Dad attended a very sparse temple session on Wednesday evening (five women, eight men) and Thursday evening (about a dozen men and a dozen women) enjoyed his time there.
Dad and I substituted for the nursery leaders on Sunday. It was pretty good fun, though we had a few crying kiddos, since we weren't the regulars there. I got the Baptismal Program typed for Saturday (preliminary) and he spoke with three of the four baptismal candidate parents.
I indexed passport applications from the 1800s and Freedmen Records. I have indexed 3722 records so far this year.
In our scripture study, I am in Alma 37 in the Book of Mormon, and in the New Testament, Dad is reading in Revelation and will complete it tonight.
The Wilkins Family
School preparations are beginning. Last week, lunch boxes and a new backpack for kindergartener Josh were acquired. On Friday, I received a beautiful letter from Gracie (yes, it took Aunt Kayty this long to get in out of her suitcase)
and then I received the following wonderful email on Saturday:
Merry Christmas
in July Grammy. guess what. I broke my pinkie finger. I have a splint.
It hurts. i tell you how it happened. Adam and I were having a hop on
one foot contest and we fell on each other. i have to sleep in it. Adam
is fine and Josh is to. there all talking now. I will sing you the song I
made up. It goes like this. I do a lot of fun things at Christmas. I look at Christmas lights I carol I have so much fun that I forget what Christmas is about. what is the true meaning of Christmas?
some people think its about spending time with your family it is but
its also meant for someone who was born on this day his name is Jesus
Christ. Do know why it is spelled like this
DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Sunday morning, I received this reply:
Sam is well too. what was your fun thing this week? I just read your reply. who's baptism are you in charge of? We are having christmas In July tomorrow. because we went to see the fireworks at the pioneer day carnival we didnt do any fun things there. just watch fireworks wich was horrifying.
Much love,
I love it when my sweet grandkids send me such awesome messages!!!
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan came and got Kaylee on Monday and she went to a birthday party, and he surprised us Tuesday being able to pick her up again! Kaylee and I did get to swim and she worked and practiced some of her swimming lesson skills. Cam and Kaylee went out to see Cam's sister, Jade, on Wednesday and celebrate her new job she will begin in August. The ice cream cake was really good, according to Kaylee. Cam picked up some retro clothes from Kayty on Friday night for a Spirit Week event next week at work. Cam had to go in extra on Saturday for a work all day training/team building event, so Ethan spent Saturday with Kaylee at swimming lessons and having a good day together. I received a text from Cameo late Saturday night: they were on their way up for a night of camping! I had said Kaylee needs to go when it's not raining, so she can experience camping fun and a campfire etc. Cam worked all day Saturday, and wanted a break...so they headed up toward the Mogollon Rim. Kaylee talked a lot about mud on the way. I bet she was surprised!!
The Doran Rice Family
On the weekend, Doran attended a Man Campout for work, and so Amber took Kooper for a haircut...

and then stopped by. We had fun, Kelsie swam and had some burgers. It was such a nice surprise!!
Kooper explored EVERYTHING!!! Love this guy!! |
No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty wore a blonde wig to work on Monday, but gave in and colored her beloved pink hair red on Monday night. She came home Tuesday with bags full of goodies to make her traditional Bachelorette/Bachelor goodie bags for the final show next week. She worked for days at work, opening shoe boxes and lacing mens' shoes. She was only at an hourly rate for work anyway, so it was good, though some shoes did hurt her hands. She is sure glad that is done. She attended the Union Hills Singles Ward on Sunday, and went to a pot luck, with a can of olives and a can of kidney beans in her hands. It was a taco bar pot luck.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jess were busy all week studying and completing projects for their final exams. Nate also worked on his truck: buying padding for insulating the interior and seeing Nano at JoAnn's. Jessica had a great doctors appointment. All is going well. And Nate came by on Friday night to let us know school is done...and he accomplished all A's, and so did Jessica!! Now for all of us who have taken any college online classes, that is quite the accomplishment!!! We had a great visit with Nate on Friday evening and could just literally feel the relief of a burden lifted. He will be working more full time hours, fixing his truck to get it home to Idaho, and preparing for Annalee's birth. And Jessica, her two cousins and Nate came by, when Amber and family were here, to swim and have some burgers too. Nate worked on loading some bullets with the bullets he cast, and preparing the mesquite wood Morgan had from a job to make a cradle for Annalee.
And he mowed our lawn! Thank you so much, Nathan!!
On Monday, Dad's Boss B (we will refer to one year assignment, et al, with the letter B from now on. I get confused myself with what he is doing for whom) spent quite a bit of time on the phone, directing on what data should be collected, which Dad demonstrated had already been collected with a system in place for that collection. Boss B's comment: "We will meet on Thursday". Looks like another job description revision. He received calls for "emergency" situations from Boss A, and solved those problems, most of the time with a phone call directly to the companies involved. Dad ended up not hearing any different, but did work to get some parts delivered on time that no one was aware were going to be late. He was thanked by his bosses, bosses, bosses boss.
Kaylee and I continued our Summer Celebration, with fish, sharks, starfish, and Watermelon Wednesday.
We did dot pictures,
painted a ceramic fish
celebrated Shark Day (yes, I am way late on Shark anything, but that's how I roll)
celebrated Watermelon Wednesday
made orange juice...and pancakes...
Starfish Thursday, which also gave me the opportunity to Christmas in July by decorating sugar cookies. I sure wanted to snitch, but I have been a pretty good low carb doo-bee.
washed dishes
and celebrated Pioneer Day on Friday.
We swam too, which is nice because it is too hot to go outdoors most of the day, and this little girl goes a bit crazy when she can't go outside!
Dad's Truck
On Monday, Dad spent over three hours in the hot garage machining an aluminum that keeps the fan away from the radiator, etc. safely apart from each other, while still fitting in the engine compartment. He ordered a battery box and worked to grit blast and straighten the part he has. When it arrives, he will have to weld the parts together. He has a friend that came by on Friday to help him install the tunnel ram though that friend discouraged him from doing it till the engine was totally rebuilt...so Dad decided to do it himself. This friend used to work on race cars and heavy trucks at Sanderson Ford, so everything has to be ready for heavy duty and high performance in his mind. We have neither the time nor the money for such. He worked and worked and got his shifter all installed.
Saturday, before any more progress was made, he felt he should call his old friend, John Scott. and ask about the issue. He said that dad needed to install a new cam, which means new gaskets, and a new cam! Dad was pretty well depressed, so it was good everyone came over and got his mind on other things. Everything put on the front of the engine, i.e. fan, belts, etc has to be removed, the front of the engine has to be removed, a new cam installed and then reput back on.
Another setback.Not fun! Thus, his list for last week is gone...and he has a new list for next week.
With all things, there is a lesson, though. While it is not fun to have to redo some things, it is always better to do it right away, rather than take a chance and hope things work out. It is much easier to take a step back and make things right!
I will keep telling Dad this!
Dad's Garden
Peppers are still being harvested, dehydrated, and ground up into pepper powder. Chickens continue to lay eggs. Basil plants are still producing, though not in any record number.
Christmas In July
Basing Christmas ornament (25 now have the base paint, and I am tracing the design to paint) plus I have selected the scripture I will include on the back of the ornament, reading my book, and decorating those cookies.
I came into the bedroom Saturday evening after I was ready for bed, and there was a super old version of "A Christmas Carol" or "Scrooge" on. I saw it from when Scrooge came to his senses and tried to make amends for his wrong ideas. It was great! Plus, Grace's awesome Christmas song!!
I am also completing stocking stuffer boxes. I have complete most grandkid boxes...except Sam! One more left for that guy). I am still working on stockings for the adults. Any hints or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
We are also open to requests for Christmas gifts. I have money saved up for everyone, and if you want anything special - either purchased or constructed - or you see something you dream of getting and don't want money/gift card, please let me know!
Other Highlights
We hadn't had many yardsales to see, but Saturday, we did pretty well. I saw one of those tricycles with a pushing handle on it. We have a little tricycle, but no handle, and it is literally backbreaking to push littles around the playground. I get three rounds usually before I am crippled. Anyway, the bike looked good, and when we asked, it was 5 dollars. Five dollars? Sold! Dad also picked up a composter on a stand that someone was getting rid of...again, five dollars! He really never has enough compost.
I got up early Saturday and raked all the needles in the yard that greeted us last weekend. Two wheelbarrows full...but it looks so nice! What doesn't look nice is the other trees with millions of mesquite beans all under them. Task next week is one bag picked up and in the curb pile each day.
Not so Highlights
On Tuesday evening, my crown that I have been nursing along for years finally gave away, and so I am going to have to make arrangements for a partial. Next week I go to the dentist after the temple on Wednesday morning.
Wednesday was a wild day. Dad was grilling hamburgers when I heard a "boom". Dad ran out, I poured water on the propane tank, trying to get the fire out. All was good, and dad just has to figure out what went bad. Anyway, he ended up frying his burgers (bad memories of our childhoods...that is why I hated hamburgers: I never knew what they tasted like on a grill!), and he had to hurry to catch an online work meeting, so he ran to the freezer to get ice for his orange juice...yep, it spilled all over the floor! I had to mop and mop and mop and finally steam mop to get the mess cleaned up. Now, I know this wasn't a huge tragedy, but it is usually all I can do to make it through a day of playing with a two year old, without adding additional work!
making cornbread |
We swam too, which is nice because it is too hot to go outdoors most of the day, and this little girl goes a bit crazy when she can't go outside!
Dad's Truck
On Monday, Dad spent over three hours in the hot garage machining an aluminum that keeps the fan away from the radiator, etc. safely apart from each other, while still fitting in the engine compartment. He ordered a battery box and worked to grit blast and straighten the part he has. When it arrives, he will have to weld the parts together. He has a friend that came by on Friday to help him install the tunnel ram though that friend discouraged him from doing it till the engine was totally rebuilt...so Dad decided to do it himself. This friend used to work on race cars and heavy trucks at Sanderson Ford, so everything has to be ready for heavy duty and high performance in his mind. We have neither the time nor the money for such. He worked and worked and got his shifter all installed.
Saturday, before any more progress was made, he felt he should call his old friend, John Scott. and ask about the issue. He said that dad needed to install a new cam, which means new gaskets, and a new cam! Dad was pretty well depressed, so it was good everyone came over and got his mind on other things. Everything put on the front of the engine, i.e. fan, belts, etc has to be removed, the front of the engine has to be removed, a new cam installed and then reput back on.
Another setback.Not fun! Thus, his list for last week is gone...and he has a new list for next week.
With all things, there is a lesson, though. While it is not fun to have to redo some things, it is always better to do it right away, rather than take a chance and hope things work out. It is much easier to take a step back and make things right!
I will keep telling Dad this!
Dad's Garden
Peppers are still being harvested, dehydrated, and ground up into pepper powder. Chickens continue to lay eggs. Basil plants are still producing, though not in any record number.
Christmas In July
Basing Christmas ornament (25 now have the base paint, and I am tracing the design to paint) plus I have selected the scripture I will include on the back of the ornament, reading my book, and decorating those cookies.
I am also completing stocking stuffer boxes. I have complete most grandkid boxes...except Sam! One more left for that guy). I am still working on stockings for the adults. Any hints or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
We are also open to requests for Christmas gifts. I have money saved up for everyone, and if you want anything special - either purchased or constructed - or you see something you dream of getting and don't want money/gift card, please let me know!
Other Highlights
We hadn't had many yardsales to see, but Saturday, we did pretty well. I saw one of those tricycles with a pushing handle on it. We have a little tricycle, but no handle, and it is literally backbreaking to push littles around the playground. I get three rounds usually before I am crippled. Anyway, the bike looked good, and when we asked, it was 5 dollars. Five dollars? Sold! Dad also picked up a composter on a stand that someone was getting rid of...again, five dollars! He really never has enough compost.
I got up early Saturday and raked all the needles in the yard that greeted us last weekend. Two wheelbarrows full...but it looks so nice! What doesn't look nice is the other trees with millions of mesquite beans all under them. Task next week is one bag picked up and in the curb pile each day.
Not so Highlights
On Tuesday evening, my crown that I have been nursing along for years finally gave away, and so I am going to have to make arrangements for a partial. Next week I go to the dentist after the temple on Wednesday morning.
Wednesday was a wild day. Dad was grilling hamburgers when I heard a "boom". Dad ran out, I poured water on the propane tank, trying to get the fire out. All was good, and dad just has to figure out what went bad. Anyway, he ended up frying his burgers (bad memories of our childhoods...that is why I hated hamburgers: I never knew what they tasted like on a grill!), and he had to hurry to catch an online work meeting, so he ran to the freezer to get ice for his orange juice...yep, it spilled all over the floor! I had to mop and mop and mop and finally steam mop to get the mess cleaned up. Now, I know this wasn't a huge tragedy, but it is usually all I can do to make it through a day of playing with a two year old, without adding additional work!
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