I started my Wednesday in my favorite early morning temple session. I did some work for a friend that will complete sealing her family members in Gilbert this Saturday. Dad attended a session Wednesday night.
I helped train the new webelo leaders on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we had a great cub scout meeting, and had one of our cubs who typically cannot come there. We are preparing for a hike next week.
Our stake baptism calling kept us crazy busy all week. There are so many things that need to happen and people that need to be in the right place at a certain time, and then people try to make things easier for themselves which end up complicating everything for everyone else. And then Dad give a phone call to every family to inform them of what they need to bring, and what time to be there. Finally late Thursday he had everyone contacted. Other than the fact that we, along with the high councilman Brother Whiting, allowed the font to overfill...again!, the baptism was great. Every family left with very blessed and happy children.
Much speculation involving our stake realignment. It will be interesting to see what really happens next month!
I am in 2 Nephi 27 in the Book of Mormon
I have indexed 27166 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Here is how the Wilkins week began...

They started school this week. Grace said the first day was wonderful except for the fact that their a/c was not working when they got home. They got it fixed and she said school went great. She loves her class, her teacher and her flexible seating (that refers to what they sit on, not where they sit). Adam likes his classes and Josh loved it, even though a full day of first grade was a bit tiring!
Tuesday was Grace's 10th birthday. She has been looking forward to this for so long! Their cake plans had to change when the house was so warm but all ended up working out perfectly and the princess birthday celebration was a success! She loved the pinata and received a beautiful princess dress from her best friend, Katelyn.
This is what Allison shared about her on Facebook
"10 years ago we were blessed with this sweet and spunky girl! She is so kind, giving and nurturing. She is a wonderful little artist, LOVES to sing and dance, loves to party plan (at least once a week she gives us invitations to a themed party held in her room), is SO good with younger kids and babies and writes me a sweet note almost every day. I am so thankful for her!!! Happy Birthday, Miss Grace!"
And there were so many wonderful comments...not just Happy Birthday but such kind words of how wonderful Grace is.
She now has a blog, and she updated with the following words...
The Ethan Rice Family
This family had another busy week. Cameo took that nasty glucose test early in the week. No news means good news, we suppose.
Cameo and Kaylee took an enjoyable walk on Thursday

Ethan messaged Dad on Dove Opening day (note below) and his opening day was not until September 3, and there is a Hurricane hitting Florida on Thursday so no telling how that will affect hunting. He hadn't gotten a license yet as of Thursday.
I received this greeting from Kaylee on Friday
On Saturday, Grampy Wally flew out to spend time with them.

Hurricane Hermine didn't bother them at all, and we are so grateful!!
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Dad talked on Tuesday evening...about hunting...and other stuff.
Happy 9th Birthday, Kelsie, on Friday, September 2nd.
Dad and Doran hunted on Saturday. No joy in Mudville, but they had a great time being together.
Kooper enjoyed my cleaning out the playroom. I sold one kitchen, and, since he loved playing at our house with this one, he got it.
No news this week. We heard he has a new job and starting a new job is always rough.
Kayty had a good week. She had bloodwork done on Wednesday and a doctors appt on Thursday. Her numbers were not good, so she is going back in three weeks. Thus, she is taking too much insulin, and I had a major save on Friday morning...two times...and one on Sunday morning. She is worth keeping alive, so I don't mind...
Work went very well this week and she ended up getting a few overtime hours in as well. She enjoyed church on Sunday too. Luke is being a pesky little boy cat, wanting to cat around at night. The coyotes would love that! So he sits and whines at the door all evening. Kayty is getting him fixed soon....but not soon enough!
The Nathan Rice Family
Here are more pics of Nathan's "hunt"
Nathan and Jessica spent their early week packaging up meat. They bought a simple hand grinder and ground up seven pounds of deerburger on Monday evening. Nathan is using his last few days before school begins to study SixSigma and Lean Manufacturing.He and Jessica started a portion control healthy eating plan. He was near death on Thursday but seemed to survive.
Hope Jessica survives him!
All else for the family went well. They have one more week before Nate starts school.
Annalee has been a bit grouchy, but it's probably due to teeth coming in.She is loving the venison though. They made an awesome pot roast and she loved it!!
Dad had many meetings all week. We received a "surprise" email late Thursday (after the stock market closed) announcing another furlough week from Sept 19 - 25. Lots of people are very angry, since there is still a layoff looming in a few weeks. Dad did get on the phone right away and found that his fingerprint clearance card had been ok'd and will be here next Tuesday. He contacted the school district and found out what he had to do to get a substitute teacher certificate. The paperwork was completed and mailed on Friday. He received an email late Friday that they would meet their new boss on Tuesday in a big meeting.
My work included the typical mopping, vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing toilets and tubs, laundry, as well as cleaning up more fallen leaves under the grapevines,grinding up a ton of eggshells,picking up fallen key limes (and disposing of the smaller ones),and doing some clean up on the back porch.
Dad's Garden
Dad is getting ready for planting. He also removed the shade covers from his pepper plants, since they are beginning to bloom. He also started his seeds in the planting pots for the winter garden: lettuce, romaine, swiss chard, chinese cabbage, collards.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
His router bit came on Wednesday and he spent the next days working on preparing the router table for finishing the cabinet doors.We will need to start on the bathroom soon or it won't get finished this year, so not sure if the cabinet will get done. We will see.
Other highlights
Happy Birthday, Nano on Monday the 29th. She had a good day and we enjoyed talking on the phone.
September 1 Always Opening Day for Dove season...except for today. Everyone here had to work, including Dad who had scheduled a day long evaluation at a supplier, and ended up that the CEO of the supplier griped about the evaluation for an hour, and then only let Dad stay an hour and a half total. No hunt for the first opening day (except the ones that fell on Sunday) that I can ever even remember. Then notice of furlough came later. We will be able to tighten our belts and survive another very small paycheck (house payment, insurance payments, etc. are still deducted at the full amounts). It really wasn't a very happy kind of day...
Piano Tuned! I love it when our piano tuner comes!!! He gives us a mini concert after he is finished and it is just heavenly.
It was a good September 1 thing to think of Dad's dad, Doran C. Rice, on what would have been his 90th birthday!

Luke the Cat's current garage mouse count for the week is 2! They are gross to find, but I am glad they are dead and not roaming around out there!!
Not so highlights
Dad and I were the only two people in all of my Facebook, or in Phoenix/Glendale, or in Glendale North Stake, or in Thunderbird Hills Ward that were unaware ahead of time and thus were not in attendance at a football game between BYU and University of Arizona. The. Only. Ones. Our Sacrament meeting was full of visitors here to watch the game. I think I even saw a football player walking down our hallway. We knew nothing, and thus were home doing the four loads of baptismal clothing laundry while the rest of the people we know were at the University of Phoenix stadium.
I am so glad that BYU beat U of A in the last six seconds. Anyone beating U of A is great in my book!!
I started my Wednesday in my favorite early morning temple session. I did some work for a friend that will complete sealing her family members in Gilbert this Saturday. Dad attended a session Wednesday night.
I helped train the new webelo leaders on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we had a great cub scout meeting, and had one of our cubs who typically cannot come there. We are preparing for a hike next week.
Our stake baptism calling kept us crazy busy all week. There are so many things that need to happen and people that need to be in the right place at a certain time, and then people try to make things easier for themselves which end up complicating everything for everyone else. And then Dad give a phone call to every family to inform them of what they need to bring, and what time to be there. Finally late Thursday he had everyone contacted. Other than the fact that we, along with the high councilman Brother Whiting, allowed the font to overfill...again!, the baptism was great. Every family left with very blessed and happy children.
Much speculation involving our stake realignment. It will be interesting to see what really happens next month!
I am in 2 Nephi 27 in the Book of Mormon
I have indexed 27166 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Here is how the Wilkins week began...

They started school this week. Grace said the first day was wonderful except for the fact that their a/c was not working when they got home. They got it fixed and she said school went great. She loves her class, her teacher and her flexible seating (that refers to what they sit on, not where they sit). Adam likes his classes and Josh loved it, even though a full day of first grade was a bit tiring!
Tuesday was Grace's 10th birthday. She has been looking forward to this for so long! Their cake plans had to change when the house was so warm but all ended up working out perfectly and the princess birthday celebration was a success! She loved the pinata and received a beautiful princess dress from her best friend, Katelyn.
This is what Allison shared about her on Facebook
"10 years ago we were blessed with this sweet and spunky girl! She is so kind, giving and nurturing. She is a wonderful little artist, LOVES to sing and dance, loves to party plan (at least once a week she gives us invitations to a themed party held in her room), is SO good with younger kids and babies and writes me a sweet note almost every day. I am so thankful for her!!! Happy Birthday, Miss Grace!"
And there were so many wonderful comments...not just Happy Birthday but such kind words of how wonderful Grace is.
She now has a blog, and she updated with the following words...
hi!!! I am 10 now!!! For my birthday I got a boombox, a refill for my oven, and a CD!!! the CD has my favorite song!!! it is "I won't say I am in love"!!! it is the best song ever!!! I love that song!!! it is from the movie Hercules!!! the best movie ever!!! I was thinking I could perform a song from that movie!!! it is going to be on the 11th for grandparents day so grammy, grandma, grandpa or papa, please come up at least 1 of you!!! so you can tape it and share it on facebook!!! I hope you can come up!!!
She is also saving for an American Girl doll and has nearly half saved.
The Ethan Rice Family
This family had another busy week. Cameo took that nasty glucose test early in the week. No news means good news, we suppose.
Cameo and Kaylee took an enjoyable walk on Thursday

Ethan messaged Dad on Dove Opening day (note below) and his opening day was not until September 3, and there is a Hurricane hitting Florida on Thursday so no telling how that will affect hunting. He hadn't gotten a license yet as of Thursday.
I received this greeting from Kaylee on Friday
On Saturday, Grampy Wally flew out to spend time with them.

Hurricane Hermine didn't bother them at all, and we are so grateful!!
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Dad talked on Tuesday evening...about hunting...and other stuff.
Happy 9th Birthday, Kelsie, on Friday, September 2nd.

Dad and Doran hunted on Saturday. No joy in Mudville, but they had a great time being together.
Kooper enjoyed my cleaning out the playroom. I sold one kitchen, and, since he loved playing at our house with this one, he got it.
No news this week. We heard he has a new job and starting a new job is always rough.
Kayty had a good week. She had bloodwork done on Wednesday and a doctors appt on Thursday. Her numbers were not good, so she is going back in three weeks. Thus, she is taking too much insulin, and I had a major save on Friday morning...two times...and one on Sunday morning. She is worth keeping alive, so I don't mind...
Work went very well this week and she ended up getting a few overtime hours in as well. She enjoyed church on Sunday too. Luke is being a pesky little boy cat, wanting to cat around at night. The coyotes would love that! So he sits and whines at the door all evening. Kayty is getting him fixed soon....but not soon enough!
The Nathan Rice Family
Here are more pics of Nathan's "hunt"
Nathan and Jessica spent their early week packaging up meat. They bought a simple hand grinder and ground up seven pounds of deerburger on Monday evening. Nathan is using his last few days before school begins to study SixSigma and Lean Manufacturing.He and Jessica started a portion control healthy eating plan. He was near death on Thursday but seemed to survive.
Hope Jessica survives him!
All else for the family went well. They have one more week before Nate starts school.
Annalee has been a bit grouchy, but it's probably due to teeth coming in.She is loving the venison though. They made an awesome pot roast and she loved it!!
Dad had many meetings all week. We received a "surprise" email late Thursday (after the stock market closed) announcing another furlough week from Sept 19 - 25. Lots of people are very angry, since there is still a layoff looming in a few weeks. Dad did get on the phone right away and found that his fingerprint clearance card had been ok'd and will be here next Tuesday. He contacted the school district and found out what he had to do to get a substitute teacher certificate. The paperwork was completed and mailed on Friday. He received an email late Friday that they would meet their new boss on Tuesday in a big meeting.
My work included the typical mopping, vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing toilets and tubs, laundry, as well as cleaning up more fallen leaves under the grapevines,grinding up a ton of eggshells,picking up fallen key limes (and disposing of the smaller ones),and doing some clean up on the back porch.
Dad's Garden
Dad is getting ready for planting. He also removed the shade covers from his pepper plants, since they are beginning to bloom. He also started his seeds in the planting pots for the winter garden: lettuce, romaine, swiss chard, chinese cabbage, collards.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Year of the House
His router bit came on Wednesday and he spent the next days working on preparing the router table for finishing the cabinet doors.We will need to start on the bathroom soon or it won't get finished this year, so not sure if the cabinet will get done. We will see.
Other highlights
Happy Birthday, Nano on Monday the 29th. She had a good day and we enjoyed talking on the phone.
September 1 Always Opening Day for Dove season...except for today. Everyone here had to work, including Dad who had scheduled a day long evaluation at a supplier, and ended up that the CEO of the supplier griped about the evaluation for an hour, and then only let Dad stay an hour and a half total. No hunt for the first opening day (except the ones that fell on Sunday) that I can ever even remember. Then notice of furlough came later. We will be able to tighten our belts and survive another very small paycheck (house payment, insurance payments, etc. are still deducted at the full amounts). It really wasn't a very happy kind of day...
Piano Tuned! I love it when our piano tuner comes!!! He gives us a mini concert after he is finished and it is just heavenly.
It was a good September 1 thing to think of Dad's dad, Doran C. Rice, on what would have been his 90th birthday!

Luke the Cat's current garage mouse count for the week is 2! They are gross to find, but I am glad they are dead and not roaming around out there!!
Not so highlights
Dad and I were the only two people in all of my Facebook, or in Phoenix/Glendale, or in Glendale North Stake, or in Thunderbird Hills Ward that were unaware ahead of time and thus were not in attendance at a football game between BYU and University of Arizona. The. Only. Ones. Our Sacrament meeting was full of visitors here to watch the game. I think I even saw a football player walking down our hallway. We knew nothing, and thus were home doing the four loads of baptismal clothing laundry while the rest of the people we know were at the University of Phoenix stadium.
I am so glad that BYU beat U of A in the last six seconds. Anyone beating U of A is great in my book!!
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