I went to the temple Tuesday morning for about an hour and did some work with some sisters in my ward (though I didn't see any of them...heard the name of one.) and then attended the earliest Wednesday morning temple session. Dad attended his regular temple session on Wednesday evening.
I had cub scouts on Wednesday: Adventures in Coins is our focus this month. The boys really enjoyed looking at the different coins, learning the parts of a coin, and playing a fun coin game.
I completed reading the Book of Mormon for the second time this year in the temple on Wednesday morning while waiting for the session to begin. My next time through began Thursday, this time I am going slower and pondering the words more. I am on 1 Nephi 6.
We prepared all week for yet another stake youth baptism. The most difficult part is the ahead of time work: orienting which group ends up where for the confirmation portion of the service. Dee negotiated and negotiated since so many children are being baptized and one has to be in the High Council Room for the ending. We finally got everyone assigned...and then a death in the family caused two little girls to have to drop out, leading to a big shift in room assignments. We arrived Saturday and set up too many chairs to even think about counting. We also overflowed the font, cleaned up that mess, shoved way too many people in the high council room (the parent of the child being baptized said 15 people were coming. He must have meant 50 or 60!). Two loads of laundry and clothing were all back in the closet in the stake center by Sunday afternoon.
I have indexed 22083 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins had a good week! Sam is doing well with potty training. They had rain and Sam just loved splashing in the puddles and giving Mommy and Daddy very wet hugs. Grace was able to have a great time celebrating her best friend, Katelyn's birthday. She went and had her first manicure and pedicure

The boys were so kind and held of visiting the museum till Grace good go with them on Friday.
I went to the temple Tuesday morning for about an hour and did some work with some sisters in my ward (though I didn't see any of them...heard the name of one.) and then attended the earliest Wednesday morning temple session. Dad attended his regular temple session on Wednesday evening.
I had cub scouts on Wednesday: Adventures in Coins is our focus this month. The boys really enjoyed looking at the different coins, learning the parts of a coin, and playing a fun coin game.
I completed reading the Book of Mormon for the second time this year in the temple on Wednesday morning while waiting for the session to begin. My next time through began Thursday, this time I am going slower and pondering the words more. I am on 1 Nephi 6.
We prepared all week for yet another stake youth baptism. The most difficult part is the ahead of time work: orienting which group ends up where for the confirmation portion of the service. Dee negotiated and negotiated since so many children are being baptized and one has to be in the High Council Room for the ending. We finally got everyone assigned...and then a death in the family caused two little girls to have to drop out, leading to a big shift in room assignments. We arrived Saturday and set up too many chairs to even think about counting. We also overflowed the font, cleaned up that mess, shoved way too many people in the high council room (the parent of the child being baptized said 15 people were coming. He must have meant 50 or 60!). Two loads of laundry and clothing were all back in the closet in the stake center by Sunday afternoon.
I have indexed 22083 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins had a good week! Sam is doing well with potty training. They had rain and Sam just loved splashing in the puddles and giving Mommy and Daddy very wet hugs. Grace was able to have a great time celebrating her best friend, Katelyn's birthday. She went and had her first manicure and pedicure

She is saving money to purchase a real American Girl doll and prepared all week for a yard sale.
Some neighbors brought by some puppy friends on Saturday night
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo's house in Phoenix sold on Tuesday...Lots of memories for Cameo here. It was her first house as well as Kaylee's first house, and Ethan's first house to own as well.

Cameo had a busy and good week, and enjoyed lunch out on Saturday with a friend, dinner at Grandma's on Saturday evening, breakfast on Sunday with her family, and a birthday party on Sunday afternoon with a friend.
The Doran Rice Family
Kelsie met her new school teacher on Tuesday night,
And enjoyed her first day back on Wednesday
Kooper enjoyed is first experience watching Fast and Furious on tv. He was totally enthralled with those awesome cars! Couldn't take his eyes off the tv!
Morgan had a good work week, and Christy enjoyed a bit of a break from her summer of helping with Kelsie.
Kayty had a good first full time week on her afternoon shift at work. She enjoyed it, except when she has to go through long reports to check for errors.Her favorite day is Saturday.

It's been quite the change from retail to computer work but she is doing very well!
Total saves this week: 1
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and Annalee had a good week too. They swam at a lake (though Jessica had an up close an personal meeting with...a leech!) Annalee talked to Grammy on Thursday evening and is trying to walk...loves Mommy to help her! Nathan and Jessica took her to a local zoo on Saturday. She was very interested in the tiger and lion...cages. She is an engineer's daughter! She also loved this creature:
Nathan said she wanted one for Christmas.
Not ever!
Dad's boss had said he would be away on Monday, but instead he stayed working and there were many meetings. They all have new assignments to perform specialized assessments at their suppliers, which are not easy to get scheduled. Suppliers are tired of jumping through Honeywell hoops and have difficulty setting aside so much time for the assessments. Then, Friday they were told the layoffs begin next week. He has already made progress getting a substitute teacher certification, and had his fingerprints taken on Friday.
My week was full of dusting, vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing shower and toilets, laundry, hauling branches from trimmed mesquite trees to the front yard pile, hauling cut logs to the wood pile, cleaning up the back porch, getting wood stacked, hauling trash out to the pile, raking mesquite beans (tons and tons of them), hauling metal to the back yard, cleaning up the back porch,and generally getting much yard work done on the cooler mornings.
Dad's Garden
No garden work.
Dad's Truck
No truck work
Year of the House
Dad worked some on the cabinet that will go above the stove and help conceal a vent pipe for the exhaust fan.
Other highlights
We were able to have the missionaries over for Chinese Dinner on Thursday.
Rain! An amazing and wonderful rainstorm on Friday morning. Gutters were working fabulously! and the repairs completed for a roof leak in my hut last February were finally able to be tested! No leaks. Hooray! Those doggone buckets and tubs left to catch any leaks can go!
Sunday, I received a new visiting teaching companion, and new visiting teachers! So excited!!
Not so highlights
We were very blessed this week! All are well!!
Some neighbors brought by some puppy friends on Saturday night
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo's house in Phoenix sold on Tuesday...Lots of memories for Cameo here. It was her first house as well as Kaylee's first house, and Ethan's first house to own as well.

Cameo had a busy and good week, and enjoyed lunch out on Saturday with a friend, dinner at Grandma's on Saturday evening, breakfast on Sunday with her family, and a birthday party on Sunday afternoon with a friend.
The Doran Rice Family
Kelsie met her new school teacher on Tuesday night,
And enjoyed her first day back on Wednesday
Kooper enjoyed is first experience watching Fast and Furious on tv. He was totally enthralled with those awesome cars! Couldn't take his eyes off the tv!
Morgan had a good work week, and Christy enjoyed a bit of a break from her summer of helping with Kelsie.
Kayty had a good first full time week on her afternoon shift at work. She enjoyed it, except when she has to go through long reports to check for errors.Her favorite day is Saturday.

It's been quite the change from retail to computer work but she is doing very well!
Total saves this week: 1
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and Annalee had a good week too. They swam at a lake (though Jessica had an up close an personal meeting with...a leech!) Annalee talked to Grammy on Thursday evening and is trying to walk...loves Mommy to help her! Nathan and Jessica took her to a local zoo on Saturday. She was very interested in the tiger and lion...cages. She is an engineer's daughter! She also loved this creature:
Nathan said she wanted one for Christmas.
Not ever!
Dad's boss had said he would be away on Monday, but instead he stayed working and there were many meetings. They all have new assignments to perform specialized assessments at their suppliers, which are not easy to get scheduled. Suppliers are tired of jumping through Honeywell hoops and have difficulty setting aside so much time for the assessments. Then, Friday they were told the layoffs begin next week. He has already made progress getting a substitute teacher certification, and had his fingerprints taken on Friday.
My week was full of dusting, vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing shower and toilets, laundry, hauling branches from trimmed mesquite trees to the front yard pile, hauling cut logs to the wood pile, cleaning up the back porch, getting wood stacked, hauling trash out to the pile, raking mesquite beans (tons and tons of them), hauling metal to the back yard, cleaning up the back porch,and generally getting much yard work done on the cooler mornings.
Dad's Garden
No garden work.
Dad's Truck
No truck work
Year of the House
Dad worked some on the cabinet that will go above the stove and help conceal a vent pipe for the exhaust fan.
Other highlights
We were able to have the missionaries over for Chinese Dinner on Thursday.
Rain! An amazing and wonderful rainstorm on Friday morning. Gutters were working fabulously! and the repairs completed for a roof leak in my hut last February were finally able to be tested! No leaks. Hooray! Those doggone buckets and tubs left to catch any leaks can go!
Not so highlights
We were very blessed this week! All are well!!
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