My ponderize scripture for the week:
"The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever. " Isaiah 32:17
I began my Wednesday at the temple. Another wonderful session and a perfect way to begin a day! Dee and I attended an evening session together. So, I was in both the 6 am and the 6 pm sessions.
I went Visiting Teaching on Tuesday and had a great visit with a sister in our ward who is new, living in both Flagstaff and Phoenix. We had twelve hours she was in town! Thursday I visited our other sister and had a great visit as well. I composed a packet and letter for our sister that prefers letter contact, and I got 100%.
Dad went home teaching with his companion on Sunday evening and visited the Blakes and the Barton families.
I have indexed a total of 6261 records so far this year.
In my scripture reading, I am in Helaman 9.Dad is in: Bible - Numbers 18; Book of Mormon - Alma 19. He completed "The Fourth Thousand Years" this week.
My ponderize scripture for the week:
"The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever. " Isaiah 32:17
I began my Wednesday at the temple. Another wonderful session and a perfect way to begin a day! Dee and I attended an evening session together. So, I was in both the 6 am and the 6 pm sessions.
I went Visiting Teaching on Tuesday and had a great visit with a sister in our ward who is new, living in both Flagstaff and Phoenix. We had twelve hours she was in town! Thursday I visited our other sister and had a great visit as well. I composed a packet and letter for our sister that prefers letter contact, and I got 100%.
Dad went home teaching with his companion on Sunday evening and visited the Blakes and the Barton families.
I have indexed a total of 6261 records so far this year.
In my scripture reading, I am in Helaman 9.Dad is in: Bible - Numbers 18; Book of Mormon - Alma 19. He completed "The Fourth Thousand Years" this week.
The Wilkins Family
Adam texted me on Thursday night that they were on their walk looking at Halloween decorations and he was getting ideas for his display at school. They had school on Friday, and he said his haunted theme decor looked good, including dark colors and fake blood. Josh was going to get to go to Kindergarten all day on Friday, and might be selected for permanent all day kindergarten! Adam's piano skills are always improving, and now he has Christmas music, so Allison has her own personal Christmas pianist. I might be jealous!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo posted a few more pics of their fun at Pumpkins in the Pines last weekend that I didn't see till Monday morning...

They found out on Tuesday that Ethan couldn't get the next Monday and Tuesday off, so their Vegas trip is postponed. Kaylee had a good week and got to make Jack o Lantern Jello Jigglers with Grandma Liza.On Friday evening, she Trick or Trunked with Aunt Jade and James, Grampy Wally, Grandma Liza and mommy.
On Saturday, Kaylee took Lexi Doggy Trick or Treating at PetsMart

Ethan and Cameo attended a fun Halloween Party on Saturday night...

The Doran Rice Family
Kooper on a Monday morning...

Doran's first Applewood Smoked Turkey

We found out from a friend of his on Saturday that Morgan is in Utah.He visited Sharynn and family, she told us, and was headed to Washington state to do one of those fishing jobs. He rode to Utah with a car hauler, and was promised $150 dollars to help unload after arriving there (he rode there in one of the vehicles on the hauler). After the unload, where he was almost hit by another passing truck, he went to use the restroom, and when he came out, his possessions were neatly placed by the bathroom door, and the empty truck was gone...and the driver with the promised $150.
He sent me this photo tonight...

This is LaGrande Oregon, where he assured me via message that he was safe and warm.
Kayty started Monday with trying to get ahold of an attorney. She also took Ellie, her car, to be checked out and assessed. There will be no decisions as to what the course of action will be until the other driver's insurance claims responsibility, they said, though she was told to take the car there on Wednesday morning. Tuesday she contacted a few lawyers and worked, though it was very difficult with her wrist and hand.Wednesday she and dad continued to fight insurance companies. Ours is great. The at fault driver's was awful. The had no contact information for anyone, including their own client. Kayty spoke with an attorney after she went and dropped her car off to be worked on and brought home this...
She is not a fan since it can't hold her large sodas.
Anyway, Thursday she had to go to her doctor since her hand and wrist are still very painful and make it difficult to work.They took many xrays and will know in a few days a course of action. She has pain pills that seemed to help her sleep better Thursday night. That, plus the good news that after Dad's tons of emails and calls, plus Kayty calling and getting in touch with an attorney, the other driver's insurance has taken full responsibility for the accident. Now, the negotiations come, and their first offer was unacceptable. She was on the phone with the lawyer. I walked by and saw this:
Gummy Bears...all with their heads eaten off...in a perfect diagonal row. |
Needless to say, we stayed clear of her the rest of the day.
She worked Saturday and Sunday, but took time out Saturday evening to attend a ward Halloween Party, with a British theme. She said there were cucumber sandwiches and trifle to eat...and many Peter Pans (some quite disturbing) and a few Queen of England...she, of course, dressed as
Harry Stiles
Fake Tattoos and all!!! |
Her wrist and hand are still very painful, so she is seeing a specialist on Monday.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan had a busy work week PLUS he got my refrigerator ordered (with his ten percent discount) and it will be delivered the day before Thanksgiving. Super excited! He was working on getting the information BYU Idaho needed to complete his registration for the next semester (yes, it seems that Idaho is the best and most reasonable option for schooling for now) and then he came to work on his truck parts, and I got to play with Annalee.

I let Papa briefly hold her as well...
On Friday, he and Dad tried to duck hunt, while Mommy and Annalee had a girls night outing with some of Jessica's friends. With all the rain, there is water puddled and ponded everywhere.
Too bad the ducks weren't aware of that fact.
Nate got a couple of shots off at a coyote.
Dad's work included many meetings, some days with no assignments, and a very busy Friday afternoon, with a problem from a supplier that took many conversations to get taken care of for the moment, and future plans in motion. He has visits next week for this already scheduled.
With cooler weather comes yard work. I neglected to share my big Saturday project from last week. It began as pulling a few errant lantana plants that had started to grow under an orange tree. It ended up with me crawling under the key lime tree (literally the pokiest and most sticker covered tree known!), trimming out dead branches and sticks and stickers while Dad raked them out, and making so that key lime harvest will be MUCH easier this year! I think I was poked about 50 times, and lost blood to boot, but so worth it. I worked Monday on the area where the Saguaro cactus had fallen down months ago. Got everything picked up, raked up, and I even dug and pulled and dug and pulled and Dee helped me finish off the cactus roots so everything is gone from our poor saguaro. We are going to plant an ocotillo cactus there.I picked up key limes on Tuesday and Wednesday, and dad turned them into frozen bottles of juice. I didn't have to dust on Wednesday, a treat due to the dust being too rained on! Still vacuumed, laundered, etc.Thursday began with pool brushing, more lime picking up (I got nearly 75 limes that were juicable, and threw about 30 small ones over the fence. Hope the cars heading to work weren't too shocked!) I got all the groceries for the next week, the shopping for other items done, and finished my week list. I also worked on the baptismal program for our baptism next weekend.
Dad's Garden
That poor garden was flooded on Tuesday!
Rain all drains to that portion of the yard. It didn't hurt things as much as the naughty little wild rabbits who ate more out of the garden. Dad and I spent an hour or so putting up chicken wire fencing around the entire garden area on Wednesday.
Dad's Truck
Dad and Mike B did lots of engine assembly on Monday. At night, Dad found he needed to switch the position of the carburetors...and dropped a washer. We thought we located it ON the engine, and on Tuesday, Dad made one more check...where he found the washer IN the engine. It was NOT good news, but we said a prayer, and worked and worked, and finally got it out, without having to take the engine apart and replace costly gaskets.
On Friday, Dad tried to make sure his radiator that was assured to fit truly did fit into his core support.
Of course...it did not!
Nate was kind and stayed over after hunting on Friday and ran all the brake lines under the truck. Thank you, Nate, for making a bad day much much better!!
Then on Saturday, Dad found out he was going to have to re-do all those brake lines because something was singled rather than doubled. He spent time in the afternoon and got all the lines he and Nate had done re-done, without too much trouble. The rear brakes are next, and he knows better now.
Other Highlights
My Monday jog was AMAZING! Beautiful cool and moist weather, a sky absolutely packed with stars (more than I had been able to see here in years!!!) and I even saw a frog on my jog. (I know it was really a desert toad, but frog on my jog sounded so much more Dr. Seuss!)
Tuesday we had a beautiful and welcome downpour...Hail and everything!!!
Hail size comparison |
West end of back porch...totally flooded |
Over an hour after the storm, I went out to see the oregano, and the shade covers were full of hail. |
We got some rain and lovely cool weather on Wednesday. I also got many check boxes completed on my list for the week.
Final Christmas shopping is in full swing and I got a few people completed this week. Still working on more, but my Kaylee Work Weeks are too busy to get anything done. My weeks off are full of lists of things to do. My only "fun" is when it's supposed to be a Kaylee Day and she is off with Mommy and Daddy, and those days are very rare.
I woke Friday morning to this:
Love it!!!
Community Yard sale near us was full of good and cheap finds! Great books for kids, and other interesting items.
Dad helped Brother Shepherd, a wonderful ward member, work on his Christmas light display.
Yes, Rice boys...do not be too shocked! He helped with a Christmas light display. He is helping design and machine a sturdier display for the Shepherds. It is pretty near our house, so when it's done, I will take a pic and send you all over there. The man who doesn't touch an outdoor light here will facilitate a pretty awesome display...elsewhere!
I completed reading "Best Loved Christmas Stories of the LDS People". Enjoyed it!!
Not so highlights
I guess you could say we are sad that Kayty's hand and wrist are still so hurt! We are sad Morgan had to leave the state to find work. But we are ever so thankful all are well!!!