Dad was up worrying about his job and the layoff early Wednesday morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep after we talked, which meant that I WOULD have fallen asleep in an early morning temple session, so no Wednesday morning session. We had a boil over on the stove that included pepper powder that got into my lungs, leading to a horrible sounding cough, so no evening session for me, though I encouraged Dad to go.
Dad completed his home teaching on Tuesday night.
On Sunday, we were spiritually filled with our ward Primary Sacrament Meeting Program. The words were uplifting, the music was absolutely beautiful and testimony building. Our primary is large, so the podium filled with Junior Primary children to begin. At one point, all the children came on the podium and sang a song about the Book of Mormon and the Bible, and there was a violin duet played during this song that was written by a man in our ward. Then the Senior Primary remained on the stand, and the Junior Primary went to their seats. At one point, all the Activity Day girls sang together. At another point, all the senior primary boys were joined by all the young men in the ward and stood across the whole front of the church singing "Army of Helaman". It was absolutely beautiful.
We substituted for the nursery leaders on Sunday. I walked in to take snacks to the cabinet, and found the nursery absolutely trashed! Candy wrappers and candy strewn all across the floor. Toys everywhere. Crushed goldfish crackers in the carpet. I went to the supply closet and got the carpet sweeper and trash bags, and spent most of my time before church cleaning it up. Since our building is right next to the temple, people often come and use the nursery to keep children occupied during sealing ordinances, but this was absolutely ridiculous. I was fuming...
I am in Alma 21 in my scripture reading.
I have indexed 37,420 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Grace had a hard week with a new substitute Math teacher. She had to learn exponents and it was a challenge at first. She did some placement testing on Tuesday and Wednesday, and was selected to go on a special field trip on Thursday. Adam had volleyball on Saturday and their team made it to the playoffs!! Grace had a party and then the whole family went to their ward Trunk or Treat. Grace said she filled her jungle pillowcase full of candy...
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo is doing well. She has frequent doctor appointments now that Wade is nearing arrival. Late November/Early December. Kaylee loved preschool this week. On Friday, she had a fun time Trick or Treating at McDonough Square.

Jade came for a visit, and the ladies spent an enjoyable time at the Atlanta Aquarium.

The Doran Rice Family
Kooper had a great Monday...

Doran did very well and passed his HAM radio exam. Now, Dad will start to study.
Morgan started a new job this week.
Kayty had the day off on Monday and enjoyed sleeping in and doing a puzzle...
She went to Family Home Evening and carved a pumpkin and then went out on a date with her friend, Edward. Not as much overtime this week, which meant nights of good sleep. She and Edward went to a movie on Saturday night.
Number of saves this week: 2
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate found out he could go Elk hunting, and planned for Saturday, buying ammunition, etc.Sadly, on Saturday, he slept past his alarm, and in trying to catch up, slid off on a muddy road and needed his bishop's help to get pulled out. He did arrive and tried some hunting, but not successful this time. He did catch up with an adorable little pink monster named Annalee, who facetimed Grammy while eating all the yummy candy she got at trunk or treat. Nathan and Jessica said she was not happy with having the put the candy given to her in a bag! We facetimed on Sunday and Annalee was her busy self, and went to get that cute monster costume...perhaps hoping that if she wore it, she would get some more candy.
Dad had a busy Monday, with lots of meetings, a redistribution of supplier responsibilities, and a re take of his annual bloodwork for insurance, and working on his garden, squeezing a quart of key lime juice, and papa projects. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent doing his Captain work, as well as contacting his additional suppliers. Lots of meetings and spreadsheets on Thursday, and he spent a vacation day on Friday substituting in Seventh Grade Math.He took time this week to create a PowerPoint presentation on his employment accomplishments over the last 37 years at AiResearch/Garrett/AlliedSignal/Honeywell and sent that to his newer bosses. Last ditch to keep his job. He was impressed to do so, and this presentation is good to show to prospective employers as well.
My week included dusting, vacuuming, laundry, making sugar cookie dough and baking sugar cookies, baking four loaves of whole wheat bread, trimming up the key lime tree, hauling buckets of too small limes to the compost bin, hauling shirtfulls of limes to the house, making frosting for the sugar cookies, deciding the homemade frosting was too chunky and instead using some canned frosting, decorating cookies and making two plates for our Boo Doorbell Ditch, doing said doorbell ditch while nearly getting caught at the first house and deciding that it truly was a blessing to have never been boo-ed before since I am too old to run through dark yards to a waiting car, hunting for Luke the Cat so a coyote doesn't eat him, trimming, raking, hauling, more cleaning.I continue working on my Microsoft Office 2010 classes and am midway through completing the PowerPoint class.
Dad's Garden
Dad planted 9 romaine plants after the ones we had were bolting due to the heat.
He also planted snow peas. I harvested lettuce, cilantro, chard, hot peppers,
and key limes by the bushel. Dad squeezed and froze 3 quarts of key lime juice this week.
Dad's Truck
No truck this week.
Other highlights
One nice thing about a Kayty SAve is that I know her glucose level and so I was able to go on two three mile jogs and see the temple.
My village started to go up. First, the new backdrop and lighting...no holes in my new painted wall this year!
Not so highlights
Everyone is healthy. Everyone is working. Everyone in school is doing well. We are blessed.
Dad was up worrying about his job and the layoff early Wednesday morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep after we talked, which meant that I WOULD have fallen asleep in an early morning temple session, so no Wednesday morning session. We had a boil over on the stove that included pepper powder that got into my lungs, leading to a horrible sounding cough, so no evening session for me, though I encouraged Dad to go.
Dad completed his home teaching on Tuesday night.
On Sunday, we were spiritually filled with our ward Primary Sacrament Meeting Program. The words were uplifting, the music was absolutely beautiful and testimony building. Our primary is large, so the podium filled with Junior Primary children to begin. At one point, all the children came on the podium and sang a song about the Book of Mormon and the Bible, and there was a violin duet played during this song that was written by a man in our ward. Then the Senior Primary remained on the stand, and the Junior Primary went to their seats. At one point, all the Activity Day girls sang together. At another point, all the senior primary boys were joined by all the young men in the ward and stood across the whole front of the church singing "Army of Helaman". It was absolutely beautiful.
We substituted for the nursery leaders on Sunday. I walked in to take snacks to the cabinet, and found the nursery absolutely trashed! Candy wrappers and candy strewn all across the floor. Toys everywhere. Crushed goldfish crackers in the carpet. I went to the supply closet and got the carpet sweeper and trash bags, and spent most of my time before church cleaning it up. Since our building is right next to the temple, people often come and use the nursery to keep children occupied during sealing ordinances, but this was absolutely ridiculous. I was fuming...
I am in Alma 21 in my scripture reading.
I have indexed 37,420 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Grace had a hard week with a new substitute Math teacher. She had to learn exponents and it was a challenge at first. She did some placement testing on Tuesday and Wednesday, and was selected to go on a special field trip on Thursday. Adam had volleyball on Saturday and their team made it to the playoffs!! Grace had a party and then the whole family went to their ward Trunk or Treat. Grace said she filled her jungle pillowcase full of candy...
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo is doing well. She has frequent doctor appointments now that Wade is nearing arrival. Late November/Early December. Kaylee loved preschool this week. On Friday, she had a fun time Trick or Treating at McDonough Square.

Jade came for a visit, and the ladies spent an enjoyable time at the Atlanta Aquarium.

The Doran Rice Family
Kooper had a great Monday...

Doran did very well and passed his HAM radio exam. Now, Dad will start to study.
Morgan started a new job this week.
Kayty had the day off on Monday and enjoyed sleeping in and doing a puzzle...
She went to Family Home Evening and carved a pumpkin and then went out on a date with her friend, Edward. Not as much overtime this week, which meant nights of good sleep. She and Edward went to a movie on Saturday night.
Number of saves this week: 2
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate found out he could go Elk hunting, and planned for Saturday, buying ammunition, etc.Sadly, on Saturday, he slept past his alarm, and in trying to catch up, slid off on a muddy road and needed his bishop's help to get pulled out. He did arrive and tried some hunting, but not successful this time. He did catch up with an adorable little pink monster named Annalee, who facetimed Grammy while eating all the yummy candy she got at trunk or treat. Nathan and Jessica said she was not happy with having the put the candy given to her in a bag! We facetimed on Sunday and Annalee was her busy self, and went to get that cute monster costume...perhaps hoping that if she wore it, she would get some more candy.
Dad had a busy Monday, with lots of meetings, a redistribution of supplier responsibilities, and a re take of his annual bloodwork for insurance, and working on his garden, squeezing a quart of key lime juice, and papa projects. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent doing his Captain work, as well as contacting his additional suppliers. Lots of meetings and spreadsheets on Thursday, and he spent a vacation day on Friday substituting in Seventh Grade Math.He took time this week to create a PowerPoint presentation on his employment accomplishments over the last 37 years at AiResearch/Garrett/AlliedSignal/Honeywell and sent that to his newer bosses. Last ditch to keep his job. He was impressed to do so, and this presentation is good to show to prospective employers as well.
My week included dusting, vacuuming, laundry, making sugar cookie dough and baking sugar cookies, baking four loaves of whole wheat bread, trimming up the key lime tree, hauling buckets of too small limes to the compost bin, hauling shirtfulls of limes to the house, making frosting for the sugar cookies, deciding the homemade frosting was too chunky and instead using some canned frosting, decorating cookies and making two plates for our Boo Doorbell Ditch, doing said doorbell ditch while nearly getting caught at the first house and deciding that it truly was a blessing to have never been boo-ed before since I am too old to run through dark yards to a waiting car, hunting for Luke the Cat so a coyote doesn't eat him, trimming, raking, hauling, more cleaning.I continue working on my Microsoft Office 2010 classes and am midway through completing the PowerPoint class.
Dad's Garden
Dad planted 9 romaine plants after the ones we had were bolting due to the heat.
A salad from his romaine before it bolted. |
and key limes by the bushel. Dad squeezed and froze 3 quarts of key lime juice this week.
Dad's Truck
No truck this week.
Other highlights
One nice thing about a Kayty SAve is that I know her glucose level and so I was able to go on two three mile jogs and see the temple.
My village started to go up. First, the new backdrop and lighting...no holes in my new painted wall this year!
Not so highlights
Everyone is healthy. Everyone is working. Everyone in school is doing well. We are blessed.