My Ponderize scripture for this week is:
"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Romans 8:16
Dad had a vacation week from work, so we started...and ended...our day at the Phoenix Temple: 6 am session and 7:30 pm session.
On Sunday, we met at our building at 10 am for a Southwest Area Conference Broadcast from Salt Lake City. We had a wonderful talk, first, by our stake president, President Greg Martin. At the beginning, he had announced the creation of the Desert Hills Branch in our stake, which will provide priesthood leadership with keys for the men's and women's federal prisons in our stake boundaries, calling Bishop James Day to serve as Branch President. President Martin also talked about genealogy and temple work. The broadcast also included four wonderful speakers, talking about simplifying our lives, repentance, staying near the gospel, and following basic gospel principles. Dallin H. Oaks gave an especially wonderful talks. I do hope transcripts are available online in the coming days.
I didn't index much this week but have indexed 6332 records so far this year.
In scripture reading, I am reading in Mormon 5. Dad's reading progress is as follows: Bible - Numbers 23 and Book of Mormon - Alma 48.
The Wilkins Family
On Monday, while Allison exercised, Sam sat. She thought he was eating sibling Halloween treats. But...

Nope...Mommy's lipstick!!
The weather was awful cold in Vegas on Wednesday, which meant Soup Day...and fire in fireplace night...

And then on Saturday evening, we received the news that Adam had broken his arm...in two places...in his FLAG football game earlier in the day.
Hang in there, Adam. At least it's Winter, so it won't get too sweaty down in that cast for the next few weeks.
The Ethan Rice Family
I didn't hear much from this family all week, and with good reason. It was a very busy one. The first week of the month is always crazy for Cam at work, with lots and lots of late nights, and then Ethan was being trained as a server at Pizza Work.Cam worked on Saturday, taking the place of someone who took the day off.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran was in a car accident during the week. Not sure what exactly happened, but he was ok and we are so thankful for that!!

Morgan messaged me at 8:53 pm on Tuesday and assured me he was still safe and warm and sent his love.Nothing more since then.
Kayty spent Monday cleaning out Ellie
And purchasing Sydnie. My goodness, it took longer to actually purchase this car than it did to give birth to her.
She had a good week at work.
Insurance dealings with the other driver's insurer...the Hartford...have been extremely slow. And that is just for the totalled car. Three weeks from the accident...to nearly the moment...the guy is trying to figure out how to get things paid off.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan had a busy week at work. Twelve hour days, and at least one two hour of sleep night, made it challenging! He worked on finishing his truck every chance he got. It seems to be overheating when he starts it. There may be starter problems as well. He is working out the glitches and was going to do some welding at Ethans and then get the carpet put in. He did take time to come over and let me snuggle Annalee (she will be heading to Idaho all too soon, and this will only get to occur four times a year then...sad face)

My Ponderize scripture for this week is:
"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Romans 8:16
Dad had a vacation week from work, so we started...and ended...our day at the Phoenix Temple: 6 am session and 7:30 pm session.
On Sunday, we met at our building at 10 am for a Southwest Area Conference Broadcast from Salt Lake City. We had a wonderful talk, first, by our stake president, President Greg Martin. At the beginning, he had announced the creation of the Desert Hills Branch in our stake, which will provide priesthood leadership with keys for the men's and women's federal prisons in our stake boundaries, calling Bishop James Day to serve as Branch President. President Martin also talked about genealogy and temple work. The broadcast also included four wonderful speakers, talking about simplifying our lives, repentance, staying near the gospel, and following basic gospel principles. Dallin H. Oaks gave an especially wonderful talks. I do hope transcripts are available online in the coming days.
I didn't index much this week but have indexed 6332 records so far this year.
In scripture reading, I am reading in Mormon 5. Dad's reading progress is as follows: Bible - Numbers 23 and Book of Mormon - Alma 48.
The Wilkins Family
On Monday, while Allison exercised, Sam sat. She thought he was eating sibling Halloween treats. But...

Nope...Mommy's lipstick!!
The weather was awful cold in Vegas on Wednesday, which meant Soup Day...and fire in fireplace night...

And then on Saturday evening, we received the news that Adam had broken his arm...in two places...in his FLAG football game earlier in the day.

Hang in there, Adam. At least it's Winter, so it won't get too sweaty down in that cast for the next few weeks.
The Ethan Rice Family
I didn't hear much from this family all week, and with good reason. It was a very busy one. The first week of the month is always crazy for Cam at work, with lots and lots of late nights, and then Ethan was being trained as a server at Pizza Work.Cam worked on Saturday, taking the place of someone who took the day off.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran was in a car accident during the week. Not sure what exactly happened, but he was ok and we are so thankful for that!!

Morgan messaged me at 8:53 pm on Tuesday and assured me he was still safe and warm and sent his love.Nothing more since then.
Kayty spent Monday cleaning out Ellie
And purchasing Sydnie. My goodness, it took longer to actually purchase this car than it did to give birth to her.
She had a good week at work.
Insurance dealings with the other driver's insurer...the Hartford...have been extremely slow. And that is just for the totalled car. Three weeks from the accident...to nearly the moment...the guy is trying to figure out how to get things paid off.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan had a busy week at work. Twelve hour days, and at least one two hour of sleep night, made it challenging! He worked on finishing his truck every chance he got. It seems to be overheating when he starts it. There may be starter problems as well. He is working out the glitches and was going to do some welding at Ethans and then get the carpet put in. He did take time to come over and let me snuggle Annalee (she will be heading to Idaho all too soon, and this will only get to occur four times a year then...sad face)

Nate and Dad headed out on a brief Saturday duck hunt...and Nate got one!
Dad had to use up more vacation days, so this was a week off for him. He worked on the yard, worked in the garden, and worked on his truck...and ate lunch out with Grandma and Nathan.
For me, my list for this week was started during last week off. After hauling in Saturday, Monday and Tuesday were spent getting my Winter village all put up. I did take a few moment break to pack up Fall and put up Thanksgiving decorations too.
Wednesday was spent cleaning my neglected house.
The rest of the week was spent dusting, picking key limes, vacuuming, picking key limes, scrubbing toilets, picking key limes...you get the drill.
I did get all the important things done on my list by Friday night, and have my next "week off" list over halfway filled. Aww...this holiday time of year!
Dad's Truck
Dad did a LOT on the truck this week. He spent hours machining these special valve cover spark plug wire hider thingies.
Dad's Garden
I picked lettuce on two occasions for a salad for him. Key limes are going crazy!
Other highlights
We had rain again. The cooler weather came with it, which is nice...but takes getting accustomed to sometimes. Ahhh...the hoodie life.
Nathan, Jessica and Annalee stopped by Sunday evening for a visit. I got to feed Annalee a bottle, snuggle her and love on her, and watch her just adore her mommy before they headed out to visit Doran and Amber and family. Such a nice end to our Sunday.
Not so highlights
We are a wonderful family, but no one's life is ever perfect. We are blessed that things are not worse, but are always prayerfully aware that you each have struggles and you are in our thoughts and hearts, and in the Lord's thoughts and heart, always. Remember that He truly loves each and every one of you, is aware of your worries, your concerns, and your struggles, and He is there to help you and NEVER gives up! We are here for you...always...NO MATTER WHAT!!! There is absolutely nothing that you could ever do that would stop our loving each and every one of you! We love you, each and every single one of you!!!
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