" |
Sam's first experience with Cheese Balls. They were a hit! |
A water bucket relay...boys vs girls.
Cheese balls and ketchup! One happy boy! |
race and got two starbursts each!
Slip and Slide
Dad brought up a Rubik's Cube for Adam to learn. Both he...and Grace...worked and worked to solve it.
The Wilkins Family Summer Goals
Evening in the front yard while Papa took Adam shopping with his birthday money at Home Depot. He bought pvc pipe, fittings and other items to make various items found in a book he wanted for his birthday (got that from Mom and Dad)
Adam had a birthday celebration set for Friday, but friends had a previous engagement. Allison had his cake decorated, but by the time he and Papa returned from shopping, it was rather late. So, we sang, he blew out candles...
...and they would eat cake after dinner on Sunday evening.
Papa read bedtime stories...
Grammy did two Teddy Bear Goodnights.
Sunday morning,
shooting marshmallows with pvc pipe shooters
Adam worked and worked...
Grace eating ammuntion... |
We went up to witness Adam receive the Aaronic Priesthood, and to be ordained a deacon by Mike. This happened on Sunday, June 14, 2015. It was the BEST part of our weekend, being able to be there for this special day for the Wilkins Family
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo had a busy work week, and Kaylee kept Grammy very busy. So, they used the weekend to truly have fun. Kaylee loved this week's swimming lesson

And on Sunday, they traveled to Woods Canyon Lake for an awesome day of boating, fishing, and fun!

The Doran Rice Family
Amber and Kelsie were in a car accident on Sunday. Fortunately no one was injured and the cars' damages were cosmetic. The other guys insurance will be responsible. So thankful they were all right.
Morgan and Kyle got their car fixed this week, using stuff from Dad, and are on their way working odd jobs.
Kayty worked a lot this week: six days. She went bowling and had pizza with her friend Stephanie from high school. She is now addicted to Netflix Law and Order SVU and has stayed up way too late watching this. She is now terrified to go to the chicken pen, due to the possibility of a rapist being under the grapefruit tree.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica had a wonderful and busy week. They came by to swim one afternoon. Jessica passed her gestational diabetes test. Nate passed his mid terms and found out that he received scholarships for his next two semesters at BYU-I...$2000 each! Hooray!!! (I never knew how affordable BYU-I was!)
Dad's work is often a case of being torn between two bosses: the solid line and the dotted line. He has to visit a supplier and take care of their problems for a co-worker who is out ill for the solid line bosses (those are the ones for his regular job that he had before last November). He is working on delivery issues at Engines and giving tours for the dotted line boss (temporary assignment boss). It makes days not so fulfilling at times, and very often, he has too much...and then not enough...work to do.
And...it seems to be a constant, every couple of weeks, for him to say, "Now I understand what they want me to do." Now, this is NOT because he lacks in work ethic or intelligence. It is purely the result of being put on an assignment that had no definition, no goal. It was just a quick, shoot-from-the-hip answer to someone at a high level screaming that a problem had to be solved. I do hope that this "now I understand..." can last for more than a few weeks.
Kaylee and I had "B" is for....week. We walked in the front door Monday, and Papa had labeled Beau!
made a "B" bee
Had strange lunches
crafted with Brown Bear
visited with Nano and Kathy Hayes
played in the wet sand

painted bird houses
made pancakes
gave EVERYONE a check up

napped...( rest time is not always just for Kaylee!)
and swam...a lot.
We were blessed with cloudy days, which made for humid but heavenly outdoor play. The swing, the sand, and the slide were cool early in the week. So nice!!!
On Thursday, a friend from our old ward brought over a ton of basil. Dad was ready to go to the temple, so I spent a long evening pulling tons of leaves, and ended up getting four batches of basil walnut pesto done (thanks, Kayty, for making a Parmesan cheese store run). I also do a load of laundry every evening and vacuum the whole house, so I was nearly unconscious by 10:30!
Dad's Garden
We have determined the grapevines have powdery mildew, and so our grapes are pretty much a washout this year. Since it is a fungus, we have to get rid...as in throw in the trashcan...all the grapes and get rid of any leaves and then try to get this stuff gone before next year. Grapes have really proven to be a lot of work...maintenance. I spent time early Friday and Saturday clipping off bunches of shriveled and undersized grapes and tossing them in a trashbag.
Tomatoes have slowed down, but are still going. I pick every morning, but it seems the amounts are in the 20 per day range. Nano and Kathy came and took some home Tuesday, Jeff Huesing took some home Thursday. We roasted on Friday, and sauced early Saturday.
A one pound eleven ounce tomato |
A two pound four ounce tomato |
This is a Church variety tomato...look how meaty! |
Dad's peppers are awesome, though inedible for most! He began dehydrating and powdering this week.
His first Trinidad Scorpions also ripened. He tried one Sunday evening...hotter than hot!!!
Dad's Truck
Dad works and works on this thing, but nothing is easy. Every time he thinks the door is ready for paint, he finds another ding or low spot and has to sand and bondo and work it out. He has been having issues trying to get his steering column done, and the wait for parts that were sent wrong and then not re sent for ages has set him back over a month. He often wishes he has NEVER started this project.
He did get his spare tire holder grit blasted, primed, painted and ready to install.
Other Highlights
Humid, cloudy Tuesday, and waking up and running on streets that it had rained on for awhile the night before was awesome! The temple spire is so beautiful lit up against a sky full of dark clouds.
Sunday, June 14, is also Flag Day...and it would have been my parent's, William Allan Kew and Barbara Jeanne Marsh, 58th wedding anniversary.
Not so highlights
Amber and Kelsie's accident was scary for all. We were so blessed!!!
Phoenix has figured out what June weather is supposed to be. The afterburners are on and 110s and above are in our future. Sad!
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