We tried to watch some of the funeral service for Richard G. Scott on Monday evening, but I was so tired I was sore, so we decided to just get some every night. We enjoyed music and the introductions for Family night.
Dad attended the Wednesday night temple session.
Twice a year, the first weekend of April and October, members of our faith from all over the world, gather in homes, in church buildings, on the internet, and are taught by church leaders. We call this General Conference. There first session, for young ladies 8 yrs and above, occurred last Saturday. We watched sessions in morning and afternoon Saturday, Dee and Nathan attended the mens' priesthood session on Saturday night, and Sunday morning and afternoon. We were able to receive counsel and direction from our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, as well as the other apostles and leaders of the church. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has twelve members. Since three beloved apostles have passed away since April, three new apostles were prayerfully selected by our prophet, and they were called and sustained in the Saturday afternoon session:
Elder Rasband, Elder Stevenson, and Elder Renlund
Elder Rasband was the person who performed the Phoenix Temple groundbreaking dedicatory service. I do remember thinking that they didn't even send an apostle down to the groundbreaking...just someone from Salt Lake City. I have since repented!
I love General Conference. This is a time for us to pray for our minds and hearts to be open to counsel and to receive and then recognize the things we personally need to work on to improve ourselves for the next few months. I have already selected my scripture to Ponderize this week:
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 It was the scripture President Monson based his talk in the Sunday morning session on. It was a powerful talk. I was literally on the edge of my seat, and then I noticed he seemed to hold the podium, to sink lower, while still sharing the powerful message. It seemed to sap him of all his strength, and I found myself wanting to literally hold him up. I was so worried, hoping someone was by his side to help. He finished his words and was in the rest of that session as well as the final one. His testimony was so powerful to me and I will reread that talk over and over.
I didn't get a chance to do much indexing this week. With 11 hours days with Kaylee most of the week (Cameo's days were much much longer than mine!) I would come home, vacuum, and collapse. I am still working on Revolutionary War soldiers records from Massachusetts and have indexed 5754 names so far this year.
In scripture study, I am in Alma 26. Dad's reading is: Book of Mormon: Mosiah 20; Bible: Numbers 9; still reading The Fourth Thousand Years.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins are very busy people and I know this weekend always is one of family traditions for them. Homemade cinnamon rolls. It was also Adam's first time to attend Priesthood Session with Mike. (Grace and Allison attended Women's session last Saturday).
The Ethan Rice Family
This was a late work week for Cameo: both end of month and beginning of month duties. Ethan came by to pick her up after work on Monday, since he did not have "pizza work" as Kaylee calls it. Both had to work late throughout the week. Kaylee was declared Potty Trained this week! Hurray!! It was a long hard week for all! Ethan and Cameo attended a wedding for one of her old friends on Saturday evening.
The Doran Rice Family
Kooper had a treat this week

And when Amber and Doran hid all the scoops, trying to keep Kooper from "helping' feed the dogs, he found a way to do it himself...

I think he is already pretty good with a shovel!
Kelsie texted Papa and I with the news "I have lice". All that a busy family needs...right? Hang in there, Doran and Amber. We know many loads of hot water laundry are in your future!
Morgan made a surprise visit Monday night. He needed a piece of heater hose for Kyle's car and picked up an old computer and keyboard to practice some CadAm on. Nate had those tickets for the ballgame, courtesy of his father in law and the plumbing union, so he was able to go see the game too.
Kayty worked, had the oil in her car changed, worked, read, worked, went to a General Conference breakfast, and slept. She was a great help to me when I took Kaylee to swimming lessons Thursday evening (and the room was FULL of dots) and then to Party City until Cam was done with work. Thanks Kayty!
Kayty finally met Annalee on Sunday evening. Nate brought her by for a couple of hours.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nates week was full of work. He has been working, sleeping, and being an awesome help with Annalee so Jessica can rest. Oh, when I see my sons and son in law, I am so in awe of the awesome helps they are to their spouses and the new little babies!! He didn't get that sleep on Tuesday, with the baseball game, but he said he only needed to drive the forklift at work. Not so sure what that meant! He scored at Saturday yard sales: a gas powered generator and a white dishwasher for Grandma! (white appliances now have to be special ordered). Black is the old white, I think. He and dad attended Priesthood Session, and then they worked on replacing his kingpins and bushings. Dad happened to have a bushing reamer he had acquired. It was the absolute perfect size for it! This is a miracle...a tender mercy!!! They got everything completed, though he is not allowed to remove it from our property until I see Annalee.
Dad's week was full of meetings, pulling information, more meetings, gathering data on CPK, more meetings. He, in fact, was in a meeting on Friday morning when he realized he had taken the day off! It turned into a half day off.
For Kaylee and I, it was "Happy Fall, Y'All" Week. Yep. Temperatures 100 and above and we are celebrating with Fall leaves, acorns (thanks to acorns I picked up at Allison's house last Christmas), Sunflowers, Owls and Scarecrows. Plus, it was our last swim week. Grammy is a baby about cold water!
She play-doughed
She watercolored
practiced writing
counted acorn chocolate chips
dot stamped
put leaves on a Fall tree
made a Fall wreath
q tip painted
snuggled babies
stamped sunflowers
Counted with M&M's
Visited our goat friend
Visited Granny and Curtis' chicks
did owl activities
did scarecrow activities
And swam for the final time in 2015!
Dad's Garden
On Monday, we picked up peat moss and steer manure and he started working it into the garden. He received some seeds he traded on Wednesday. He dug and dug when he got the chance all week. Gardens look great! He planted rye grass in the bed that will be home to next years tomatoes. We also replanted snow pea seeds between sessions of General Conference. It has become a tradition to replant snow pea seeds on that weekend.
Dad's Truck
He completed the components for his motor mounts on Monday and made arrangements for Joe to weld on Wednesday.His welding was a success and he worked on the angle iron mounts on Wednesday afternoon. He helped Nathan on Saturday.
Other highlights
Nate called Tuesday afternoon...he had four tickets to the Diamondbacks game. Dee called and cancelled our home teachers, and called Morgan, who was available to go. Looks like they had an awesome time!
Saturday was the big Arrowhead Ranch annual yard sale. Not much stuff...but I did get a cupcake tote that holds 3 dozen cupcakes. Dad got a new computer monitor that was bigger than dad's current work one.
Halloween Decorations:
I didn't include the bathroom yet. I am going to repaint the bathroom next year (yes folks, seashells will be history - going for grey walls) and fill in all the nail and pinholes, so I wanted to try another hang up method. That blue tac stuff didn't work, so I tried hot glue. Apparently, it did not hold and in the middle of the night, Kayty's potty trip was rather traumatizing with ants, snakes and other bugs falling on her.
Saturday night, while the guys were at Conference, I shopped: Dollar Tree, WalMart, and Fry's. Nothing super special but at least I got out.
Saturday evening was cool enough to turn off the A/C and open the windows.
Sunday morning, with windows open, the smell of rain flowed in...It was raining!!! We ended up getting more than fell at our house the entire Summer!!
As I said, Nathan and Annalee came by for a visit on Sunday night. It gave Jessica some sleep time and gave us a chance to hold her since we hadn't seen her all week. Nate is an awesome Daddy and takes great care of her!
Not so highlights
Sadness in the world but nothing within our four walls...
We tried to watch some of the funeral service for Richard G. Scott on Monday evening, but I was so tired I was sore, so we decided to just get some every night. We enjoyed music and the introductions for Family night.
Dad attended the Wednesday night temple session.
Twice a year, the first weekend of April and October, members of our faith from all over the world, gather in homes, in church buildings, on the internet, and are taught by church leaders. We call this General Conference. There first session, for young ladies 8 yrs and above, occurred last Saturday. We watched sessions in morning and afternoon Saturday, Dee and Nathan attended the mens' priesthood session on Saturday night, and Sunday morning and afternoon. We were able to receive counsel and direction from our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, as well as the other apostles and leaders of the church. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has twelve members. Since three beloved apostles have passed away since April, three new apostles were prayerfully selected by our prophet, and they were called and sustained in the Saturday afternoon session:
Elder Rasband, Elder Stevenson, and Elder Renlund
Elder Rasband was the person who performed the Phoenix Temple groundbreaking dedicatory service. I do remember thinking that they didn't even send an apostle down to the groundbreaking...just someone from Salt Lake City. I have since repented!
I love General Conference. This is a time for us to pray for our minds and hearts to be open to counsel and to receive and then recognize the things we personally need to work on to improve ourselves for the next few months. I have already selected my scripture to Ponderize this week:
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 It was the scripture President Monson based his talk in the Sunday morning session on. It was a powerful talk. I was literally on the edge of my seat, and then I noticed he seemed to hold the podium, to sink lower, while still sharing the powerful message. It seemed to sap him of all his strength, and I found myself wanting to literally hold him up. I was so worried, hoping someone was by his side to help. He finished his words and was in the rest of that session as well as the final one. His testimony was so powerful to me and I will reread that talk over and over.
I didn't get a chance to do much indexing this week. With 11 hours days with Kaylee most of the week (Cameo's days were much much longer than mine!) I would come home, vacuum, and collapse. I am still working on Revolutionary War soldiers records from Massachusetts and have indexed 5754 names so far this year.
In scripture study, I am in Alma 26. Dad's reading is: Book of Mormon: Mosiah 20; Bible: Numbers 9; still reading The Fourth Thousand Years.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins are very busy people and I know this weekend always is one of family traditions for them. Homemade cinnamon rolls. It was also Adam's first time to attend Priesthood Session with Mike. (Grace and Allison attended Women's session last Saturday).
The Ethan Rice Family
This was a late work week for Cameo: both end of month and beginning of month duties. Ethan came by to pick her up after work on Monday, since he did not have "pizza work" as Kaylee calls it. Both had to work late throughout the week. Kaylee was declared Potty Trained this week! Hurray!! It was a long hard week for all! Ethan and Cameo attended a wedding for one of her old friends on Saturday evening.
The Doran Rice Family
Kooper had a treat this week

And when Amber and Doran hid all the scoops, trying to keep Kooper from "helping' feed the dogs, he found a way to do it himself...

I think he is already pretty good with a shovel!
Kelsie texted Papa and I with the news "I have lice". All that a busy family needs...right? Hang in there, Doran and Amber. We know many loads of hot water laundry are in your future!
Morgan made a surprise visit Monday night. He needed a piece of heater hose for Kyle's car and picked up an old computer and keyboard to practice some CadAm on. Nate had those tickets for the ballgame, courtesy of his father in law and the plumbing union, so he was able to go see the game too.
Kayty worked, had the oil in her car changed, worked, read, worked, went to a General Conference breakfast, and slept. She was a great help to me when I took Kaylee to swimming lessons Thursday evening (and the room was FULL of dots) and then to Party City until Cam was done with work. Thanks Kayty!
Kayty finally met Annalee on Sunday evening. Nate brought her by for a couple of hours.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nates week was full of work. He has been working, sleeping, and being an awesome help with Annalee so Jessica can rest. Oh, when I see my sons and son in law, I am so in awe of the awesome helps they are to their spouses and the new little babies!! He didn't get that sleep on Tuesday, with the baseball game, but he said he only needed to drive the forklift at work. Not so sure what that meant! He scored at Saturday yard sales: a gas powered generator and a white dishwasher for Grandma! (white appliances now have to be special ordered). Black is the old white, I think. He and dad attended Priesthood Session, and then they worked on replacing his kingpins and bushings. Dad happened to have a bushing reamer he had acquired. It was the absolute perfect size for it! This is a miracle...a tender mercy!!! They got everything completed, though he is not allowed to remove it from our property until I see Annalee.
Dad's week was full of meetings, pulling information, more meetings, gathering data on CPK, more meetings. He, in fact, was in a meeting on Friday morning when he realized he had taken the day off! It turned into a half day off.
For Kaylee and I, it was "Happy Fall, Y'All" Week. Yep. Temperatures 100 and above and we are celebrating with Fall leaves, acorns (thanks to acorns I picked up at Allison's house last Christmas), Sunflowers, Owls and Scarecrows. Plus, it was our last swim week. Grammy is a baby about cold water!
She play-doughed
Pumpkin Pie Playdough |
Chocolate Glitter Playdough |
She watercolored
practiced writing
counted acorn chocolate chips
dot stamped
put leaves on a Fall tree
made a Fall wreath
q tip painted
snuggled babies
stamped sunflowers
Counted with M&M's
Visited our goat friend
Visited Granny and Curtis' chicks
did owl activities
Eating and dipping owl pudding |
gluing a leaf owl |
did scarecrow activities
This is a stick puppet scarecrow jumping around |
Dad's Garden
On Monday, we picked up peat moss and steer manure and he started working it into the garden. He received some seeds he traded on Wednesday. He dug and dug when he got the chance all week. Gardens look great! He planted rye grass in the bed that will be home to next years tomatoes. We also replanted snow pea seeds between sessions of General Conference. It has become a tradition to replant snow pea seeds on that weekend.
Dad's Truck
He completed the components for his motor mounts on Monday and made arrangements for Joe to weld on Wednesday.His welding was a success and he worked on the angle iron mounts on Wednesday afternoon. He helped Nathan on Saturday.
Other highlights
Nate called Tuesday afternoon...he had four tickets to the Diamondbacks game. Dee called and cancelled our home teachers, and called Morgan, who was available to go. Looks like they had an awesome time!
Saturday was the big Arrowhead Ranch annual yard sale. Not much stuff...but I did get a cupcake tote that holds 3 dozen cupcakes. Dad got a new computer monitor that was bigger than dad's current work one.
Halloween Decorations:
I didn't include the bathroom yet. I am going to repaint the bathroom next year (yes folks, seashells will be history - going for grey walls) and fill in all the nail and pinholes, so I wanted to try another hang up method. That blue tac stuff didn't work, so I tried hot glue. Apparently, it did not hold and in the middle of the night, Kayty's potty trip was rather traumatizing with ants, snakes and other bugs falling on her.
Saturday night, while the guys were at Conference, I shopped: Dollar Tree, WalMart, and Fry's. Nothing super special but at least I got out.
Saturday evening was cool enough to turn off the A/C and open the windows.
Sunday morning, with windows open, the smell of rain flowed in...It was raining!!! We ended up getting more than fell at our house the entire Summer!!
First of a few runoff filled water buckets put on a drier portion of the lawn. |
She is beautiful! Dad was NOT supposed to get Grammy in this photo... |
Not so highlights
Sadness in the world but nothing within our four walls...
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