Dad attended a temple session on Wednesday evening.
My cub scouts had pack meeting on Tuesday. It was moved up a week, so only a couple could come.
I have indexed 14,519 records so far this year.
I am currently reading the July Ensign Magazine cover to cover. In scripture reading, I am in Helaman
The Wilkins Family
Allison and Mike are officially home owners. The final paperwork was totally crazy but it's all over now and they can now make it theirs!! Congratulations!!!Allison worked at the temple this week, filling in for others. Mike had a busy work week and the kids were great at helping around the house and tiring out Luke the visiting cat.
The Ethan Rice Family
This family had a busy week. Appraisals came in well, and the house was finally ready to leave and find a new home. Ethan picked up Kaylee on Monday and Tuesday, and then headed to Georgia, travel trailer in tow on Wednesday. Cameo and Kaylee will fly out on July 9th and spend the week house hunting.We sadly said our goodbye's to Ethan and he and Wade took off Wednesday morning, hoping to make it to Odessa, Texas that night. Kaylee had been rough on Monday and Tuesday, which has been very unusual. Those are her good days! Wednesday she was quiet. I got this message from Cameo on Thursday:
"Miss K was getting into bed with me last night and only saw hers and my pillows on the bed. She said something to the effect of "That's Daddy's spot" or maybe she said, "That's where Daddy sleeps." Then she got under the covers, put the pillow on her head, and cried quietly and privately, thinking that I couldn't see her, hear her or even know she was crying."
It will be so good when this family is back together again! Ethan called via facetime along the way. Kaylee saw him and Grampy as they were heading through Dallas on Thursday. They finally arrived in Georgia at the right place late Friday night.Wade, who traveled with Ethan to assist if needed, flew back to Phoenix on Sunday.
Cameo's current progress

The one on the left is Kaylee at 16 weeks and the one on the right is Wade at 16 weeks.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran was busy, day and night this week. After his full day of work, he works with Morgan on a particular home improvement project for a customer of Morgan's. Kelsie was by with Christy on Tuesday and looks good. Amber posted a video of Kooper playing with one of their foster dogs and he is doing well. Amber's employer had a break in on Thursday, which was unnerving!

Kelsie spent some time on the weekend with her Grammy to celebrate her birthday on Sunday.
Morgan is busy with the above mentioned project: texturing, painting, putting down flooring, etc. Every time he completes one project, the homeowner adds another. It's all good, though. He has been able to get new tires for the front of his truck, which will make things much safer! Christy stays very busy caring for Kelsie during the day. Morgan, Christy, her two nephews, Michelle, and Kelsie came by to swim on Friday morning.(I don't go near the pool till after four. One precancerous mole removed from my back makes me a sun shunner).
Kayty spent the week in Las Vegas with the Wilkins family. Luke seemed to enjoy the time there too!
She went to the Stratosphere on Friday

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan had a busy week at school. He studied hard and earned a 95 percent on a chemistry test. He has been struggling with his headaches and playing phone tag with his doctor.He spent the entire Saturday until late in the night doing homework. I have a friend whose son was in the same engineering program and she said it was a tough one. Her son could not work one day, one year during that time, but the education is superior! Hang in there, Nathan!
Jessica was busy with Annalee, helping at home, and preparing for her tonsilectomy on Monday. Jessica kindly came by for a sweet visit on Sunday afternoon and will bring Annalee by on Monday to be cared for while surgery is going on and Jessica has time to rest and recover. Please keep Jessica in your prayers.
Dad's employer thinks that one week of furlough will only mean one week of no productivity. Dad's last week started with many meetings and then cut off. Managers were meeting in Tempe to see the next "new' plan. Since suppliers need to always have someone to contact in a crisis, the furlough week was split between engineers, half being off this week and half off the next. When half are on furlough, NO meetings can happen. So, last week had little productivity, and the next two weeks will have no productivity. He did find out on Monday what the new plan is...and it will begin on July 18! He has to stay by the computer and he had a few meetings and solved a few problems, but other than that, nothing much, though Tuesday there were a few more meetings that included a lot more clarifying...and un-clarifying of things. I am pretty sure that by December there will be a new plan for the next six months in the works. He had more meetings and a supplier visit on Thursday, and assisted in the new program implementation via email. They send him a powerpoint slide, and he critiques and explains.His phone was turned off late Sunday and locked in his desk drawer in the office.
Kaylee and I tried "I "week.
Monday, she made and Ice Cream I and did some watercoloring. She also watercolored her name (following dots)
On Tuesday, she painted an egg carton inch worm
Wednesday she made her own ice cream cone
Dad attended a temple session on Wednesday evening.
My cub scouts had pack meeting on Tuesday. It was moved up a week, so only a couple could come.
I have indexed 14,519 records so far this year.
I am currently reading the July Ensign Magazine cover to cover. In scripture reading, I am in Helaman
The Wilkins Family
Allison and Mike are officially home owners. The final paperwork was totally crazy but it's all over now and they can now make it theirs!! Congratulations!!!Allison worked at the temple this week, filling in for others. Mike had a busy work week and the kids were great at helping around the house and tiring out Luke the visiting cat.
The Ethan Rice Family
This family had a busy week. Appraisals came in well, and the house was finally ready to leave and find a new home. Ethan picked up Kaylee on Monday and Tuesday, and then headed to Georgia, travel trailer in tow on Wednesday. Cameo and Kaylee will fly out on July 9th and spend the week house hunting.We sadly said our goodbye's to Ethan and he and Wade took off Wednesday morning, hoping to make it to Odessa, Texas that night. Kaylee had been rough on Monday and Tuesday, which has been very unusual. Those are her good days! Wednesday she was quiet. I got this message from Cameo on Thursday:
"Miss K was getting into bed with me last night and only saw hers and my pillows on the bed. She said something to the effect of "That's Daddy's spot" or maybe she said, "That's where Daddy sleeps." Then she got under the covers, put the pillow on her head, and cried quietly and privately, thinking that I couldn't see her, hear her or even know she was crying."
It will be so good when this family is back together again! Ethan called via facetime along the way. Kaylee saw him and Grampy as they were heading through Dallas on Thursday. They finally arrived in Georgia at the right place late Friday night.Wade, who traveled with Ethan to assist if needed, flew back to Phoenix on Sunday.
Cameo's current progress

The one on the left is Kaylee at 16 weeks and the one on the right is Wade at 16 weeks.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran was busy, day and night this week. After his full day of work, he works with Morgan on a particular home improvement project for a customer of Morgan's. Kelsie was by with Christy on Tuesday and looks good. Amber posted a video of Kooper playing with one of their foster dogs and he is doing well. Amber's employer had a break in on Thursday, which was unnerving!

Kelsie spent some time on the weekend with her Grammy to celebrate her birthday on Sunday.
Morgan is busy with the above mentioned project: texturing, painting, putting down flooring, etc. Every time he completes one project, the homeowner adds another. It's all good, though. He has been able to get new tires for the front of his truck, which will make things much safer! Christy stays very busy caring for Kelsie during the day. Morgan, Christy, her two nephews, Michelle, and Kelsie came by to swim on Friday morning.(I don't go near the pool till after four. One precancerous mole removed from my back makes me a sun shunner).
Kayty spent the week in Las Vegas with the Wilkins family. Luke seemed to enjoy the time there too!
She went to the Stratosphere on Friday

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan had a busy week at school. He studied hard and earned a 95 percent on a chemistry test. He has been struggling with his headaches and playing phone tag with his doctor.He spent the entire Saturday until late in the night doing homework. I have a friend whose son was in the same engineering program and she said it was a tough one. Her son could not work one day, one year during that time, but the education is superior! Hang in there, Nathan!
Jessica was busy with Annalee, helping at home, and preparing for her tonsilectomy on Monday. Jessica kindly came by for a sweet visit on Sunday afternoon and will bring Annalee by on Monday to be cared for while surgery is going on and Jessica has time to rest and recover. Please keep Jessica in your prayers.
Dad's employer thinks that one week of furlough will only mean one week of no productivity. Dad's last week started with many meetings and then cut off. Managers were meeting in Tempe to see the next "new' plan. Since suppliers need to always have someone to contact in a crisis, the furlough week was split between engineers, half being off this week and half off the next. When half are on furlough, NO meetings can happen. So, last week had little productivity, and the next two weeks will have no productivity. He did find out on Monday what the new plan is...and it will begin on July 18! He has to stay by the computer and he had a few meetings and solved a few problems, but other than that, nothing much, though Tuesday there were a few more meetings that included a lot more clarifying...and un-clarifying of things. I am pretty sure that by December there will be a new plan for the next six months in the works. He had more meetings and a supplier visit on Thursday, and assisted in the new program implementation via email. They send him a powerpoint slide, and he critiques and explains.His phone was turned off late Sunday and locked in his desk drawer in the office.
Kaylee and I tried "I "week.
Monday, she made and Ice Cream I and did some watercoloring. She also watercolored her name (following dots)
On Tuesday, she painted an egg carton inch worm
Wednesday she made her own ice cream cone
And mixed playdough colors, which every grandchild should be able to do!
Here are cakes Grammy! |
Thursday she made a marshmallow Igloo.
Anxiously awaiting her Mommy |
She facetimed Daddy and Grampy, this time from Louisiana.
"Look, Grammy. I built The Great Wall of China!" |
It was probably my hardest week of work ever! Friday evening I spent on the couch!
Dad's Garden
Many grapes were picked and eaten this week.
The rest of the time, Dad worked to keep the plants alive in our scorching weather!
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week, but he talked with his friend, Joe Terrell, on Saturday and he is going to stop by early next week to work on it a bit.
Year of the House
Dad started on the master bathroom door on Monday. It ended up being mis-installed and he spent the week repairing and resetting it. Lots of cutting and sanding and filling in. (The framer of our home had no idea how to use a square, apparently).
Other highlights
Beautiful moon on Monday morning
Not so highlights
I went for a short jog on Saturday morning, tripped on something, and fell. I was so blessed. My iphone fell out of my hands on it's face, but the 99 cent store case kept it protected. I really hurt nothing seriously, just scraped my hands and the side of my leg. I was sore by that's all. I was very thankful.
Dad's Garden
Many grapes were picked and eaten this week.
The rest of the time, Dad worked to keep the plants alive in our scorching weather!
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week, but he talked with his friend, Joe Terrell, on Saturday and he is going to stop by early next week to work on it a bit.
Year of the House
Dad started on the master bathroom door on Monday. It ended up being mis-installed and he spent the week repairing and resetting it. Lots of cutting and sanding and filling in. (The framer of our home had no idea how to use a square, apparently).
Other highlights
Beautiful moon on Monday morning
Not so highlights
I went for a short jog on Saturday morning, tripped on something, and fell. I was so blessed. My iphone fell out of my hands on it's face, but the 99 cent store case kept it protected. I really hurt nothing seriously, just scraped my hands and the side of my leg. I was sore by that's all. I was very thankful.