Dad attended a temple session on Wednesday evening.
Kaylee went with me for the beginning of cub scouts and enjoyed the opening and talking about healthy foods. The cubs ran an obstacle course and we practiced our skit for pack meeting.
We had a missionary farewell in Sacrament Meeting, as well as a change in the Relief Society presidency. This young man who will serve in Chile is going to be a wonderful missionary. We met Jacob on the first Sunday after the ward realignment, and his dad invited us to dinner. He and his younger brother, Wilken, are the most genuine, kind and friendly young men I have ever met. Jacob has been serving in the temple as an officiator for the last couple of months, and I can truly see the blessing of allowing these future missionaries to serve.
Dad picked up the missionaries on Sunday afternoon and took them to meet Scott Anderson, the neighborhood newsletter operator and organizer of the temple protests years ago. The missionaries want to do service in the area, i.e. yard work, car washing, etc and were offering their services. He declined their offer, saying his newsletter was not used for religious or political efforts.
I read General Conference talks all week. I printed David A. Bednar's talk and Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk in Priesthood session. I completed the final talk on Sunday afternoon. It was such a wonderful General Conference and I am so thankful to have a prophet and apostles on the earth today that share counsel with us every six months.
I did read a little each day in the Book of Mormon, as our bishop has challenged the ward to do, and am in 1 Nephi 20.
I indexed a little each morning this week and on Tuesday I surpassed my goal for the year of 5000 records indexed. I ended up the week at 5177 records.
The Wilkins Family
Kayty was there visiting all week. Tuesday was the Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast
and this was a souvenir

The school production of "Aladdin" was Thursday evening. Kayty tried and tried to get there but her GPS mislead her. I did get some pics from friends to share here

We had hoped the Wilkins were coming down for a quick trip on Saturday for the wedding reception of Mike's brother, Scott, but poor Gracie got sick and so that was cancelled. I miss those kids something fierce (sorry, Allison and Mike...I do miss you too but I haven't hugged on my grandkiddos since December!)
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee ended their last week at the Arizona Science Center.

Ethan had to travel to California for a couple of days for work It was originally scheduled for Tuesday but was changed to Wednesday, so Kaylee had an extra day of Daddy picking her up. She loved it!
The Doran Rice Family
Another week of school and work for this family. Kooper seems to love his day care giver...

Dad called Doran and chatted on Sunday night. He ended up getting a couple of reloaders on Craigslist. I heard it was a sweet deal...not sure what that means.
We had some fun visits this week from Morgan, Christy and her kids and their friends. Morgan stopped by on Friday night for help with his truck and ended up sharing Dad's yummy Chinese food with Nate, Jess, and the missionaries (who dropped in as well). They also came for a swim Saturday afternoon
and then brought back ribs, cole slaw, kale salad and potato salad to share for dinner.
Kayty had a wonderful week with the Wilkins in Las Vegas. "Beauty and The Beast" at The Smith Center was wonderful

Of course, Kayty had to be in costume...

Here she and Sam are sharing vanilla wafers...

Kayty went out with a new friend on Friday night. On Saturday, she and Adam headed to the Adventuredome

And for the first time since November, NO SAVES THIS WEEK!! Thank you so much Kayty for taking good care of yourself!
The Nathan Rice Family
We so enjoyed having Nathan, Jessica and Annalee down for a visit this week. We went out to Nate's favorite Korean restaurant in Chandler on Monday night...
He spoke in Korean and ordered Bulgogi, which seemed to confuse the non Korean speaking Korean waiter. Dinner was so yummy! I am a fan of gochu jong, the spicy red sauce, but I didn't really think too much of rice. (I know you boys are all horrified!). This came in a flaming bowl with meat, vegetables and you stirred it up and the crispy rice, meat, veggies and sauce were amazing!
He spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the garage the entire day working with the mill. He made two tool holders he had designed to use at school next semester. He will work an internship this coming semester in the shop, and then next semester he will be able to earn money working there. He will be assisting students in their machining classes. We had a final visit on Friday afternoon when Kaylee was here. I didn't take pics...I spent my time loading up Annalee with hugs and kisses! They headed back on Saturday. It was originally going to be a two day trip, but Nathan is the new ward clerk and needed to be at bishopric meeting on Sunday morning, so he went straight through.We talked to them at 12:30 am and he had to ignite the pilot light on their water heater, but managed with rolled up paper and the stove.
We talked to Nate on Sunday afternoon. Phonecalls are the next best thing to Sunday visits. He and Annalee were on a Sunday drive (aka let Jessica rest at home and get Annalee to nap) and he was sharing the sounds of the river running and the images of the beautiful greenery that is Idaho at this time of year. He was set apart at church today and is anxious to begin both school tomorrow and serve in his new calling.
Dad had two long Kaizen events in Tempe on Monday and Tuesday, and still had his daily early morning meetings all week. He ended up traveling quite a bit to suppliers for meetings, his only slow day being Thursday.
It was K week for Kaylee and I. She likes a few things I do, but on Tuesday, she took down my letter K off the cabinet and said, "Take this down! We are done! " Here are some things we managed to do.
Annalee briefly visited on Wednesday, which made Kaylee's grouchy morning much better.
And a final visit with Annalee before they returned home to Idaho.
Dad's Garden
The tomato plants are loaded with tomatoes, but it appears a fungus of some sort has attacked the leaves. We are not quite sure, since they have the symptoms but the causes are too much moisture on the leaves, which is NOT a problem here with only having one day of minimal rain since December. The cure is to use black plastic to keep water from splashing on leaves...which we already do! It is very challenging to grow heirloom tomatoes and keep them healthy! We have eaten nearly all the snow peas and I pick handfuls of seed to plant next year every day. Let us know next October and you can have some to plant at your place. Dad's peppers are doing great! The yellow ones are nearly two inches long and he has bell peppers blooming.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
Dad cut and painted the final mirror molding piece while I was at scouts on Wednesday.He worked on getting the new outdoor kitchen oven that Ethan gave us ready to install - he siliconed and sealed everything he could - and then notice that the new oven is smaller, which will require a ton of work to seal off, so instead, we are going to purchase a new oven brain for the old one and seal it up well.
Other highlights
I got to run every day this week, including a longer run with a rest at the temple on Tuesday. I stayed to see the lights come on. It is always amazing to me, to see them come on...and now that the sun is coming up earlier and earlier, there won't be many more days that the lights will come on in the morning, since the neighbors won't let them get turned on till 5:30 am.
Sharynn shared with me a cousin she had found through the DNA check when she was doing geneology. Look up Lore Olson on Facebook! Sharynn saw a resemblance with her son and Brett. I saw a HUGE resemblance with her and Sharynn!!

Not so highlights
Nano had a few days of the stomach flu that she is getting over. Other than that, all is well.
Dad attended a temple session on Wednesday evening.
Kaylee went with me for the beginning of cub scouts and enjoyed the opening and talking about healthy foods. The cubs ran an obstacle course and we practiced our skit for pack meeting.
We had a missionary farewell in Sacrament Meeting, as well as a change in the Relief Society presidency. This young man who will serve in Chile is going to be a wonderful missionary. We met Jacob on the first Sunday after the ward realignment, and his dad invited us to dinner. He and his younger brother, Wilken, are the most genuine, kind and friendly young men I have ever met. Jacob has been serving in the temple as an officiator for the last couple of months, and I can truly see the blessing of allowing these future missionaries to serve.
Dad picked up the missionaries on Sunday afternoon and took them to meet Scott Anderson, the neighborhood newsletter operator and organizer of the temple protests years ago. The missionaries want to do service in the area, i.e. yard work, car washing, etc and were offering their services. He declined their offer, saying his newsletter was not used for religious or political efforts.
I read General Conference talks all week. I printed David A. Bednar's talk and Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk in Priesthood session. I completed the final talk on Sunday afternoon. It was such a wonderful General Conference and I am so thankful to have a prophet and apostles on the earth today that share counsel with us every six months.
I did read a little each day in the Book of Mormon, as our bishop has challenged the ward to do, and am in 1 Nephi 20.
I indexed a little each morning this week and on Tuesday I surpassed my goal for the year of 5000 records indexed. I ended up the week at 5177 records.
The Wilkins Family
Kayty was there visiting all week. Tuesday was the Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast
and this was a souvenir

The school production of "Aladdin" was Thursday evening. Kayty tried and tried to get there but her GPS mislead her. I did get some pics from friends to share here

We had hoped the Wilkins were coming down for a quick trip on Saturday for the wedding reception of Mike's brother, Scott, but poor Gracie got sick and so that was cancelled. I miss those kids something fierce (sorry, Allison and Mike...I do miss you too but I haven't hugged on my grandkiddos since December!)
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee ended their last week at the Arizona Science Center.

Ethan had to travel to California for a couple of days for work It was originally scheduled for Tuesday but was changed to Wednesday, so Kaylee had an extra day of Daddy picking her up. She loved it!
The Doran Rice Family
Another week of school and work for this family. Kooper seems to love his day care giver...

Dad called Doran and chatted on Sunday night. He ended up getting a couple of reloaders on Craigslist. I heard it was a sweet deal...not sure what that means.
We had some fun visits this week from Morgan, Christy and her kids and their friends. Morgan stopped by on Friday night for help with his truck and ended up sharing Dad's yummy Chinese food with Nate, Jess, and the missionaries (who dropped in as well). They also came for a swim Saturday afternoon
and then brought back ribs, cole slaw, kale salad and potato salad to share for dinner.
Kayty had a wonderful week with the Wilkins in Las Vegas. "Beauty and The Beast" at The Smith Center was wonderful

Of course, Kayty had to be in costume...

Here she and Sam are sharing vanilla wafers...

Kayty went out with a new friend on Friday night. On Saturday, she and Adam headed to the Adventuredome

And for the first time since November, NO SAVES THIS WEEK!! Thank you so much Kayty for taking good care of yourself!
The Nathan Rice Family
We so enjoyed having Nathan, Jessica and Annalee down for a visit this week. We went out to Nate's favorite Korean restaurant in Chandler on Monday night...
He spoke in Korean and ordered Bulgogi, which seemed to confuse the non Korean speaking Korean waiter. Dinner was so yummy! I am a fan of gochu jong, the spicy red sauce, but I didn't really think too much of rice. (I know you boys are all horrified!). This came in a flaming bowl with meat, vegetables and you stirred it up and the crispy rice, meat, veggies and sauce were amazing!
He spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the garage the entire day working with the mill. He made two tool holders he had designed to use at school next semester. He will work an internship this coming semester in the shop, and then next semester he will be able to earn money working there. He will be assisting students in their machining classes. We had a final visit on Friday afternoon when Kaylee was here. I didn't take pics...I spent my time loading up Annalee with hugs and kisses! They headed back on Saturday. It was originally going to be a two day trip, but Nathan is the new ward clerk and needed to be at bishopric meeting on Sunday morning, so he went straight through.We talked to them at 12:30 am and he had to ignite the pilot light on their water heater, but managed with rolled up paper and the stove.
We talked to Nate on Sunday afternoon. Phonecalls are the next best thing to Sunday visits. He and Annalee were on a Sunday drive (aka let Jessica rest at home and get Annalee to nap) and he was sharing the sounds of the river running and the images of the beautiful greenery that is Idaho at this time of year. He was set apart at church today and is anxious to begin both school tomorrow and serve in his new calling.
Dad had two long Kaizen events in Tempe on Monday and Tuesday, and still had his daily early morning meetings all week. He ended up traveling quite a bit to suppliers for meetings, his only slow day being Thursday.
It was K week for Kaylee and I. She likes a few things I do, but on Tuesday, she took down my letter K off the cabinet and said, "Take this down! We are done! " Here are some things we managed to do.
Annalee briefly visited on Wednesday, which made Kaylee's grouchy morning much better.
And a final visit with Annalee before they returned home to Idaho.
Dad's Garden
The tomato plants are loaded with tomatoes, but it appears a fungus of some sort has attacked the leaves. We are not quite sure, since they have the symptoms but the causes are too much moisture on the leaves, which is NOT a problem here with only having one day of minimal rain since December. The cure is to use black plastic to keep water from splashing on leaves...which we already do! It is very challenging to grow heirloom tomatoes and keep them healthy! We have eaten nearly all the snow peas and I pick handfuls of seed to plant next year every day. Let us know next October and you can have some to plant at your place. Dad's peppers are doing great! The yellow ones are nearly two inches long and he has bell peppers blooming.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
Dad cut and painted the final mirror molding piece while I was at scouts on Wednesday.He worked on getting the new outdoor kitchen oven that Ethan gave us ready to install - he siliconed and sealed everything he could - and then notice that the new oven is smaller, which will require a ton of work to seal off, so instead, we are going to purchase a new oven brain for the old one and seal it up well.
Other highlights
I got to run every day this week, including a longer run with a rest at the temple on Tuesday. I stayed to see the lights come on. It is always amazing to me, to see them come on...and now that the sun is coming up earlier and earlier, there won't be many more days that the lights will come on in the morning, since the neighbors won't let them get turned on till 5:30 am.
Sharynn shared with me a cousin she had found through the DNA check when she was doing geneology. Look up Lore Olson on Facebook! Sharynn saw a resemblance with her son and Brett. I saw a HUGE resemblance with her and Sharynn!!

Not so highlights
Nano had a few days of the stomach flu that she is getting over. Other than that, all is well.
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