My ponderize scripture for the week is found in 1 Thessalonians 5: 18
"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
Dad attended a session at the temple on Tuesday evening. He said it had many more people than usual. It seems Winter visitors are here and are attending the temple a lot!
We had wonderful meetings today, including another Fifth Sunday lesson with our bishop, who wants us to make efforts to be good, helpful and friendlier neighbors.
I did some indexing this week. I have indexed a total of 6534 names this year.
In scripture reading, I was so busy that I did not read chapters but I at least read some verses this week. I am in 2 Nephi 9. Dad's reading in 3rd Nephi 24 in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
Dad talked to Allison and Gracie on Tuesday via phone. The kids are on Fall Break, so they were headed to Dinosaur Park, which is an awesome place. I am sure it was a wonderful day!! Sammy had a yummy lunch on Sunday...must have been full of turkey, since he looks like the tryptophan took over.

The Ethan Rice Family
Kaylee was happy to see Grammy when I picked her up Monday. She talked a little about their trip: the ocean, a fairy that her mommy knew.Ethan and Cameo both had busy...but shorter...weeks at work.I was so glad Ethan brought by some of the turkey they had smoked professionally for us to have a taste. It is one of my favorites at Thanksgiving! They stopped by quickly on Thanksgiving and then had a wonderful dinner with Cameo's sister Jade, Cameo's parents, and some other family members. (I still missed Ethan's smoked turkey!) They did LOTS of shopping on Black Friday weekend, and got many things accomplished...in fact, I do believe they have everything done. Now for the wrapping! He got a new bb gun during the weekend that he sighted in on Pizza night.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and family had a good week. Kooper is at another care giver, but he enjoys this new one almost as well as the last one. Doran said that when he takes him, he doesn't hold onto his legs, but walks in, starts playing with toys, and waves goodbye. Doran showed us Amber's birthday/Christmas gift: a new Tiffany blue handgun for her to use for protection. She likes it. He also brought over his archery set up and shot a few arrows on Pizza night.
No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty spent long days at work, only off on Thanksgiving. She heads to WalMart Black Friday early to reload her DVD collection.She did finally get her check from the insurance for her old car, Ellie, and will promptly head to the bank Monday so she can complete Sydnee's down payment.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate, Jess and Annalee visited on Sunday night after I published the blog. She was awake and I got to chat with her, feed her, and witness smiles and laughter! So nice! Thanks for coming by, guys!!
Nate worked early and long, preparing for Black Friday at his store. He gave his notice and will complete working there on December 18th. They got the apartment Nathan wanted in Idaho (carpet cleaning gives you great insight into the nice and not so nice apartments) and can move in January 5th. Classes begin January 6th for both of them. Busy time. He is finishing some last minute details and then will leave his truck at Jess's parents' house while they are at school.
Dad had a vacation week - more burning up vacation days.He filled our quarterly trash pick up pile with tree trimmings and other trash. He also worked on his truck and the garden. He turned off his Iphone Saturday night and it cannot be turned on again till next Monday. Furlough begins.
Kaylee and I did more Thanksgiving activities this week. I had a lot planned for Monday, but she hasn't been as interested. I know the routine is gone: 2 days with grammy, 1 off, two days with grammy, 2 off, 1 day with Grandma Liza, 6 days off, and 3 days at Grammy's. I am not sure it's the better weather that makes it easier to go outdoors or what. We did a couple of things...
And put the rest in the folder.
She had fun on the slide, the tire swing, the scooter, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and blowing bubbles.
We did accomplish a turkey craft or two...
and she made her own playdough turkey
My ponderize scripture for the week is found in 1 Thessalonians 5: 18
"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
Dad attended a session at the temple on Tuesday evening. He said it had many more people than usual. It seems Winter visitors are here and are attending the temple a lot!
We had wonderful meetings today, including another Fifth Sunday lesson with our bishop, who wants us to make efforts to be good, helpful and friendlier neighbors.
I did some indexing this week. I have indexed a total of 6534 names this year.
In scripture reading, I was so busy that I did not read chapters but I at least read some verses this week. I am in 2 Nephi 9. Dad's reading in 3rd Nephi 24 in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
Dad talked to Allison and Gracie on Tuesday via phone. The kids are on Fall Break, so they were headed to Dinosaur Park, which is an awesome place. I am sure it was a wonderful day!! Sammy had a yummy lunch on Sunday...must have been full of turkey, since he looks like the tryptophan took over.

The Ethan Rice Family
Kaylee was happy to see Grammy when I picked her up Monday. She talked a little about their trip: the ocean, a fairy that her mommy knew.Ethan and Cameo both had busy...but shorter...weeks at work.I was so glad Ethan brought by some of the turkey they had smoked professionally for us to have a taste. It is one of my favorites at Thanksgiving! They stopped by quickly on Thanksgiving and then had a wonderful dinner with Cameo's sister Jade, Cameo's parents, and some other family members. (I still missed Ethan's smoked turkey!) They did LOTS of shopping on Black Friday weekend, and got many things accomplished...in fact, I do believe they have everything done. Now for the wrapping! He got a new bb gun during the weekend that he sighted in on Pizza night.

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Kaylee and Annalee |
The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and family had a good week. Kooper is at another care giver, but he enjoys this new one almost as well as the last one. Doran said that when he takes him, he doesn't hold onto his legs, but walks in, starts playing with toys, and waves goodbye. Doran showed us Amber's birthday/Christmas gift: a new Tiffany blue handgun for her to use for protection. She likes it. He also brought over his archery set up and shot a few arrows on Pizza night.
No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty spent long days at work, only off on Thanksgiving. She heads to WalMart Black Friday early to reload her DVD collection.She did finally get her check from the insurance for her old car, Ellie, and will promptly head to the bank Monday so she can complete Sydnee's down payment.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate, Jess and Annalee visited on Sunday night after I published the blog. She was awake and I got to chat with her, feed her, and witness smiles and laughter! So nice! Thanks for coming by, guys!!
Nate worked early and long, preparing for Black Friday at his store. He gave his notice and will complete working there on December 18th. They got the apartment Nathan wanted in Idaho (carpet cleaning gives you great insight into the nice and not so nice apartments) and can move in January 5th. Classes begin January 6th for both of them. Busy time. He is finishing some last minute details and then will leave his truck at Jess's parents' house while they are at school.
Dad had a vacation week - more burning up vacation days.He filled our quarterly trash pick up pile with tree trimmings and other trash. He also worked on his truck and the garden. He turned off his Iphone Saturday night and it cannot be turned on again till next Monday. Furlough begins.
Kaylee and I did more Thanksgiving activities this week. I had a lot planned for Monday, but she hasn't been as interested. I know the routine is gone: 2 days with grammy, 1 off, two days with grammy, 2 off, 1 day with Grandma Liza, 6 days off, and 3 days at Grammy's. I am not sure it's the better weather that makes it easier to go outdoors or what. We did a couple of things...
And put the rest in the folder.
She had fun on the slide, the tire swing, the scooter, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and blowing bubbles.
We did accomplish a turkey craft or two...
and she made her own playdough turkey
Nano came by for a visit Wednesday. |
She had a great time riding the toy vehicles, swinging, blowing bubbles, drawing with chalk, sliding. and feeding the chickens.She took a good nap Monday, but none on Tuesday or Wednesday...which meant that Grammy slept VERY WELL on Tuesday and Wednesday nights!
Dad's Truck
Dad spent time Monday calling about the radiator fitting problem and he got the brake lines to the rear all in, measured, bent and flared. All installed!!
Dad's Garden
He decided that those pepper starts needed to be out in the big world instead of the safety of the laundry room. He planted on Monday and hoped for the best. It ended up that those pepper starts tasted the best...to something. Yep...all eaten and gone! He squeezed key limes for over two hours one evening. I have nearly a half a bucket picked again. More lettuce will be picked this week too.
Other highlights
My Monday jog was so nice. The weather barely required a hoodie and I enjoyed the star filled sky!
Thanksgiving: Awesome! We sure missed the Wilkins family and Morgan!!!
I will begin with our Thankful Pumpkin. Dad bought me a pumpkin for Halloween, and I didn't know what to do with it, so an idea on Pinterest was used. Our Thankful Pumpkin.
Dad, Doran and Nate went target shooting in the morning. The plan was to return in plenty of time, but a detour for a car accident led to a bad road...and some vehicle problems...

They returned a little later than they had planned, so Dad had to very quickly get the turkey ready to grill. I had been peeling the smallest doggone potatoes that every could be put in a ten pound potato sack! Next year, check potato size before going for the 77 cent a bag deal! (I had watched my favorite Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade the whole time I was cleaning and prepping, and was so busy with the potatoes that I missed Santa's arrival! ) Even so, it all ended up fine. Dad's grilled turkey was awesome! I made mashed potatoes, gravy that came out pretty darned good (thanks to the turkey drippings Nano brought by), Nano's stuffing was excellent, Grandma's candied yams and cauliflower and cheese were superb. My cranberry marshmallow salad was good. Nano's nano-carrots and olives were a hit. And for dessert we enjoyed Nate and Jessica's homemade pecan, pumpkin and panda pies (all P's!) as well as Grandma's pumpkin chocolate chip cake and a yummy cheesecake from Amber and Doran. The BEST part was that so many could be here!
Thank you to EVERYONE for coming! I am so very, very thankful for each and every one of you, near and far!
Black Friday - Minimal for Dad and I. I needed some lotion, so we went to WalMart. Nearly empty but full of most items people had desired the night before. We went to Sportsman's and I ran over to Costco and easily got two items. We were home the rest of the day, watching news reports. People here seemed to be kind everywhere. I used to LOVE Black Friday shopping with my girls!!! Standing in long lines in the cold weather, with everyone happy and anticipating! Surely miss that!
Saturday, Dad and Nate went to a nearby pond to duck hunt...limited in 15 minutes!

I am totally sure it was because of the Duck Commander duck call I got Dad last Christmas
They plucked and cleaned, and I was an ever awesome Mom and Wife, made pancakes with REAL maple syrup and bacon
and went to the sink and pulled off tiny down feathers. I did look online to see if there was an easier way. They suggested parafin...hot water...cold water. We were NOT going to give a duck a waxing!
Poor Ethan! He had planned this whole trip, had the boat ready, and snoozed the alarm clock just one time. Didn't wake up till much later. You know, though, while he will have to wait till next weekend for the same haul (he and Nate are going out) I always figure things happen for a reason. I remember story after story on 911 of people who were delayed for this or for that, and ended up not being at work in the World Trade Center when the airplanes hit. Nothing is ever an accident and I am so thankful all are well...and nothing bad happened!
Dad has been DYING for it to be cool enough to make pizza and so we had Pizza Night with the kids. Great pizza! Great family!
During the last few days, I have decorated...and decorated. Some things are not going to be put up...I am getting more minimalist and the clutter of lots of stuff bugs me...but I did get the hunting tree up (Kayty picked up one for me on Black Friday at Walmart) and the patriotic tree up. I have decorated the kitchen as much as I am going to, and only have one or two more things in the family room, and then the bathroom. I will post pics when it's all done.
Nicest thing to find in one of my Christmas boxes?
Nothing like new holiday dish draining towels that you forgot you had. Thanks mom!!!
And, saving the most SURPRISING for last, I told you Dad was helping a friend at church with his outdoor light display. Well...here are the pics...
Yes, your dad participated in an outdoor Christmas light display!!! Miracle!!! He helped design and helped Brother Shepherd fabricate the above ice skating pond with moving ice skaters and a moving working ferris wheel. It looks awesome, doesn't it!
Not so highlights
Costco...two days before Thanksgiving...to purchase rolls. Insane! Nuff said!